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3. - Essential local traffic information - (4444)

Information on essential local traffic should be issued in a timely manner, either directly or through the unit providing approach control service when such information is necessary in the interests of safety, or when requested by aircraft.

Essential local traffic shall be considered to consist of any aircraft, vehicle or personnel on or near the manoeuvring area or traffic operating in the vicinity of the aerodrome, which may constitute a hazard to the aircraft departing or arriving.


It is information which has to be given to the crew in case there is any other aircraft, vehicle or personnel on or near the manoeuvring area or there is any traffic operating in the vicinity of the aerodrome and this may constitute a hazard to the aircraft concerned, e.g.

Traffic 11 o’clock crossing left to right B 747,

maintain own separation.

Essential local traffic information shall to be ```issued by the unit providing control service when such information is necessary in the interest of safety or when requested by the aircraft.


- What is “ IFR rules ”? What is “ VFR rules ”? Change from IFR to VFR flight. – 4.8 (4444)

IFR- is such kind of rules that provide safety during flights and ATC units provide safe separation minima between aircraft at the same time.

VFR- is such kind of rules that provide safety during the flight and responsibility on separation and maintaining minimum safe altitudes lies on the pilot, and he maintains VMC.

Change from IFR flight to VFR flight is only acceptable when a message “CANCELLING MY IFR FLIGHT”, together with changes made to the current flight plan, is received from the pilot-in-command.

Acknowledgement “IFR FLIGHT CANCELLED AT…. (time)” should normally be made by an air traffic services unit.

When an ATC has an information that IMC are likely to be encountered along the route of flight, a pilot changing from IFR flight to VFR flight should be so advised.

An ATC unit receiving notification of an aircraft’s intention to change from IFR flight to VFR flight shall, as soon as possible, inform all other ATS units to whom the IFR plan was addressed.


4. - Essential aerodrome information. – 7.4.1, 7.4.2, 7.4.3. (4444)

EAI is information regarding to the manoeuvring area (traffic or facilities at the aerodrome). This information is very important and necessary to safety operations of the aircraft, especially if a pilot is not familiar with the aerodrome.

This information should be passed to aircraft whenever possible prior to start up or taxi and prior to landing. Essential information on aerodrome conditions shall be given to any aircraft in sufficient time for the aircraft to make proper use of it, and the hazards shall be identified as distinctly as possible.

It includes:

- construction or maintenance work on, or adjacent to the manoeuvring area;

- rough or broken surfaces on a runway,, whether marked or not

- snow, slush or ice on runway, a taxiway or an apron;

- water on runway, a taxiway or an apron;

- snow banks or drifts adjacent to a runway, a taxiway or an apron;

- other hazards, including parked aircraft and birds on the ground or in the air;

- failure or irregular operation of part or all of the aerodrome lighting system;

- any other pertinent information.


- How do you understand “Human Factor”?

Human factor in aviation means "human error" factor involved in an aviation accident, crash; as opposed to failure of mechanical, electrical, other equipment. Human error is responsible for at least 30% of aviation accidents. This essay examines some of the human variables: pilot error and fatigue, air-traffic controller problems, unruly passengers and inadequate training.
Far too many accidents and problems in aviation are due to human error. This goes beyond pilot error. Sometimes it can be a mechanic leaving a tool in the cowl of an engine. It can be a problem with air traffic controllers or even unruly passengers.


5. - Information related to aerodrome conditions. -, (4444)

Aerodrome and meteorological information:

Prior to taxiing for take-off, aircraft shall be given the following information in the listed order, except that, which is known to be already received by an aircraft:

- the runway to be used;

- the surface wind direction and speed, including significant variations;

- The QNH altimeter setting (the QFE altimeter setting);

- The air temperature for the runway to be used, in case of turbine-engined aircraft;

- The visibility if less than 10 km, or RVR;

- The correct time.

Prior to take-off aircraft shall be advised of:

- Any significant changes in the surface wind direction and speed, the air temperature, and the visibility or RVR;

- Significant meteorological conditions (cumulonimbus, thunderstorm, moderate or severe turbulence, wind shear, hail, moderate or severe icing, severe squall line, freezing precipitation, severe mountain waves, sand storm, dust storm, blowing snow, tornado or waterspout) in the take-off and climb-out area.

Prior to entering the traffic circuit or commencing its approach to land, an aircraft shall be advised of:

- The runway to be used;

- The surface wind direction and speed, including significant variations

- The QNH (QFE) altimeter setting.

In the event of any obstruction on the runway such as an aircraft or vehicle, animals or birds on the runway, appropriate action shall be taken, as follows:

In all cases inform the aircraft of the obstruction and its location on the runway;

Cancel the take-off clearance for an aircraft which has not started to roll;

Instruct a landing aircraft to go around.


- What is the role of an ATCO in case of medical emergencies?

While the decision to divert will always rest with pilots, air traffic controllers provide an essential link with medical services on the ground. Once a decision to divert has been taken, the controller is responsible for making sure that the appropriate medical services are properly informed and standing by, ready for action when the airplane lands.


6. - Procedure of aerodrome traffic (vehicle) and people control in the manoeuvring area. –, 2.2) (4444)

The movement of pedestrians and vehicles on the manoeuvring area shall be subject to authorization by the aerodrome control tower.

Before entry to the manoeuvring area, entry to runway or runway strip or change in the operations, persons, including drivers of all vehicles, shall obtain authorization from the aerodrome control tower.

All vehicles and pedestrians shall give way to aircraft which are landing, taxiing or taking-off, except that emergency vehicles proceeding to assist an aircraft in distress have priority over all other surface movement traffic.

When an aircraft is landing or taking off, vehicles shall not be permitted to hold closer to the runway-in-use than:

1. at a taxiway / runway intersection – at a runway holding position; and

2. at a location other than a taxiway / runway intersection – at a distance equal to the separation distance of the runway-holding position.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 455. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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