Words and phrases
Government – уряд (правительство) Parliament –парламент legislative - законодавчий (законодательный) executive - виконавчий (исполнительный) judicial - судовий (судебный) hereditary - спадкоємний (наследственный) to succeed - успадковувати (унаследовать) to preside – головувати (председательствовать) Lord Chancellor - Лорд-канцлер (глава судового відомства та верховний суддя Англії, глава Палати лорд1в) the House of Commons - Палата общин (громад) the House of Lords - Палата лордів (Палата лордов) Pеег- пер, лорд legislation – законодавство (законодательство) tax – податок (налог) to protect – захистити (защитить) right - право constituency - виборчий округ (избирательный округ) appeal - апеляційна скарга (аппеляционная жалоба) the Labour Party - Лейбористська партія (Лейбористская партия) general election- загальні вибори (общие выборы) civil servant - цивільний службовець (государственный служащий) court - суд civil law - цивільне право (гражданское право) Home Secretary – міністр внутрішніх справ (министр внутренних дел) prevention-запобігання, попередження (предотвращение, предупреждение) criminal offences - карні злочини (уголовные преступления) trial - судовий розгляд, судовий процес (судебный процесс) treatment - поводження (iз злочинцями) (обращение с преступниками) offender – злочинець (преступник) Treasury - казна Foreign office - Міністерство закордонних справ (Министерство иностранных дел) Home office - Міністерство внутршніх справ (Министерство внутренних дел) spiritual - духовний bishop - епископ temporal - светские (члены Палаты лордов) Exercises l. Fill in the blanks: 1. All the heads of ministries (departments) are included into…………….. 2. The Cabinet is headed by the ……………………..... 3. The Prime Minister chooses the ………………….... 4. Mr ……….. is the... of the United Kingdom. 5. The majority of the members of Mr ………..'s Cabinet are members of the ……………………... 6. Mr ………. Cabinet belongs to the …………….. Party. 7. The Cabinet meets at 10 …………………... Street. 8. During the last 27 years there have been eight general………………….. 9. Ministers rely on ………………... servants for advice and information. 10. The Parliament of the United Kingdom consists of the………….. (hereditary monarch), the House of………….. and the House of….... 11. Only the House of Commons can give permission for the Government to collect ………………….. 12. Members of Parliament protect the ………………... of the individual. 13. The House of………………. is a Court of Justice.
2. Read the following sentences and decide if they are true or false: 1. The Government is the body which decides the laws of the country and decides about the way the country should be governed. 2. The Government is the Ministers chosen from the Party (or parties) which has the largest number of MPs in the House of Commons after a general election. 3. The Prime Minister is the leader of the governing party. 4. The Queen chooses the Cabinet. 5. The Cabinet are the senior members of the Government chosen by the Prime Minister. 6. The House of Lords is the elected Chamber in Parliament. 7. The House of Commons is the unelected Chamber in Parliament. 8. Mr Blair's Cabinet belongs to the Conservative Party. 9. Britain is divided into 659 areas, called constituencies, and one MP is elected to represent each constituency. 10. The House of Lords is the highest Court of Appeal in Britain.
3. Find words and expressions in the text which mean: 1. body of persons governing a State; 2. choosing or selection (of candidates for an office, etc.) by vote; 3. the inhabitants of an electoral district; 4. laws enacted by lawmaking body; 5. a person with the right to sit in the House of Lords; 6. a charge by the government on the income of an individual, corporation, or on the value of an estate or gift or property.
4. Answer the following questions: 1. What is the Government? 2. Who are the Cabinet? 3. Who chooses the Government? 4. What is the House of Lords? 5. What is the House of Commons? 6. Who is the Prime Minister? 7. What does Parliament do? 8. What is the highest Court in Britain?