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Post-text exercises. 1. Find the Ukrainian equivalents for the following English words and word combinations:

1. Find the Ukrainian equivalents for the following English words and word combinations:

a) inventor; coil; wave-length; transmit; carbon; telephone exchange; caller; diaphragm; instrument; according to;

b) довжина хвилі; мембрана; винахідник; виток; прилад; згідно; передавати; вугілля; телефонна станція; абонент.

2. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following Ukrainian word combinations:

проходити через атмосферу (повітря); у вигляді хвилі; грати на скрипці; різні ноти, пік хвилі; довжина хвилі; сила струму; перетворюватися у звук; говорити у мікрофон; сильно уплотняти; розміщувати з проміжками; змінюватися таким чином; телефона трубка; автоматично.

3. Fill in the blanks with the following words:

call, carbon, communication, connections, electro-magnet, magnetize, mouthpiece, on, transmit, vibrates

1. The telegraph and the telephone are means of.... 2 When we want to speak to someone far away we make a telephone.... 3. He called his friend... the telephone. 4. The diaphragm... when sound waves reached it. 5. Electric cur rent through a coil of wire around a piece of iron wills... the iron. 6. The microphone in Bell's telephone was not strong enough to... sound very far. 7. We speak into the... of the telephone. 8. Electricity flows more easily when the.. granules are pushed together. 9. The receiver of a telephone contains an... and a diaphragm. 10. Nowadays,... between callers are usually made automatically at telephone exchanges.

4. Arrange synonyms in pairs and translate them:

a) to send a message, a lot of, distance, a caller, to work to travel through the air, close to, similar, radio set;

b) a person, next to, to operate, many, space, to pass through the air, to transmit a message, the receiver, just like.

5. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the two reasons why the telephone is a better means of communication than the telegraph? 2. Why do we make telegraph messages as short as possible? 3. How does sound pass through the air? 4. What are the differences be­tween the tops of sound waves called? 5. What happened when the diaphragm in Alexander Bell's telephone vibrated? 6. How was the U-shaped piece of iron in Bell's receiver mag­netized? 7. What does the diaphragm do to the carbon gran­ules in a modern telephone? 8. When does electricity pass more easily through the carbon granules? 9. What happens (o the sound waves of your voice when you speak into the mi­crophone? 10. Where is your telephone line connected to the line of the person you want to speak to?

6. Translate the following definitions and memorize the terms:

Address. A means of identifying information or a location in a communication system.

Control. The methods and means of governing the perform­ance of any electric apparatus or system.

Manual. Operated by mechanical force, applied directly by personal intervention.

Telephone exchange. A system for the provision of com­munication unit of a telephone communication service in a specified area that usually embraces a city, town, or village, and its environs.

7. Translate the sentences paying attention to the tense forms of the verbs in the Passive Voice:

1. The use of electronics will be expanded in all branches of science. 2. The scientist was told about the students' research work. 3. Alternating current is changed into direct current when necessary. 4. A new plan is being discussed now. 5. The work was being done all the day. 6. The device has been calculated by the engineers' group. 7. The letter will have been received by the evening tomorrow.

8. Complete the following sentences and translate them into Russian:

1. It was found that.... 2. It is known that.... 3. It will be shown that.... 4. It has been proved that... 5. It can be said that.... 6. It must be known that....

9. Translate the following sentences:

1. Телефон був винайдений у XIX сторіччі. 2. Відомо, що телефон поєднує вас безпосередньо з абонентом. 3. Телеграф и телефон використовуються як засоби зв’язку. 4. Було встановлено, що звуки проходять через атмосферу у вигляді хвиль. 5. Телеграму можно відправити з будь-якого почтового відділення. 6. Зараз поєднання абонентів виконується автоматично на телефонних станціях. 7. Звукові хвилі перетворюються в електричність. 8. За допомогою звукових сигналів по телефону можно передавати зображення. 9. Необхідно знати, що змінний струм подається в житлові будинки з частотою 50 Гц.

10. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the -ing- forms. Define what part of speech they are:

1. Scientific information is growing very fast. 2. Most people like traveling. 3. The system is capable of transmit­ting a large number of telephone calls. 4. He objects to the taking part in this work. 5. Translate the text without using a dictionary. 6. Introducing the new method into practice requires much time. 7. We think of visiting his new experi­mental laboratory. 8. A barometer is an instrument for meas­uring the pressure. 9. The reading-room is overcrowded. 10. The students reading a book study in group 3. 11. The meeting was over. 12. You can improve your knowledge of English by reading more. 13. After finishing his work he helped us.

11. Fill in the blanks with the following prepositions:

in, at, to, from, after, on, past, till, before, by

1. Don't be late. Come... nine sharp. 2. What time is it now? — It is a quarter... six (6:15). 3. Don't be in a hurry. It is only a quarter... eight (7:45). 4. The lectures last... eight... the morning... two... the afternoon. 5.... 1850 the first in the world teleprinter was constructed by an outstand­ing Russian scientist B. S. Yakoby. 6. There is a delay... your telegram can reach the person it is addressed to. 7.... the Great October Socialist Revolution our country has be­come a big industrial power. 8.... week-ends they go in for sports if the weather is fine. 9. The laboratory will have de­veloped and improved telephone set... the end of the year.

12. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the use of the conjunctions:

1. There are many English and German books in our library. 2. You can ask a person questions and get the answer imme­diately on the telephone. 3. What could the inventor do but repeat the experiment? 4. The cost of sending a telegram de­pends not only on the number of words in it but on some oth­er factors. 5. Both the telegraph and the telephone are wide­ly used in all fields of human activity. 6. The louder or softer the noise you make while speaking, the more or less the diaphragm in the receiver of the telephone set is pushed in or out. 7. He was neither in the Crimea nor in the Cauca­sus. 8. He is not only a great scientist but also an excellent lecturer.

13. Enumerate the main advantages of telephony as a means of com­munication.

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