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Personal Contacts

About a century ago, in 1912, Dale Carnegie began to conduct his famous courses in public speaking, social contacts and human relationships. He taught American businessmen and professionals from foreign countries how to develop their abilities, how to speak effectively, how to interest listeners in their ideas, how to win friends in business, how to influence and manage people, and many other things. Modern psychologists and experts in leadership training continue his work.

John Lucht is a US head-hunter and outstanding authority on management. In his article Expand your Career by Expanding Yourself, he advises to make useful connections in society in order to be more successful in business.

Again and again people have heard the old cynical saying: "It's not what you know, but who you know that counts!"

Unfortunately, these words are spoken bitterly by one of the losers of the world. He can't understand why someone having better connections and reputation has just received a promotion or a new job, but he hasn't.

How sad. He doesn't want to know the reasons why winners win. He takes no steps to expand his own valuable network of personal contacts. In the business world – and society in general – nobody will look for the wisest and most virtuous person to escort him to a position of leadership.

Far from it. We all usually give opportunity and responsibility to people we already know and like. We also pay attention to people warmly recommended by others whom we know and trust.

And we give more attention to strangers who are prominent in their fields than to anonymous strangers who may be equally or even better qualified than these others.

John Lucht gives some tips on expanding personal contacts.

Associations. Don't pass the chance to represent your company at a trade-association conference. Don't say that you're "too busy".

Go. You'll get to know people who work for your competitors. If they're high-level and impressed with you, they may be sources of career growth. If they're lower-level, but able, they may be prospective employees.

Seminars. Accept invitations to take part in forums and panel discussions. They can be a quick way to become known in your industry. Don't wait to be invited to be a panelist. Write or phone the president of the association and give your suggestions.

If your idea is helpful, you will be asked to present it. If you become the leader, you'll make very high-level contacts. And even if you're just a participant, you'll become known.

Start your own association. It's done all the time. Your professional organization will give you contacts and supporters. You will gain experience of leadership and enjoy the pleasure of people's company.

Writings. Perhaps you can be lucky to publish an article in a famous journal. If your expertise is too specialized, write something for a trade paper in your industry. You will probably be called on for commentary by professional writers.

Outside Boards. You can become a director of a small company. There are also many young charitable and cultural organizations. You can be asked to join the board of one of them.

Fund Raising. As a supporter and maybe someday a board member of a charitable or cultural organization, you can be asked to raise money from corporations and wealthy people. It will fill your address book with prominent contacts.

Clubs. You should be a member of a club (a country club, a city lunch club or an athletic club). Entertain an outside guest. Participate in annual golf or tennis tournaments and get to know your fellow members.

Take the Initiative. When you read an article about someone who's just pioneered a new technology, write a note of appreciation and invite him to lunch. Introduce yourself to a conference speaker whose ideas you support, and suggest meeting later for a drink. Set up an appointment to meet the dean of a nearby business school; perhaps some of your business problems will become his graduate students' research projects, with mutual benefit.

Valuable Contacts. People you know are not just "connections" to help you to get hired. They can help you – and you can help them.

Telephone you contacts to get information about business. People will tell you who are the best doctors, where to send your son to college, etc.

Have good contacts and be a good contact.

The great problem is how to keep in touch with so many people. Neither you nor your contacts have the time. Here are some suggestions:

– Phone your contacts to congratulate them on their success. Leave your message if you don't get through.

– Mail something "first-class" to all your contacts annually not to lose them.

– Send holiday cards.

– Invite your contacts to cocktail parties and other special events.

– If you're too busy to attend a hockey game or a fashion show, send a pair of tickets to someone who will enjoy the event.

The most successful people value friendship. And they warmly appreciate their relationships with kind and helpful people they know less well. Their philosophy parallels President Kennedy's: ask not what your contacts can do for you; ask what you can do for your contacts.


Exercise 9. Find in the text the equivalents of these words and word combinations.

Публичные выступления; взаимоотношения между людьми; специалист, ведущий поиск талантливых работников; заводить полезные связи; неудачники; не предпринимает шагов; дает несколько советов по поводу расширения личных связей; не упустите шанс; представьте свои предложения; сторонники; благотворительные и культурные организации; сбор средств; богатые люди; ежегодные турниры по гольфу или теннису; выступающий на конференции; исследовательские проекты; оставьте сообщение; ценят дружбу.


Exercise 10. Answer the following questions in pairs.

1. Do personal contacts really help people to get good jobs?

2. Do you enjoy meeting new people?

3. Do you like to take part in different meetings, conferences?

4. Do you like to speak in public?

5. Are you a communicative person?

6. How can one benefit by money raising for charitable purposes?

7. Is it important to participate in club activities? Why?

8. Are you always ready to take the initiative?

9. Do you help your contacts? Do your contacts help you?


Exercise 11. Comment on the following statements:

1. It's not what you know, but who you know that counts. (A saying)

2. "In the business world – and society in general – nobody will look for the wisest and most virtuous person to escort him to the position of leadership." (J. Lucht)

3. "Have good contacts and be a good contact." (J. Lucht)

4. "Ask not what your contacts can do for you, ask what you can do for your contacts." (J. F. Kennedy)

5. Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. (A proverb)


Exercise 12. Write an annotation of the text "Personal Contacts". The questions below and the Writing Language Section will help you.

1. What is the title of the text?

2. Whose ideas is the text based on?

3. What is the text about?

4. What issues are touched upon?

5. Who is the material intended for?


Exercise 13. Look through the phrases which will help you to invite people to attend an event or to take part in something.


1. Would you care to attend our meeting? (formal)

2. Would you like to come to my place for lunch?

3. Let's go to the exhibition.

4. Do you feel like having a drink? (informal)

5. What/how about going to the theatre? (informal)

Accepting an Invitation

1. (Yes,) very much. Thank you for your kind invitation.

2. (Yes,) I'd like to (very much), thank you.

3. (Yes,) I'd love to.

4. It's very kind to invite me.

5. That's a good idea.

6. I don't mind.

7. All right.

8. O.K.

Declining an Invitation and Reasoning

1. I'm afraid I'm unable to accept your invitation. I've got a previous / prior engagement. (formal)

2. I'm sorry I can't. I'm very busy at the moment.

3. I'd like to, but I've promised to finish the work.

4. Thank you, but (I'm afraid)...

5. No, thanks. I'm not feeling too well.(informal)

Exercise 14. Act out the dialogues.

1. An Invitation to a Cocktail Party

A: Are you doing anything special tomorrow night?

B: No, nothing special. Why?

A: I'm having a cocktail party. Would you like to come?

B: Thank you. That would be lovely. What time?

A: Half past eight.

B: Fine. See you then.

2. An Invitation to Dinner

A: Would you like to come to dinner at my house?

B: Sorry, I can't. I've already promised to go and see my business friend. It's very kind to invite me.

3. An Invitation to Lunch

A: Have you got any plans for today?

B: No, nothing in particular.

A: I wonder whether you'd like to have lunch with me?

B: That would be very nice. Thank you.

A: I'll meet you in the restaurant then at a quarter to one.

B: I'll be there.

4. An Invitation to an Art Exhibition

A: Are you free on Sunday?

B: Yes. Why?

A: How about going to the exhibition? I know you're interested in painting.

B: Thank you, but I'm afraid I've already visited the exhibition.

Exercise 15. Look through the phrases that can be used when you greet and congratulate people on different occasions.

Congratulations and Wishes

1. (A) Happy / Merry Christmas (to you)!

(A) Happy New Year!

(A) Happy Easter!

(Very) best wishes for/on Victory Day.

Thank you, the same to you!

2. (A) Happy birthday!

Many happy returns (of the day)!

Congratulations on your coming-of-age.

I wish you health, wealth, and happiness.

I'd like you to have this.

This gift is for you.

3. Let me offer you my congratulations on your success.

Congratulations to all the winners.

(My) Congratulations!

Congratulations on your promotion.(formal)

Congratulations on your marriage. (formal)

I wish you every happiness. (formal – at the wedding party)

Thank you very much.

I congratulate you, your report's very interesting.



I drink (to) your health.

Here's to you.

Here's to our cooperation!


Exercise 16. Act out the dialogues.

1. On Christmas Eve

A: Merry Christmas!

B: Thank you. Happy Christmas to you, too.

2. A Promotion

A: Let me offer you my congratulations on your promotion.

B: Thank you very much. Would you like to come to my place for dinner tomorrow evening at seven?

B: Yes. It's very kind to invite me.

3. At Table

A: Here's to you. I wish you success and good health.

B: Thank you very much.

4. Over the telephone

A: Could I speak to Mr. Bent, please?

B: Speaking.

A: Alderman's calling. How are you, Mr. Bent?

B: Fine, thank you. And you?

A: Very well, thank you. Mr. Bent, I read your article in the trade paper yesterday. I found it very interesting. My congratulations.

B: Thank you very much.

A: Give my regards to your family. Hope to see you soon.

B: Thank you. Best regards to your wife. Good-bye.

5. At the Conference

A: Mr. Brown, let me introduce myself. I'm Peter Alby from the Coal Association. I was greatly impressed with your report at the conference. It was a success. Congratulations!

B: Thank you very much. Are you interested in the problem?

A: Yes, I am. I'd like to discuss some issues with you. I wonder if you could have lunch with me some time.

B: Yes, I'd like to.

A: How about tomorrow?

B: I'm afraid I can't make it tomorrow. I've got a previous engagement.

A: What about Monday then?

B: Yes, Monday would be fine.

A: I'll call for you at your hotel.

B: Thank you. What time?

A: Is 12.30 convenient for you?

B: Yes, that will do very well.

A: I'll see you on Monday then. Thank you.

B: Thank you. Good-bye.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-18; просмотров: 777. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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