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D.Yu. Goritsky, President

(Source: Zapsibcombank: 2005 Annual Report)

Key Terms

assets активы (core ~ профильные активы, current ~ текущие активы, financial ~ финансовые активы, frozen ~ замороженные активы, liquid ~ ликвидные активы, non-core ~ непрофильные активы, tangible ~ материальные активы)

capital base собственные средства банка

Chairman of the Board Председатель Совета Директоров

performance indicators показатели деятельности банка

safekeeping services безопасное хранение банком ценностей клиентов

service outlets пункты обслуживания клиентов

shareholder акционер (majority ~ акционер, имеющий крупный пакет акций предприятия вплоть до контрольного, minority ~ акционер, имеющий небольшой пакет акций предприятия (майноритарный акционер), ~ of record акционер, внесенный в реестр акционеров)

strong-room хранилище ценностей банка

Word Combinations

to cement client loyalties укреплять лояльность клиентов по

отношению к банку

to display good growth продемонстрировать хороший рост

to keep a close eye on smth. внимательно следить за чем-л.

Comprehension Questions

1. When did Zapsibcombank celebrate its 15th birthday?

2. What kind of reputation does the Bank maintain in the marketplace?

3. Does the Bank invest money in the real sector of the Russian economy?

4. Does the Bank develop and introduce new services for its customers?

5. What does the Bank do to meet financial needs of its customers?

6. What can you say about the recruitment policy pursued by Zapsibcombank?

Practical Assignments

Exercise 1. Use key terms to make up five English sentences.

Exercise 2. Put questions to the underlined words from the text.

Exercise 3. Find sentences which contain key terms and translate these English sentences into Russian.

Exercise 4. Give suitable Russian equivalents to the following English phrases (the highest praise and gratitude; to express appreciation to our shareholders; in the years to come; our corporate and private customers; to significantly improve its performance indicators; our consumer loans displayed good growth; the 41st leading Russian bank in terms of net assets).

Exercise 5. Translate the English passive structures used in the text into Russian.

Exercise 6. Explain what linguistic means are employed by the West-Siberian Commercial Bank to make a favorable impression on the reader.

Exercise 7. Read and translate the text.


Text 2 - Our Contribution to the Community: A Section of the Annual Report


As a corporate citizen, we contribute to the community in a variety of ways. We are a leading employer, providing 32,700 jobs in Switzerland alone. Our employees are our most significant investment and without doubt most valuable. Finding the best staff is only half the battle. Keeping them at the bank over the long term is more important still. In the increasingly competitive market for highly skilled staff we seek to offer attractive career opportunities and avenues for development to our staff members. The professional and personal development of our staff plays a key role in determining our success.

If we are to be successful going forward, it is essential that we identify the managers of tomorrow and give them the training and resources they need to flourish. With this in mind, we are investing heavily in recruitment and also in training and further education for our junior staff. Our target is to employ 700 first-rate university and college graduates a year, 350 in Switzerland. We define «first-rate» graduates as those who are in the top 20% of their year, and who can bring exceptional drive to our bank. The most highly qualified young staff members can apply for placements abroad, which last around two years. Being exposed to different cultures and languages allows our employees to gain first-hand experience of international business – a must in the cosmopolitan environment in which we operate.

As a taxpayer, we make an important direct contribution to the community. And as a member of Switzerland’s financial services industry, we play a central role in the overall economy. We can only do this if we prosper as a company. Financial success is therefore fundamental in enabling us to fulfill our role in society.

Community and social concerns are another area of our direct involvement. This can range from financial support for organizations like Orbis, an organization dedicated to the prevention of blindness, to backing for training and neighborhood initiatives like Community Links in East London, a volunteer organization which runs social projects for children, parents, pensioners and the disabled. Other examples are our SME Initiative in Switzerland, where we provide equity capital for young entrepreneurs in start-up situations and enhance Switzerland’s competitiveness and capacity for innovations.

(Source: UBS Group, 1999 Annual Report)

Key Terms

employee работник; служащий, работающий по найму (clerical ~ канцелярский служащий, office ~ конторский служащий, public ~ государственный или муниципальный служащий)

employer работодатель

recruitment набор сотрудников для работы в компании

staff персонал, личный состав компании; штат компании (head office ~ персонал, работающий в головном офисе компании, support ~ вспомогательный персонал, ~ cuts сокращение персонала, ~ members сотрудники компании)

taxpayer налогоплательщик

Word Combinations

to offer attractive career opportunities – предлагать привлекательные возможности карьерного роста

to invest heavily in training and further education of staff members – вкладывать большие средства в обучение и дополнительное образование сотрудников компании

to run social projects for children, pensioners and the disabled – осуществлять проекты, нацеленные на оказание социальной помощи детям, пенсионерам и нетрудоспособным людям

Comprehension Questions

1. Is the UBS Group a leading employer in Switzerland?

2. Does the UBS Group offer career progression opportunities for staff members?

3. What training opportunities are available for staff members of the UBS Group?

4. What can you say about social actions and initiatives of the UBS Group?

Practical Assignments

Exercise 1. Use key terms to make up five English sentences.

Exercise 2. Translate the names of various organizations from English into Russian.

Exercise 3. Find sentences which contain key terms and translate these English sentences into Russian.

Exercise 4. Translate the abbreviation ‘ SME’ from English into Russian. Consult your English-Russian Dictionary of Business Terms.

Exercise 5. Give suitable Russian equivalents to the following English phrases (we contribute to the community in a variety of ways; in Switzerland alone; finding the best staff is only half the battle; further education; to gain first-hand experience of international business; community and social concerns; equity capital for young entrepreneurs in start-up situations).

Exercise 6. Explain a wide occurrence of we- forms and our -forms in the text from an intercultural point of view.

Exercise 7. Explain what linguistic means are employed by the UBS Group to make a favorable impression on the reader.

Exercise 8. Read and translate the text.


Text 3 – Auditor’s Report


We have audited the annual financial statements of The Global Trust Bank for the financial year ended December 31, 2002. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s Board of Directors. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards in India. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement.

An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting provisions of Indian legislation, and give a true and fair view of assets and liabilities, financial position and results of the Company for the year ended December 31, 2002.


Delhi, February 15, 2003


William Black, Paul Williams,

Authorised Public Accountant Authorized Public Accountant


Vocabulary Notes

disclosure пояснение к финансовой отчетности

generally accepted auditing principles общие принципы аудиторской деятельности

to be free of material misstatement быть свободным от существенных искажений

to give a free and fair view of assets, liabilities, financial position and results of the Company (= present fairly assets, liabilities, financial position and results of the Company) дать точное и правильное представление об активах и пассивах Компании, ее финансовом положении и результатах деятельности

Practical Assignments

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