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Words and phrases. court of trial - суд першої інстанції (суд первой инстанции)


court of trial - суд першої інстанції (суд первой инстанции)

court of appeal - апеляційний суд (аппеляционный суд)

the Magistrates' Court - Магістратський суд (Магистратский суд)

the Crown Court - Королівський суд (Королевский суд)

juvenile court - суд у справах неповнолітніх (суд по делам несовершеннолетних)

summary offence - злочин, який не являе великої суспільної небезпеки

indictable offence - особливо тяжкий злочин (тяжкое преступление)

jury - суд присяжних

penalty - покарання; стягнення; штраф (наказание, штраф)

convicted - ув'язнений, в'язень (заключенный)

prosecution - судовий розгляд (судебное рассмотрение)

judge – суддя (судья)

to sentence for smth - засуджувати за щось; виносити вирок (выносить приговор)

litigation - тяжба, cnip

to obtain financial redress for smth - одержати фінансове відшкодування за щось

injury - образа, кривда (повреждение)

l. Fill in the blanks:

1. There are two courts of ……... and two courts of………... for criminal proceedings in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

2. The Magistrates' Court deals with ………....

3. More serious offences go to the.......……..

4. Magistrates' Courts have limited powers of....

5. Magistrates' Courts may commit……………. to the Crown Court.

6. Approximately 95% of all …... are dealt with in the Magistrates' Court.

7............... courts try most charges against children and young persons under the age of 18 years.

8. The Crown Court is the senior court of trial for....................

9. The Crown Court may hear ……….... against conviction and/or ……….. for some offences dealt with at the Magistrates' Court.

10. The Court of………….. hears appeals from criminal cases heard in the Crown Court.

11. The House of Lords is the most senior and final.....................

12. Civil proceedings consist of ………... about property, family matters and actions to obtain ………. for damage to property and personal injury.

13. County Courts are …………... over by a single Judge.

14. Some cases before the High Court of Justice may be heard before a....


2. Read the following sentences and decide if they are true or false:

1. The courts of trial are the Magistrates' Court and the Crown Court.

2. The courts of appeal are the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords.

3. The Magistrates' Court is the senior court of trial.

4. The Magistrates' Court deals with summary offences.

5. More serious offences are committed to the Crown Court.

6. Juvenile Courts try charges against convicted offenders.

7. Juvenile Courts try most charges against children and persons under the age of 18 years.

8. The Crown Court is the lower court of trial.

9. The Court of Appeal hears appeals from criminal cases heard in the Crown Courts.

10. The House of Lords is the most senior and final court of appeal.

11. Criminal proceedings consist of litigation about property, family matters and actions to obtain financial redress for damage to property and personal injury.

12. County Courts are local courts and are presided over by a jury.


3. Find words and expressions in the text which mean:

1. the system of law courts in a country;

2. place where law-cases are held;

3. person against whom a legal action is brought;

4. punishment for wrongdoing;

5. court where children are tried;

6. crime, breaking of a rule.


4. Ask questions to get the following answers:

1. There are two courts of trial and two courts of appeal for criminal proceedings in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

2. The courts of trial are the Magistrates' Court and the Crown Court.

3. The courts of appeal are the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords.

4. The Magistrates' Court deals with summary offences.

5. The Crown Court deals with indictable offences.

6. Magistrates' Courts have limited powers of penalty.

7. Approximately 95% of all prosecutions are dealt with in the Magistrates' Courts.

8. Juvenile Courts try most charges against children and young persons under the age of 18 years.


5. Answer the following questions:

1. What courts are there in England, Wales and Northern Ireland?

2. What offences does the Magistrates' Court deal with?

3. Where must the most serious offences be committed to?

4. What charges do Juvenile Courts try?

5. What court is the senior court of trial for criminal offences?

6. What is the most senior and final court of appeal?

7. What do civil proceedings consist of?

8. Where is the High Court of Justice situated?


6. Complete the following sentences by translating the words and expressions in brackets:

1. All criminal cases start in the (Магистратском суде).

2. More serious criminal cases then go to (Королевский суд).

3. Civil cases are dealt with in (судах графств).

4. Appeals are heard by (аппеляционными судами).

5. The highest court of appeal in England and Wales is (Палата лордов).

6. The legal system also includes (суды по делам несовершеннолетних) which deal with offenders under seventeen.


7. Work in pairs. Discuss the following:

What courts do you think would deal with:

a) careless driving?

b) a divorce case?

c) a shoplifting committed by a schoolboy?

d) an assault causing actual bodily harm?

e) a murder of a child?

Дата добавления: 2015-09-18; просмотров: 503. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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