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London School of Economics

The London School of Economics and Political Science is institution of higher learning in the City of Westminster, London, England. It is one of the world's leading institutions devoted to the social sciences. A pioneer institution in the study of sociology and international relations, it offers bachelor's, master's, and doctorate degree programs. Among its postgraduate courses are those in European politics and policy, gender, housing, the political economy of transition in Europe, the politics of empire and postimperialism, and social policy and planning in developing countries. It administers centres for research in economics, finance, politics, and society; for environmental law and policy; and for the study of global governance. Total full-time enrollment is approximately 5,600; about half of its students are postgraduates.

The London School of Economics was cofounded in 1895 by Sidney and Beatrice Webb, the former a trustee of the will of Henry Hunt Hutchinson, who wanted the residue of his estate to be spent on socially constructive purposes. George Bernard Shaw was also important in the founding of the school, which became a college of the University of London in 1900. Although Hutchinson, the Webbs, Shaw, and other cofounders were dedicated Fabians, the Webbs established the principle that the school would offer knowledge and interpretation without dogma. Thus, the influential conservative Friedrich von Hayek was among its five faculty members who have won Nobel Prizes in economics. Foreign students have long constituted a large proportion of LSE's student body; in the 1990s about half of its students came from overseas. Among former LSE students are some two dozen past or present heads of state, including presidents and prime ministers.


Exercise 13. Say if these statements are true or false. Correct the wrong variants.

1. The London School of Economics is situated in the centre of the British capital.

2. This institution of higher learning specializes both in social sciences and natural sciences.

3. Students and postgraduates study the problems of global economic and social development, worldwide policy and management.

4. A prominent playwright played an important part in establishing the college.

5. Foreign students are not admitted to the London School of Economics.


Exercise 14. Work in pairs. Speak about prestigious American and British universities and business schools. Use the model and information below.

Model. A: Where is Harvard University situated?

B: Harvard University is in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

A: Who founded the university?

B: John Harvard did.

A: When was Harvard University founded?

B: In 1636. It is the oldest educational institution in the United States.

A: Does the university have a business school?

B: Yes. Harvard Business School is prestigious and world-famous.

Stanford University; to the south of San Francisco, California; Leland Stanford; 1885; Stanford Business School.

University of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Benjamin Franklin; 1749; a business school.

London University; London; 1836; London School of Economics.

Exercise 15. How do you feel about getting higher education through Distance Learning? Read the advertisement about the American University of London and say if you would like to study there and why. What is the mission of the university and how well is it carried out, in your view?

The American University Of London AUOL, was originally established in 1984 as the American College of Science & Technology and became a University in 1986. The international distance learning centre was incorporated independently as an On-Line and Distance Learning University. The mission of the university is to "to bring closer to every student everywhere in the world the exciting prospect of higher education through Distance Learning.

Currently AUOL has six Schools: School of Business, School of Information Technology, School of Law, School of Education & Liberal Arts, School of English & School of Humanities. Each School has its own members consisting of a Dean, tutors, assessors and accredited examiners.

Students from more than 90 countries have registered at AUOL. The Alumni are found around the world particularly in South East Asia, the USA & Canada, and the Middle East & China.

The university offers 65 undergraduate majors and 83 minors. AUOL also offers 26 graduate programs in Law, Business, Arts, Education, English and the Humanities.

AUOL has academic co-operation agreements, affiliation & representations with a number of educational establishments in the USA, Canada, Malaysia, China, Greece, Syria, Indonesia, Egypt, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Hungary, Iran, Yemen, Taiwan & S.Korea.



Exercise 16. Work in pairs. Ask your partner what foreign countries he/she has visited and what educational institutions offer management education there.

Model. A: What foreign countries have you visited?

B: I've been to the Netherlands and Switzerland.

A: Where can you get management education in these countries?

B: I think you can do Executive MBA programs in the Maastricht School of Management. By the way, they have a globally networked management school. The University of St.Gallen in Switzerland offers full-time MBA programs. It is situated just outside Zurich, one of the world's most important financial capitals.


Exercise 17. Work in pairs. Compare the curricula at foreign and Russian universities, institutes or business schools. Use the model below.

Model. A: What subjects do American students take at business schools?

B: They study…

A: What about Russian economics students?

B: They take…

Exercise 18. Discuss the following topics in class.

1. The best management education.

2. The most prestigious higher educational institutions in the world.


Exercise 19. Imagine you would like to study management abroad. Write a letter to the university / college / business school. Consult the Writing Language Section.


1.2. Training of Managers in Russia

Exercise 1. Focus on the topical vocabulary.

curriculum [kq'rIkjulqm] (pl curricula [kq'rIkjulq]) n учебный план, программа университета, института

first-year student ['fE:st 'jIq 'stjHdqnt] = freshman ['freSmqn] n амер. студент-первокурсник

to be a first-year student =to be in one's first year быть на первом курсе

second-year student = sophomore ['sPfqmL] n амер. студент-второкурсник

senior student ['sJnIq] старшекурсник

undergraduate ['Andq"grxGuqt] n студент последнего курса

postgraduate ['pqVst 'grxGuIt] n = graduate student аспирант

general sciences ['Genqrql] общеобразовательные науки

(the) humanities [hjH'mxnItIz] = liberal arts ['lIbqrql 'Rts] pl гуманитарные науки

advertising ['xdvqtaIzIN] реклама

logistics [lq'GIstIks] n логистика; снабжение, материально-техническое обеспечение

computer science [kqm'pjHtq "saIqns] информатика, наука о преобразовании информации

production planning [prq'dAkSqn 'plxniN] производственное планирование

organization planning ["LgqnaI'zeISqn] организационное планирование

risk management управление рисками

insurance [in'Suqrqns] n страхование

enterprise management ['entqpraIz] управление предприятием

project management ['prPGqkt] управление проектом

real estate ['rIql Is'teIt] недвижимое имущество, недвижимость

realty ['rIqltI] n недвижимое имущество

labour law ['leIbq] трудовое право

quality management ['kwPlItI] управление качеством

quality audit ['kwPlItI 'LdIt] = quality check [Cek] = quality control [kqn'trqVl] контроль качества, проверка качества

realtor ['rIqltq] n амер. агент по продаже недвижимости

marketing specialist ["mRkItIN 'speSqlIst] маркетолог


Exercise 2. Try to understand the meaning of the derivatives.

Proper, properly; quality, qualified, qualification; human, humanity, humanities; chemical, chemistry; insure, insurance; enterprise, enterprising; graduate, undergraduate, postgraduate, graduation; plan, planner, planning; specialize, specialized, specialization; tax, taxation; person, personnel; complete, completion; leave, school-leaver;deal, dealer; distribute, distribution, distributor; real, realty, realtor.


Exercise 3. Guess whatthese international words mean.

Economics, management and business training; market economy; the private sector in the economy; economics departments at universities, institutes and colleges; international managers; business correspondence; documents; the formal style of communication; the leading centre of culture in Russia.


Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with the prepositions after, as, at, by, in, of, on, to where necessary.

1. __ present there are a lot __ higher educational establishments training economists and managers __ Russia. 2. Freshmen study such subjects __mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science and others. 3. Mr.Brown is a manager __ a bank. 4. She works __ an accountant __ a firm. 5. __ the USA university students pay __ their tuition. 6. The Economics Department was founded __ July 30, __ 1950. 7. St.Petersburg University was established __ Peter the Great __ 1724. 8. Miss Adams is a Bachelor __ Management. 9. __ lunch he returned __ the office. 10. Soft drinks are __ great demand __ summer.


Exercise 5. Find synonyms in List A and В, С and D.

Model: a department – a chair

A. A second-year student; a department; a subject; finals; tuition; importance; a dissertation; demands; realty; a first-year student.

B. Instruction; significance; a sophomore; a freshman; a chair; final examinations; a thesis; requirements; discipline; real estate.

Model: to set up – to establish

C. To train; to start a business; to research; to set up; to have training; to include; to be prestigious; to continue; to be in need of; to be necessary; to take management.

D. To found a firm; to do research; to establish; to be a trainee; to study management science; to be highly regarded; to go on; to deliver training; to comprise; to need; to be a must.


Exercise 6. Read the following word combinations and give their Russian equivalents.

Firms and joint ventures; to meet the demand of; to pay for tuition; to be free of charge; to do research; to grow considerably; to be in need of; to take realty; labour law; office work; to be qualified as accountants; to take a post-graduate course; to defend a thesis; to receive a candidate's degree; to take a doctor's degree; to be in great demand; to be highly regarded; to rank among the ten top universities in the world; to complete a four-year course of studies; to work as realtors and quality controllers.

Exercise 7. Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the verb to be.

1. Now we ___ economics students. 2. My friend ___ good at sciences at school. 3. Hurry! You ___ to go there at once. 4. She ___ to come to my place tomorrow. 5. I ___ interested in management. 6. Who ___ to blame? 7. My girl-friend ___ 20 years old then. 8. Mr. Brown ___ in. He's waiting for you. 9. You're mistaken, he ___ a talented engineer. 10. ___ you at home yesterday? 11. It ___ difficult to find a good job now. 12. The money ___ on the table. Take it.


Exercise 8. Read the text and compare management training abroad and in Russia.

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