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Post-text exercises. 1. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following Ukrainian word combinations:

1. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following Ukrainian word combinations:

Результати дослідження, цифровий зв’язок, дійсна цінність, засіб збагачення, вистави, недоліки.

2. Find the Ukrainian equivalents for the following English words and word combinations:

Measure, communication, a cellular transmission, appearance, international standards, the population, long-term research, availability, devices of a radio communication, the level of radiations.

3. Put the words in order:

1. are, used, practically, cellular, by, phones, everybody.2. the, telephone, army, of, the, mobile, users, enlarged, regularly, is. 3. any, measures, relation, to, cellular, telephones, be, shouldn’t, special, security, in, used. 4. the, research, main, of, objects, school, were, buildings. 5. the, found, commission, that, was, much, lower, inside, level, the, radiations, buildings.6. whether, telephone, the, is, so, cellular, safe.

4. Fill in the blanks with the following words:

Everybody, mobile, telephone, performances, the bell, cellular,

1. For the last year the … has turned to a usual working tool what it should be from a toy and a measure of richness. 2. Cellular phones are used practically by …3. It is possible to hear … of a cellular phone almost anywhere.4. Telephones often ring on … and even more at cinemas. 5. In the city center you can notice much more than ten … phones people passing by have. 6. The army of the … telephone users is enlarged regularly.

5. Complete the following sentences, using active vocabulary:

1. For the last year the telephone has turned to a usual working tool what it should be…2. Cellular phones are used practically by …3. The army of the mobile telephone users is … 4. In the city center you can notice much …5. The independent research was carried out on inquiry of …6. The research of level of radiation from antennas of …7. The final outputs are supposed to be made by results of long-term …

6. Which of the following statements are true or false? If the statement is wrong, correct it:

1. Cellular phones are used practically by everybody. 2. Such availability is connected with constant rising of handset’s cost. 3. The army of the mobile telephone users is reduced regularly. 4. The cellular telephone is dangerous for the health of users. 5. There are convincing proofs about link of usage of mobile telephones with development cancer or other serious diseases.

7. Answer the following questions:

1. Are cellular phones used practically by everybody? 2. What do you think about the owner’s education when their telephones ring on performances and even more at cinemas? 3. Why do more and more people use cellular telephone? 4. Is cellular phone safe for our health? 5. What has World-wide Organization of public health Services published quite recently? 6. Are there convincing proofs about link of usage of mobile telephones with development cancer or other serious diseases?

8. Open the brackets using the correct tense form:

1. Our scientists (to develop) new units for these repeat­ers now. 2. This laboratory (to develop) new electronic telephone system. 3. The Research Branch of the Engineering Department (to develop) a small experimental exchanges which will use many integrated circuits. 4. Our laboratory (to carry on) experiments with polymers during the summer. 5. Before they began developing this system they (to develop) a new type of filter for it. 6. We hope that we (to develop) this device by the end of the year. 7. The post office (to carry out) trials with this type of TV system during the summer. 8. They (to develop) the filter for about six months before they found out some mistakes in their calculations.

9. Form Participle I and Participle II of the following verbs:

to carry, to be, to follow, to make, to find, to begin, to see, to think, to become, to mean, to know, to understand, to invent, to discover, to change, to transmit, to simplify.

10. Translate the following sentences paying attention to Participle I and Participle II:

1. The exchanges operating automatically are of great value. 2. The developing industry meets the demands of the people. 3. All the students taking part in this work must be at the Institute at 9 o'clock. 4. The following effect will take place. 5. There are very many illustrated magazines in our reading-room. 6. The articles published in this magazine are very interesting. 7. You can get the books recommended by the teacher in our library. 8. They saw new types of machine tools at one of the plants visited. 9. We sent the letter to the address indicated. 10. The examples given illustrate the rule.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-18; просмотров: 813. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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