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Management Training in the USA and Great Britain


Management Training in the USA and Great Britain

Management is a relatively young science. It was born in the USA at the beginning of the 20th century. It was the period of rapid economic growth of the country. The United States became a powerful nation with rich natural resources and developed industry and agriculture. The interests of business called for effective organization of production, buying and selling of goods and services. The companies were also in need of people who were able to make business profitable.

Management science has links with many branches of knowledge – mathematics, engineering, sociology, psychology, etc. But first of all, management is closely connected with economics, the oldest of the social sciences dealing with the production of wealth, the consumption of products and services, and the organization of the monetary system, industry, trade and business in a country or in the world.

Experts believe that management science is an independent branch of knowledge which deals with the control and organizing of different businesses and non-profit organizations as well as handling people at work. Management studies are an integral part of training economists, businessmen and administrators. Economics, business and management are studied at universities, colleges and different business schools all over the world.

The United States is the world leader in management. Management Science was mostly developed in the country in the 20th century. Scientific management stimulated the development of US economy. Since then the Americans have shown the effectiveness of their economic and administrative systems. The names of such US companies as Ford, General Motors, General Electric, Microsoft, Coca Cola, McDonald's and many others are world-famous. The effectiveness of American business can be justly explained by the effectiveness of business studies and management science.

Nowadays in the USA there are over 1300 business schools, 600 of them belong to universities. More than 10,000 management consulting companies work in the country.

The American university system of management education has three stages. After completing the courses of tuition, students are first awarded a bachelor's degree, then a master's degree and finally a doctor's degree. Having finished high school, young people go to university and receive a bachelor's degree after four years of studies. After two more years at university graduates take the degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Management Science (MMS), Master of International Management (MIM), etc. The MBM programs are prevailing in the US schools of business. The highest university degree is a Philosophy Doctor (PHD), given after further three or four years of studies. A master's degree is professional, a doctoral degree is scientific.

At US universities students take economics, economic law, accounting, marketing, business management, business financing, business law, operating management, human relations, personnel management, computer science, and other disciplines.

Harvard University, Stanford University, the University of San Francisco, the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Michigan, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have world-famous schools of business. There is a graduate seminar in management at Radcliffe College, one of the prestigious Seven Sisters schools for women.

The leader in American business and management education is Harvard Business School. University graduates having an MBA from Harvard University are in great demand in the country and abroad.

European management education is also highly regarded in the world. There are about 300 centres of training managers in Europe. Some British business schools rank among the best educational institutions.

The London School of Economics is a prestigious college at London University. The college was founded in 1895. Students study economics, finance, accounting, business management, business financing, business law, financial management, personnel management, etc. Graduates are awarded an MBA degree.

The University of Manchester has a famous school of business. Manchester Business School was founded in 1965. It trains managers for different branches of industry.

Business colleges are secondary educational institutions. Students take courses in economics, business studies, bookkeeping, office work, typing, stenography and others.

In different countries many companies train their own management personnel of middle and low levels. They encourage people having broad practical experience, knowledge of production processes and business activity, and send them to take a management course. Loyal, enterprising, creative, and skilled workers are promoted to higher positions.

Big companies train their managerial staff by themselves at special institutions. For example, the famous US company General Electric has the Management Development Institute in Ossining, N.Y. A lot of GE employees attend courses in management to get positions as managers. Many managers participate in corporate management-improvement programs. There are also successful programs for top managers: the Management Development Course, the Business Management Course, and the Executive Development Course. If a manager is promising, he or she is sent to the institute to take a course, and promoted to a higher or leading position.


Exercise 10. Find in the text the equivalents of these words and word combinations.

Производство благ; потребление продуктов; денежная система; неотъемлемая часть; a также; подготовка экономистов, бизнесменов и администраторов; главным образом; известны во всем мире; ступени (обучения); получать степень бакалавра; степень магистра; степень доктора; выпускники университета; изучают экономику; пользуются спросом; пользуются хорошей репутацией; относятся к лучшим учебным заведениям; средние учебные заведения; управленческий персонал среднего и нижнего звена; выдвигаются на более высокие должности; работники "Дженерал электрик"; посещать курсы менеджмента.


Exercise 11. Answer the following questions in pairs.

1. What sciences is management connected with?

2. What is management science?

3. What country is the world leader in management?

4. What famous American companies do you know?

5. What degrees do American universities award to their students?

6. What degrees for management do university graduates receive?

7. What are the most prestigious business schools in the United States?

8. What are the famous business schools in Great Britain?

9. Would you like to study management abroad? Where in particular?


Exercise 12. Read the article about the London School of Economics. Prove that it is the most prestigious college of this kind in the United Kingdom.


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