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At trial

14. The climax of the legal proceedings is the trial. Read the following text about the trial and the answer the true/false questions below the text.

A trial may be defined broadly and comprehensively as a judicial examination of the issues between the parties. Although some variations may exist, trials are usually held before a judge sitting alone, a referee, or a judge and jury. The counsels for the prosecution and for the defence make opening statements to the jury, outlining what each sees as the nature of the case and what each hopes to prove as the trial proceeds. Next, the counsel for the prosecution presents his case by calling witnesses, questioning them, and permitting them to be cross-examined by the counsel for the defence. The counsel for each side then makes a closing argument to the jury, summarizing the evidence in a light most favourable to their respective clients. The function of the jury is to determine the facts of the case, whereas the function of the judge is to determine the applicable law and to oversee the parties' presentation of the facts to the court. After the judge has instructed the jury on the applicable law, the jury will retire to deliberate in private until it reaches a just verdict, which will then be announced in open court. The verdict of a jury terminates the trial. In a case tried before a judge sitting alone, the decision of the judge constitutes a termination of the trial.

Most words ending in -ly are adverbs. However there are some adjectives ending in -ly, like disorderly.


1. Criminal trials are always held in front of a jury. False

2. A judge may sit alone to hear a legal case. ______

3 At the beginning of the trial both counsels outline their case.

4 The counsel for the defence may cross-examine prosecution witnesses.

5 The function of the jury is to decide the applicable law.

6 The judge may intervene if the counsels on either side fail to observe the court procedures.

7 The judge advises the jury on the law relevant to the case..

8 The jury discusses their verdict in open court.


Name the crime 1

15. The names of twenty-two crimes are given below. The list gives the definitions of the same crimes. Match the crimes to their definitions. The first one has been done for you: the crime of assault is "acting in such a way as to make someone believe he or she will be hurt";


arson assassination assault bigamy blackmail bribery burglary embezzlement espionage extortion forgery fraud libel manslaughter murder perjury piracy robbery slander smuggling theft treason


1. assault acting in such a way as to make someone believe he or she will be hurt

2.__________________betraying your country to a foreign power

3.__________________copying patented inventions or copyrighted works

4.__________________entering a building illegally and stealing things

5.__________________setting money from people by threatening to publicise facts they do not want revealed

6.__________________getting money from people by using threats

7.__________________getting property or money from people by making them believe untrue things

8.__________________going through a ceremony of marriage when you are still married to someone else

9.__________________killing a public figure illegally and intentionally

10._________________killing someone illegally and intentionally

11._________________killing someone unintentionally or in mitigating circumstances

12._________________making an illegal copy of a banknote or document

13._________________offering money corruptly to get someone to do something to help you

14._________________saying something which damages someone's character

15._________________setting fire to a building

16._________________stealing something by using force or threatening to use force

17._________________stealing, taking property which belongs to someone else

18._________________taking goods illegally into or out of a country

19._________________telling lies when you have sworn an oath to say what is true in court

20._________________trying to find out secrets by illegal means

21._________________using illegally or stealing money which you are looking after for someone else

22._________________writing, publishing or broadcasting a statement which damages someone's character


Name the crime 2

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