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Peculiarities of aerodrome service under VMC conditions.

VMC conditions: visibility – 5000m and more, cloud base – 450m and more.

IFR and VFR flights can be performed at the same time (if weather conditions are lower, so IFR and VFR flights can be performed but on opposites sides of the CTR).

The controller has to inform all aircraft flying VFR about traffic (IFR and VFR flights). A pilot will be able to maintain own separation, e.g.

KLM 127. Traffic 1 o’clock, 50 km, opposite direction, FL 240, TU – 134.

The controller informs about the highest altitude which is available, e.g.

KLM 127. Enter controlled area not above 3 000ft.

An aerodrome traffic circuit is provided for all aircraft flying under VMC conditions.

- Entry of traffic circuit. – 7.6.2. (4444)

The clearance to enter the traffic circuit should be issued to an aircraft whenever it is desired that the aircraft approach the landing area in accordance with current traffic circuits but traffic conditions do not allow issuing a landing clearance.

Depending on the circumstances and traffic conditions, an aircraft may be cleared to join at any position in the traffic circuit.

An aircraft making instrument approach shall normally be cleared to land straight in unless visual manoeuvring to the landing runway is required.

If an aircraft enters an aerodrome traffic circuit without proper authorization (e.g. in cases of emergency), it shall be permitted to land. The other aircraft may be instructed to give it way to remove the hazard.

Priority shall be given to:

- an aircraft in cases of engine failure, shortage of fuel and others affecting the safe operation of the aircraft;

- hospital aircraft and aircraft carrying any sick or seriously injured persons requiring urgent medical assistance;

- aircraft engaged in search and rescue operations;

- other aircraft determined by the appropriate authorities.

24. - Controller’s actions when aircraft is entering aerodrome traffic circuit. - 7.6.2. (4444)

The clearance to enter the traffic circuit should be issued to an aircraft when it is desired that aircraft approach the landing area in accordance with current traffic circuits but traffic conditions do not allow a landing clearance to be issued. Depending on the circumstances and traffic conditions, an aircraft may be cleared to join at any position in the traffic circuit.

An aircraft making instrument approach shall normally be cleared to land straight in unless visual manoeuvring to the landing runway is required.

If an aircraft enters an aerodrome traffic circuit without proper authorization (e.g. in cases of emergency), it shall be permitted to land. The other aircraft may be instructed to give it way to remove the hazard.

Priority shall be given to:

- an aircraft in cases of engine failure, shortage of fuel and others affecting the safe operation of the aircraft;

- hospital aircraft and aircraft carrying any sick or seriously injured persons requiring urgent medical assistance;

- aircraft engaged in search and rescue operations;

- other aircraft determined by the appropriate authorities.


- Priority for landing. – 7.6.3. (4444)

If an aircraft enters an aerodrome traffic circuit without proper authorization, it shall be permitted to land if its actions indicate that it so desires. If circumstances warrant, aircraft which are in contact with the controller may be instructed by the controller to give way so as to remove as soon as possible the hazard introduced by such unauthorized operation. Permission to land shall not be withheld in any case.

In cases of necessary it may be necessary, in the interest of safety, for an aircraft to enter a traffic circuit and effect a landing without proper authorization. Controllers shall recognize the possibilities of emergency action and provide all necessary assistance.

The other aircraft may be instructed to give it way to remove the hazard.

Priority shall be given to:

- an aircraft in cases of engine failure, shortage of fuel and others affecting the safe operation of the aircraft;

- hospital aircraft and aircraft carrying any sick or seriously injured persons requiring urgent medical assistance;

- aircraft engaged in search and rescue operations;

- other aircraft determined by the appropriate authorities.


25. - Controller’s actions when aircraft is entering aerodrome traffic circuit. - 7.6.2. (4444)

The clearance to enter the traffic circuit should be issued to an aircraft when it is desired that aircraft approach the landing area in accordance with current traffic circuits but traffic conditions do not allow a landing clearance to be issued. Depending on the circumstances and traffic conditions, an aircraft may be cleared to join at any position in the traffic circuit.

An aircraft making instrument approach shall normally be cleared to land straight in unless visual manoeuvring to the landing runway is required.

If an aircraft enters an aerodrome traffic circuit without proper authorization (e.g. in cases of emergency), it shall be permitted to land. The other aircraft may be instructed to give it way to remove the hazard.

Priority shall be given to:

- an aircraft in cases of engine failure, shortage of fuel and others affecting the safe operation of the aircraft;

- hospital aircraft and aircraft carrying any sick or seriously injured persons requiring urgent medical assistance;

- aircraft engaged in search and rescue operations;

- other aircraft determined by the appropriate authorities.


- What is a bird strike?

The definition of a bird strike:

An incident in which aircraft collide with a bird or with a flock of birds known as a bird strike.

An emergency situation when aircraft hitting a bird known as a Bird Strike.

The seriousness of the emergency depends upon some factors:

- the size of the bird

- the speed of the aircraft on impact

- the place it hits the aircraft

- the phase of flight

A bird strike may result in (lead to)

- broken windshield/canopy

- engine failure

- hydraulic problems

- handling difficulties

- electrical problems

- landing gear problems

- fire on board the aircraft

- crew incapacitation


Broken windshield (its dirtiness) or crack in the windscreen may cause view problems, injury of the pilot or communication problems due to noise (wind blast). Incase of windshield damage pilots will try to terminate the flight and land at the next suitable aerodrome as soon as possible.

Engine failure (struck into the engine) may impair the flying characteristics of the aircraft, making levels and heading difficult to maintain and safe landing difficult. It may ultimately lead to loss of control. It is particularly dangerous for single engine aircraft.

Hydraulic problems (damage of the hydraulic system) - if the hydraulic system fails, flight controls, brake, flaps and the nose wheel steering might be affected.

Electrical problems - can cause fire on board the aircraft.

Crew incapacitation - can lead to unpredictable action.


26. - Controller’s actions when an aircraft is operating in the traffic circuit. – 7.6.1(4444)

Aircraft in the traffic circuit shall be controlled to provide the separation minima, except that:

a. aircraft in the formation are exempted from the separation minima with respect to separation from other aircraft of the same time;

b. aircraft operating in different areas or different runways on aerodromes suitable for simultaneous landings or take-offs are exempted from the separation minima;

c. separation minima shall not apply to aircraft operating under military necessity.

Sufficient separation shall be effected between aircraft in flight in the traffic circuit to allow the appropriate spacing of arriving and departing aircraft.

The clearance to enter the traffic circuit should be issued to an aircraft when it is desired that aircraft approach the landing area in accordance with current traffic circuits but traffic conditions do not allow a landing clearance to be issued. Depending on the circumstances and traffic conditions, an aircraft may be cleared to join at any position in the traffic circuit.

An aircraft making instrument approach shall normally be cleared to land straight in unless visual manoeuvring to the landing runway is required.

The clearance to enter the traffic circuit should be issued to an aircraft whenever it is desired that the aircraft approach the landing area in accordance with current traffic circuits but traffic conditions do not allow issuing a landing clearance.

If an aircraft enters an aerodrome traffic circuit without proper authorization (e.g. in cases of emergency), it shall be permitted to land. The other aircraft may be instructed to give it way to remove the hazard.

Priority shall be given to:

- an aircraft in cases of engine failure, shortage of fuel and others affecting the safe operation of the aircraft;

- hospital aircraft and aircraft carrying any sick or seriously injured persons requiring urgent medical assistance;

- aircraft engaged in search and rescue operations;

- other aircraft determined by the appropriate authorities.

- Identification of aircraft – 8.6.2 (4444)

Before providing radar service to an aircraft, radar identification shall be established and the pilot informed.

If radar identification is lost, the pilot shall be informed about that and, if possible, appropriate instructions issued.

Where SSR is used, aircraft may be identified by one or more of the following procedures:

a. recognition of the aircraft identification in a radar label;

b. recognition of the aircraft discrete code, the setting of which has been verified, in a radar label;

c. direct recognition of aircraft identification of a Mode S-equipped aircraft in a radar label;

d. by transfer of radar communication;

e. observation of compliance with an instruction to set a specific code;

f. observation in compliance with an instruction to squawk IDENT.

When a discrete code has been assigned to an aircraft, a check shall be made at the earliest opportunity to ensure that the code set by a pilot is identical to that assigned for the flight. Only after this check has been made shall the discrete code be used as a basis for identification.

Where SSR is not available, radar identification shall be established by at least one of the following methods:

a. by correlating a particular radar position indication with an aircraft reporting its position over, or as bearing and distance from, a point displayed on the radar map, and by ascertaining that the position is consistent with an aircraft path or reported heading;

b. by correlation an observed radar position indication with an aircraft which is known to have just departed, provided that the identification is established within 2 km(1 NM) from the end of the runway used. Particular care should be taken to avoid confusion with aircraft holding over or overflying the aerodrome, or with aircraft departing or making a missed approach over adjacent runways;

c. by transfer of radar communication;

d. by ascertaining the aircraft heading, if circumstances require, and following a period of track observation:

▫instructing the pilot to execute one or more changes of heading of 30 degrees or more and correlating the movement of one particular radar position indication with the aircraft’s acknowledged execution of the instruction given, or

▫correlating the movements of a particular radar position indication with manoevres currently executed by an aircraft having so reported.

When using these methods, the radar controller shall:

i. verify that the movements of more than one radar position indication correspond with those of the aircraft; and

ii. ensure that the manoevre(s) will not carry the aircraft outside the coverage of the radar display.

Use may be made of direction-finding bearings to assist in radar identification of an aircraft.

When doubt exists as to identify of a radar position identification for any reason, changes of heading should be prescribed and repeated as many times as necessary, or additional methods of identification should be applied.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 391. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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