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Attaining Your Ambitions

Most American citizens believe in realization of the American dream – to rise from poverty to wealth and fame. The American dream is based on the values of freedom, equal opportunities for all, self-reliance and hard work. Americans admire winners and high achievers – people who have made themselves. They dislike losers or failures – people who do not want to work hard and realize their abilities.

John R. Noe is one of high achievers. He is president of Industrial Housekeeping Management Systems (Indianapolis), a training and management consulting firm. Mr. Noe is a successful businessman and a famous mountain climber who scaled the famous Matterhorn and Mount Kilimanjaro. He is the author of the book Peak Performance Principles for High Achievers.

There are high achievers in a variety of careers. Sometimes they look like everybody else. But they are the people who are always seeking something great to do, to experience, to become.

In his book, John R. Noe gives questions which can help readers to decide if they have the qualities needed to become a high-achiever.

1. Do you really want to become a high achiever? A fellow mountain climber once told Mr. Noe that the key to all self-discipline is desire. Since becoming a high achiever requires so much self-discipline and such a large personal investment, it is important to have desire.

Here are some characteristics of a high achiever.

Firstly, high achievers usually spend a lot of time alone and in silence. It's important for creative work.

Secondly, high achievers are constantly finding themselves in new situations. They are ready to move to a new city, take a new job, pioneer a new technology. Often, high achievers must risk everything and face uncertainty.

Thirdly, usually high achievers are not understood by their peers. Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote: "To be great, is to be misunderstood." If you study the biographies of high achievers, you will discover that most of these people were misunderstood, often by those closest to them who were unable to believe in their great future. If you set your course toward becoming a high achiever, don't expect even your closest relatives and colleagues to understand you. The most you can realistically hope for is that they will continue to love you.

2. Do you have a stronger inner urge to reach out? The urge to create, to achieve, to reach for new experiences is like a compressed spring inside the high achiever.

If you have this kind of creative urge, you have one of the necessary ingredients for becoming a high achiever.

3. What matters most to you? This is the key question for the high achiever. What do you value most? Is it money? Recognition? Material possessions? How much do you value some essential qualities of life? Some of these qualities are self-respect, pride of accomplishment, the capacity for love, and a positive outlook.

The path is often rough for the high achiever, and during those tough times you need more than material motivations to keep you moving.

4. What are you willing to invest? High achievement requires a lot of energy, time, effort, and commitment.

Michelangelo, whose sculpture and paintings have been famous for more than four centuries, did not become a great painter and sculptor overnight. Although he had great talent and genius, his accomplishments came only after he had invested himself to the point of physical exhaustion in becoming one of the greatest artists who ever lived.

In answering the question – Do you have what it takes to become a high achiever? – you must answer the question: What are you willing to invest? The answer should be that you are willing to invest whatever it takes.

5. How much are you willing to endure? To that question those who want to be high achievers answer: "Whatever I must endure!" They learn to overcome difficulties and transform difficulties into opportunities.

6. What are you willing to give up? Most people want only comfortable living. High achievers must be ready to give up momentary pleasures and reach for their long-term goals.

Remember this: Whatever you give yourself to it always becomes your master.

7. How much responsibility are you willing to take? There are many people who can do a job given to them. There is a great need for people who will take responsibility.

High achievers never complain about demanding jobs, little vacation time, or low benefits and salaries. They focus their attention on how they can do a better job for their employer, or even how they can start their own business and take on all of the responsibilities.

High achievement and responsibility go hand in hand.

8. Are you willing to start where you are? You must work hard to make your dreams come true. "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single a step," says the wise old Oriental proverb. How many of us are spending 8 hours each week developing our personal potential? Remember this: you can always get to where you want to go, if you are willing to start where you are. Start doing what you can do. Step by step you'll reach your goal. If you can't be perfect, be the best you can.

9. Are you willing to think for yourself? One of the great myths that keep people from becoming high achievers is the idea that the harder you work, the more you will accomplish. It is true that there is no substitute for honest, hard work. However, it is equally important to achieve a balance between thought and action.

10. Are you ready to achieve more than you have already achieved? Many people who have been high achievers are now failures because they stopped working to achieve a new goal. "Success has ruined many a man," wrote Benjamin Franklin.

You can,too! I believe that you have what it takes to become a high achiever. I believe that the potential for reaching high goals was placed within each of us by the Creator.

You, too, can climb great mountains. You, too, can stand on top of the world. You, too, can feel the joy of high achievement, if you're willing.

Are you willing?

Exercise 13. Find in the text the equivalents of these words and word combinations.

Достижение целей; реализация американской мечты; всегда стремятся сделать что-то великое; качества, необходимые для того, чтобы добиться успеха; требует большой самодисциплины и такой огромной самоотдачи; во-первых, во-вторых, в-третьих; творческая работа; переехать в новый город; взяться за новую работу; внедрить новую технологию; смело смотреть в лицо неизвестности; коллеги; взять курс на;основной вопрос; материальные блага; гордость за достижения; способность любить; позитивное мировоззрение; удобная жизнь; отказаться от сиюминутных удовольствий; стремиться к перспективным целям; жаловаться на трудную работу; короткий отпуск; незначительные привилегии, зарплата; брать на себя всю ответственность; шаг за шагом.


Exercise 14. Answer the following questions in pairs.

1. What do you know about the American dream?

2. What do you know about John Noe?

3. What are the most important characteristics of the high achiever, according to John Noe?

4. What qualities must a high achiever possess?

5. What obstacles must a high achiever overcome?

6. Do you find John Noe's questions helpful to people willing to be successful professionals?

7. What prominent people do you admire? Why?


Exercise 15. Comment on the following statements.

1. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. (An Oriental proverb)

2. "If you can't be perfect, be the best you can." (J. R. Noe)

3. "Success has ruined many a man." (B. Franklin)

4. Every man is the architect of his own fortune. (An English proverb)

5. A good beginning makes a good ending. (An English proverb)

6. You never know what you can do till you try. (An English proverb)


Exercise 16. Work in pairs or in small groups. Speak about business you can start in your city / town. Use the questions and lists of words and word combinations below.

1. What sort of industry can be developed or restored in your town?

Heavy industry, mining industry, machine-building, civil engineering, manufacture of building materials, food industry, light industry, textile industry, footwear industry, public service, tourist industry.

2. What products can be manufactured and traded in?

Coal; mining machines; brick, stone, crushed stone, sand, cement, concrete, reinforced concrete; flour; bread, bakery products, alcohol, alcohol-free drinks, sweets, dairy products, meat, fish, fruits, vegetables; fabrics, footwear, knitwear, clothing, synthetic detergents, medicines, tobacco.

3. What can be done to improve production and distribution of goods?

To modernize production, to introduce new technologies, to lower prices, to improve quality of products, to increase the company's share of the market, to gain new customers, to create new jobs, to raise labour productivity, to improve management methods.

4. What public services are offered in your town?

Gas supplies, electricity supplies, housing and communal services, laundry service, postal service, repair service, transport services, catering, selling airline tickets, organizing excursions, securing accommodations at vacation centres and sanatoriums, educational services, medical service.

5. What are the ways of improving services?

To expand a range of services, to improve work with customers, to attract new clients, to raise quality of services, to provide excellent eating / educational / hotel / medical /public health / recreational / storage / transportation facilities.

6. What are the ways of doing business?

Setting up a partnership, starting a limited company, establishing a joint venture, starting a family business, building a small business.


Exercise 17. Tell your group what sort of business you would like to work in, what you are planning to do to be a success. Be ready to answer questions.


Exercise 18. Answer John Noe's questions to decide if you have the qualities needed to become a high-achiever. (You needn't tell everyone about your conclusion if you don't want to.)

Exercise 19. Write about a famous man / woman, analyze the reasons for his / her success.


8.3. Personal Contacts


Exercise 1. Focus on the topical vocabulary.

connections [kq'nekSqnz] n связи

reasoning ['rJznIN] n объяснение, аргументация

to take steps ['teIk 'steps] принимать меры, предпринимать шаги

network ['netwWk] n сеть

contact ['kPntxkt] n связь; pl связи, отношения, знакомства; лицо, с которым имеются (деловые) связи;

to contact [kqn'txkt] v устанавливать связь (по телефону); связаться; амер. устанавливать деловые связи; завести связи, знакомства в обществе

virtuous ['vE:CVqs] a добродетельный

tip [tIp] n разг. намек, совет

to pass the chance ['pRs…'CRns] упускать возможность

source ['sLs] n источник, основа, начало

prospective [prqs'pektIv] а будущий, ожидаемый, предполагаемый

to accept an invitation [qk'sept] принять приглашение

to send an invitation to a public reception [rI'sepSqn] послать приглашение на официальный прием

to receive an invitation to a party [rI'sJv] получить приглашение на вечер

to decline an invitation to dinner [dI'klaIn] отклонить приглашение на обед

panel ['pxnl] n группа специалистов для публичного обсуждения общественно важного вопроса

panel discussion [dIs'kASqn] обсуждение общественно важного вопроса

panelist ['pxn(q)lIst] n член специально подобранной группы (для участия в публичной дискуссии)

to make a suggestion сделать предложение

participant [pR'tIsIpqnt] n участник

participation [pR"tIsI'peISqn] п участие

to gain experience ['geIn Iks'pIqrIqns] приобретать опыт

counterpart ['kauntqpRt] n коллега; лицо, занимающее аналогичную должность

charitable ['CxrItqbl] а благотворительный

fund raising ['fAnd 'reIzIN] сбор денежных средств

to raise money ['reIz 'mAnI] собирать деньги

to entertain guests ["entq'teIn 'gests] принимать, занимать гостей

to take the initiative [I'nISIqtIv] взять инициативу

to appreciate [q'prJSIeIt] v ценить, оценивать по достоинству, быть признательным

appreciation [q"prJSI'eISqn] n (высокая) оценка, признательность

to set up an appointment [q'pOIntmqnt]=to make an appointment = to have an appointment договориться о встрече, условиться встретиться

to delay an appointment [dI'leI] = to postpone an appointment ['pqVstpqVn] отложить встречу

to keep an appointment прийти на встречу

to break an appointment не прийти на встречу

to keep in touch with smb [tAC] поддерживать связь с кем-л.

to congratulate [kqn'grxtjuleIt] smb on success v поздравлять кого-л. с успехом

congratulation [kqn"grxtju'leISqn] n поздравление

to get through [TrH] v связаться по телефону

relationship [rI'leISqnSIp] n связь, отношение

to parallel ['pxrqlql] v соответствовать


Exercise 2. Try to understand the meaning of the derivatives.

Say, saying; expand, expanded, expanding, expansion; better qualified, qualification; associate, association, associated; impress, impressed, impressive, impression; panel, panellist; help, helpful, helpless; conduct, conductor, conduction; bitter, bitterly; net, network; strange, stranger; luck, lucky; congratulate, congratulatory, congratulation; enjoy, enjoyable, enjoyment.


Exercise 3. Guess what these international words mean.

Cynical; reputation; reasons; personal contacts; to escort to a position of leadership; recommend; anonymous; qualified; a chance; an association; a seminar; a forum; discuss problems; a professional organization, cultural organizations; business corporations; an athletic club; a tennis tournament; initiative; to pioneer a technology, a project; career specializations; general data banks; to telephone contacts, to phone contacts; business cards, postcards; hockey; special; a fashion show; philosophy; to parallel.


Exercise 4. Read the following adverbs ending in - ly. Say what adjectives they derive from.

Model: equally в равной степени ← equal равный

Unfortunately, fortunately, bitterly, warmly, equally, quickly, probably, usually, freely, really, successfully, annually, thoroughly, properly.

Exercise 5. Find opposites in List A and В, С and D, E and F.

Model 1: winner – loser

A. Success, promotion, winner, stranger, member, profit, friend.

B. Acquaintance, loss, enemy, loser, demotion, failure, outsider.

Model 2: to win – to lose

C. To hire, to expand, to win, to give, to promote, to accept an invitation, to fill, to support, to be present, to treasure, to detain somebody.

D. To decline an invitation, to demote, to empty, to contract, to take, to oppose, to be absent, to neglect, to let somebody go, to lose, to fire, to break an appointment.

Model 3: well-known – anonymous

E. High-level, quick, friendly, well-known, helpful, wealthy, difficult.

F. Anonymous, poor, hostile, easy, low-level, slow, useless.


Exercise 6. Read the following word combinations and give their Russian equivalents.

The old cynical saying; to speak bitterly; to receive a promotion; to receive a new job; to take steps; to give an opportunity; to give responsibility; to give consideration; to give attention; to trust people; prominent strangers; anonymous strangers; to expand one's career; to expand oneself; to expand contacts; to pass a chance; to represent a company at a trade-association conference; sources of career opportunity; prospective employees; to invite guests to a party; to send an invitation; a panel discussion; to give a suggestion; make a suggestion; a helpful idea, to convey an idea; to gain experience; to receive an invitation, to accept an invitation, to decline an invitation; a board member; a charitable organization; to raise money from wealthy people; an address book; prominent contacts; fellow members; to get to know people; to take initiative; to write a note of appreciation / a letter of appreciation; to set up an appointment, to make an appointment; to delay an appointment, to postpone an appointment, to keep an appointment, to break an appointment, to have an appointment; to take part in club events; to participate in golf tournaments; to suggest a meeting; graduate students; research projects; to get information about business; to send children to college; to keep in touch with people; to leave a message, to give a message; to mail presents; to congratulate; to send holiday cards; to invite people to cocktail parties; to send tickets; to enjoy events; to appreciate relationships, to value friendship; to value people.


Exercise 7. Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the verbs. Use the Future Tenses.

1. The salesman hopes that he ___ (to receive) a promotion very soon. 2. She understands that the game ___ (to lose). 3. You ___ (to meet) prominent people in the club. 4. Qualified employees ___ (to promote). 5. Your education ___ (to give) you an opportunity to get a good job. 6. Anonymous letters ___ (to take) into consideration. 7. Mr. Carlan ___ (to represent) our company at the conference. 8. You ___ (to impress) by Dale Carnegie's books. 9. The invitations to the public reception ___ (to send) tomorrow. 10. Mr. Green ___ (to take) part in the panel discussion. 11. I knew that I ___ (to meet) at airport by my counterpart. 12. He said that he ___ (to work) in an export company. 13. My friend asked when my son ___ (to graduate) from the university. 14. I wondered if Mr. Grey ___ (to invite) to the party.


Exercise 8. Do you make friends easily? What are you ready to do to establish contacts in business? Read the text and find out how prominent people do it.

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