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Management Students


Hello! I'm Valery Kotov. I'm 21. I was born in Shakhty in 1989. I'm not married. I live with my parents and my younger brother. My father is a lawyer. My mother is an accountant. My brother is 10 years old. He goes to school. He is in the fourth form.

I finished secondary school with honours. In 2006 I entered a technical university. I study full time. Now I'm a fourth-year student. I study in the Faculty of Humanities and Economics. I take economics. I'm going to be a manager. My specialization is the Economy of Mining Production and Geological Prospecting. I hope to specialize in management and administration in my final year. I do well at the university and get a grant. My favourite subject is management. I'm good at English, too. After graduation from the university I'd like to work as a manager in a mine or in a bank or in a prosperous private company.


I've got a friend. His name is Alexander Smirnov. He's twenty-four years of age. Alexander is married. He's got a wife and a daughter. Alexander has to support his family. He works as a shop-assistant in a small shop. His salary is not very high. My friend works on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday. His working day begins at 7.30 a.m. and ends at 4.00 p.m. Alexander is a part-time student at our university. He's in his second year. Alexander takes a course in economics. His specialization is Enterprise Management. He goes to the university twice a week: on Wednesday and Saturday. My friend attends lectures, classes and seminars. After each term he sits examinations. He usually has excellent and good marks in all subjects. Alexander is seldom given satisfactory marks in examinations. He never gets bad marks. His term papers are also very good.

I'm sure he will make a good manager. He hopes to get a good job after graduation.


Let me introduce myself. My name is Yelena Maslova. I'm twenty-three years old. I'm from Novocherkassk. I graduated from South Russia State Technical University in 2007. I'm doing a postgraduate course in economics. I study full time. I attend lectures and seminars for postgraduate students. My lecturers and teachers help me to learn modern research methods. I read journals and books on economics and management. My special field is management. It seems very important to me.

The subject of my thesis is Managing Small Business in the Rostov Region. My scientific supervisor is B. V. Petrov, Associate Professor, Candidate of Science (Economics). I dream of defending my thesis and working at the university. I like to mix with people. I'm fond of research work. I want to be a good lecturer.


Exercise 11. Find in the text the equivalents of these words and word combinations.

Студенты, изучающие менеджмент; окончил среднюю школу с отличием; учусь на дневном факультете; изучаю экономику; факультет гуманитарных наук, информатики и управления; экономика горного производства и геологоразведки; хорошо учусь в университете; продавец; студент-вечерник; управление предприятием; курсовые работы; посещаю лекции и семинары; аспиранты; преподаватели; исследовательские методы.


Exercise 12. Answer the following questions in pairs.

A. 1. How old is Valery Kotov?

2. What does he do?

3. Is Valery a full-time or part-time student?

4. What year is he in?

5. What's his specialization?

6. Does he do well at the university?

B. 1. Where does Alexander Smirnov work?

2. Is his salary high?

3. Has he got a family?

4. Why does he have to combine study with work?

5. Is Alexander in his final year at the university?

6. Is he a good student?

C. 1. Where is Yelena Maslova from?

2. When did she graduate from the university?

3. Why is she doing a post-graduate course?

4. What's the subject of her thesis?

5. Who's her scientific supervisor?

6. What are her plans for the future?

Exercise 13. Act out the dialogues.

1. – What is your first name, please?

– I'm Alexander.

2. – Tell me your last name/family name/surname, please.

– I'm Stepanov.

3. – Who are you?

– I'm Svetlana Baikova. Call me Sveta.

4. – How old are you? / What's your age?

– I'm eighteen years old.

5. – What date is your birthday? / When is your birthday?

– It's on the tenth of April.

6. – When and where were you born?

– I was born in Kamensk, Rostov region, in 1989.

7. – What nationality are you?

– I'm Russian.

8. – Are you married?

– I'm married. / I'm not married. / I'm single.

9. – Where are you from?

– I'm from Shakhty, Rostov region.

10. – What's your address?

– My address is 12, Dachnaya Street, Shakhty, Rostov region, 346500, Russia.

11. – What's your telephone number?

– My phone number is 2-75-23. Call me, please.

12. – What do you do?

– I'm an economics student.

13. – What higher school / higher educational institution / higher educational establishment do you study at?

– I study at South Russia State Technical University.

14. – Do you study full time or part time?

– I study full time / part time.

15. – What year are you in?

– I'm in my first year at the institute.

16. – What faculty are you in?

– I am in the Economics Faculty.

17. – Who's the dean of the Economics Faculty?

– The dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Informatics and Management is O.V. Bondarenko, Professor, Doctor of Science (Sociology).

18. – Who is the head of the Economics Department?

– The head of the Economics Department is Associate Professor O.A. Tkachyova.

19. – What specialized subjects do you study at the institute?

– I study management, economics, logistics, statistics, accounting and other subjects.

20. – What subject are you good at?

– I'm good at accounting.

21. – What is your favourite subject?

– My favourite subject is economics.

22. – Do you get a grant?

– Yes, I do. In the first term I did well at my exams and credit tests. That's why I get a grant.

23. – What is the subject of your term paper?

– It's "The Economic situation in the Rostov region".

24. – What's your specialization?

– Financial Management.

25. – What subject are you majoring in?

– Management. My minor subject is accounting.

26. – What subject does he major in?

– Business Administration.

27. – What's her major?

– Personnel Management.

28. – What are types of job opportunities for majors in Economics and Management?

– Some careers are economists in factories, plants, mines and managers of departments in companies.

29. – What's your future profession? What plans do you have for the future?

– I'm going to be a manager / an economist / a lawyer.

30. – Would you like to do postgraduate work?

– Yes, I'd like to go on with my research and do postgraduate work.

31. – What is your hobby?

– Going in for sports.

– Which sports do you like doing?

– I'm very keen on aerobics. I don't mind jogging.

– Which sports do you like watching?

– Gymnastics. And what about you?

– I'm not sports crazy.

32. – Are you into music?

– Oh, I'm addicted to music. I play the electric guitar and sing in a band.

33. – What sort of music do you like?

– I prefer classical music / rock music / jazz / disco / reggae / rap / hip-hop. But I'm not very keen on country music. I don't like opera music at all.

34. – Do you often go to clubs?

– Yes. I go to clubs either with my friends or on my own. I enjoy club music.


Exercise 14. Work in pairs. Speak about your age, place of residence, date of birth; place of work / studies, year at the institute / university, favourite subjects, specialization, plans for the future, interests.


Exercise 15. Tell the group about yourself and your studies.


Exercise 16. Speak about your day. Use the words and word combinations below.

To get up; to wake up; the alarm-clock; to ring; to air the room; to switch on the radio / television; to do my morning exercises to music; to go to the bathroom, to clean / brush my teeth; to shave; to wash; to dress; to cook breakfast; to lay the table; to have breakfast; to go to the institute / university; to take a bus / tram / trolley-bus; to go by bus / tram / trolley-bus; to go on foot; to be (not very) far from my house; it takes me half an hour to get to the institute; to study economics, management; to have classes / lectures; to have breaks; to have a snack at a cafe / canteen; to have dinner at home; to do homework; to do housework; to have a rest; to go to the library; to read books; to get tired; to watch TV; to go to the theatre / cinema / club; to go to discos; to enjoy; to have a date; to take the girl home; to return home; to have supper; to have / take a shower; to have / take a bath; to go to bed.


Exercise 17. Imagine you would like to have an e-friend from the United States. Write an e-mail about yourself and your studies. Consult the Writing Language Section.


Exercise 18. Role-play.

1. Roles: two friends.

Two friends who haven't seen each other for a long time meet in the centre of the town. One of them studies at Moscow University. He / she has just come to his/her home town on holiday. The latter studies at a local institute. The friends are glad to see each other. They speak about their studies, leisure, plans for the future.

2. Roles: a school-leaver and a student.

A school-leaver comes to a university. Не / she wants to get information about the university and specializations offered here. Не / she is not sure which higher educational institution in the city he / she will try to enter. The school-leaver sees an acquaintance of his / hers in the hall. The latter is a third-year student at the university. Не / she studies in the Economics Department. The school-leaver asks the student questions about the university and its curriculum. The student tries to convince him/her to enter the university and take a course in management.




2.1. Management Science

Exercise 1. Focus on the topical vocabulary.

to contribute to [kqn'trIbjHt] v способствовать чему-л., делать вклад в

to give an impetus to ['gIv qn 'ImpItqs] послужить стимулом для чего-л., дать толчок чему-л.

to increase [In'krJs] v повышать

wage [weIG] n заработная плата

at the turn of the century ['tE:n…'senCqrI] в начале века, на пороге нового столетия

labour ['leIbq] n труд

scientific management ["saIqn'tIfIk] научное управление

psychology [saI'kPlqGI] n психология

sociology["sqVsI'PlqGI] n социология

anthropology ["xnTrq'pPlqGI] n антропология

the process approach ['prqVses] процессный подход

the systems approach ['sIstqmz] системный подход

the contingency approach [kqn'tInGqnsI] ситуационный подход (букв. вероятностный подход)

quantitative ['kwPntItqntIv] a количественный

operations research ["Ppq'reISqnz rI'sE:C] исследование операций

to improve [Im'prHv] v улучшать, усовершенствовать

labour productivity ['leIbq "prPdqk'tIvItI] производительность труда

material incentives [mq'tIqrIql In'sentIvz] материальное стимулирование

personnel selection ["pE:sq'nel sI'lekSqn] отбор персонала

division of labour [dI'vIZqn qv 'leIbq] разделение труда

authority [L'TPrItI] n полномочие, власть

responsibility [rIs"pPnsq'bIlItI] n ответственность, обязанность

one-man management единоначалие

to remunerate [rI'mjHnqreIt] v вознаграждать, оплачивать

remuneration [rI"mjHnq'reISqn] n вознаграждение, оплата

order ['Ldq] n порядок

justice ['GAstIs] n справедливость

initiative [I'nISIqtIv] n инициатива

to give up ['gIv 'Ap] отказываться

to humanize ['hjHmqnaIz] v гуманизировать

creativity ["krJeI'tIvItI] n творческие способности

value ['vxljH] n ценность; v ценить

proponent [prq'pqVnqnt] n сторонник, защитник

to expand [Iks'pxnd] v расширять

application ["xplI'keISqn] n применение


Exercise 2. Practise saying the proper names.

Robert Owen ["rPbqt 'qVIn] Роберт Оуэн

Frederic W. Taylor ['fredrIk 'dAbl 'jH 'teIlq] Фредерик У. Тейлор

Frank and Lilian Gilbreth ['frxNk…'lIlIqn 'gIlbrqT] Фрэнк и Лилиан Гилбрет

Henri Fayol Анри Файоль


Exercise 3. Try to understand the meaning of the derivatives.

Depend, dependent, independent; know, knowledge, well-known; appear, appearance; vary, various; represent, representative; exist, existence; invade, invader, invasion; begin, beginner, beginning; manufacture, manufacturing, manufacturer; introduce, introduction; quantity, quantitative; author, authority; remunerate, remuneration; great, greatness; suit, suitable; expand, expansion; apply, application; certain, certainly, certainty.


Exercise 4. Guess what these international words mean.

To practise management; various periods; emperors, the Roman Empire; tsars, generals, officers, governors of provinces; various political and religious organizations; an effective organization structure; a hierarchy in the army; to command legions; the cardinal; the objects of management; mathematics, engineering, psychology, sociology, anthropology; an analytical method; to manage business organizations; personnel selection and training; productivity; general and industrial management; to formulate principles of management; initiative; corporate culture; American industry; to humanize business organizations; managerial functions; planning, organization and control; management techniques; general systems theory; human factors.


Exercise 5. Read the words with the prefix inter - (взаимо-, меж-, между-) and say what they mean.

Interact, interaction, interchange, interchangeable, interconnected, interdependent, international, interplanetary, interrelated, interrelation, interdisciplinary, interregional.


Exercise 6. Read the following word combinations and give their Russian equivalents.

Management science, management studies, relatively young, since ancient times, trade organizations, a strong army, a rigid hierarchy, the Roman Catholic Church, to introduce economic reforms, to improve the working conditions, to increase the workers' wages, the English Industrial Revolution, to publish a book, a branch of knowledge, major approaches to management, scientific management, the process approach, the systems approach, the contingency approach, a quantitative method, to give up the idea, to balance rationality with intuition and creativity.


Exercise 7. Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. The shop-assistant ___ (serves / is serving) customers now. 2. They ___ (were having / had) their breakfast at 8 o'clock. 3. Don't phone me. I ___ (will work, will be working). 4. It ___ (was raining / rains) the whole day. 5. While the students ___ (will do / were doing) a test, the teacher ___ (will be checking / was checking) the students' essays. 6. The customer said that he ___ (would be waiting / will be waiting) for the manager. 7. The director ___ (comes / is coming) back tomorrow. 8. It ___ (will be going / is going) to rain. 9. We ___ (are going / was going) to the disco tonight. 10. What ___ (do you do / are you doing) tonight? – Why, nothing in particular. 11. The documents ___ (are typing / are being typed now. 12. When the manager came in, the terms of delivery ___ (were being discussed / were discussed) by the experts. 13. A new shopping centre ___ (is built / is being built) in our street. 14. The students ___ (are reading / are being read) a text about the economy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


Exercise 8. Work in pairs. Speak about your studies at university. Consult the model.

Model. A: What disciplines are you taking this year?

B: We are studying…

A: What term paper are you writing?

B: I'm preparing a paper on schools of management.


Exercise 9. Work in pairs. Discuss the economic situation in Russia. Consult the model and list of word combinations below.

Model. A: Is the economic situation in the country improving?

B: I think yes. Business is growing.

A: You may be right here. But prices are rising, too.

The standard of living, to become higher; new companies, to appear; prices, to rise; pensions, to rise; inflation, to rise; the economic situation, to improve; factories, to begin working; the number of unemployed, to grow; business, to grow.


Exercise 10. Read the following text about the development of management studies. Why did this science appear in the USA?


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