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Test № 1

Choose the right variant:

1) The United States of America is situated in:

a) the central part of the North American continent

b) North America

c) In South America

Welcome to the USA!


2) The USA is washed by the … ocean in the west

a) Atlantic

b) Pacific

c) Arctic


3) The USA consists of … conterminous states

a) 48

b) 50

c) 51


4) The United States has the world’s … largest population

a) second

b) third

c) fourth


5) What is the federal capital of the USA?

a) New York

b) Chicago

c) Washington DC


6) What is the largest American state?

a) Alaska

b) Texas

c) Florida


7) What is the largest city in the USA?

a) Washington DC

b) New York

c) Philadelphia


8) The United States territory consists of … separate parts

a) 2

b) 3

c) 4


9) The… major mountain ranges traverse the country from the north to the south

a) 2

b) 3

c) 4



Welcome to the USA!


10) The Appalachian Mountains are in:

a) the eastern part

b) the central part

c) the western part


11) The oldest mountains of the USA are:

a) The Rockies

b) The Cascades

c) The Appalachians


12) Where are the Rocky Mountains situated?

a) in the north

b) in the East

c) in the west


13) The highest peak of Alaska and the whole North America is:

a) mount Whitney

b) mount Mc Kinley

c) mount Kea


14) The land area of Hawaii consists of:

a) emerged volcanic mountains

b) majestic icy mountains

c) beautiful sloppy hills

15) Mauna Kea is translated as:

a) “Snowy mountain”

b) “Star Mountain”

c) “White mountain”


16) The Interior Plains occupy the…part of the US territory

a) eastern

b) central

c) western


17) The Coastal Plain extends from the:

a) North to the South

b) Southwest to the East

c) Southwest to the Northeast


18) The Mississipi – Missouri system, the longest waterway, has a lot of tributaries and…is one of them

Welcome to the USA!


a) The Yukon

b) The Colorado

c) The Ohio


19) The rivers in…of the country are unsuitable for navigation because they flow through deep canyons and are cut by numerous rapids

a) the west

b) the east

c) the south


20) The Mississippi carries most of the water which drains into the:

a) gulf of Mexico

b) the Great Lakes

c) the Atlantic Ocean


21) The Great lakes are accessible to the sea via…

a) the Ohio river

b) the St. Lawrence river

c) the Hudson river


22) Niagara Falls is situated near:

a) New York

b) Washington D.C.

c) Boston


23) Niagara is an Indian word which means:

a) great waters

b) high waters

c) roaring waters


24)There are two famous salty lakes in the… of the USA:

a) west

b) east

c) south


25) The climate is mostly…in the USA:

a) tropical

b) temperate

c) arctic



Welcome to the USA!

26) The climate is warmer in:

a) the interior of the country

b) along the coasts

c) in the South


27) What climate do the Southeastern states have?

a) temperate

b) continental

c) subtropical


28) About one-third of the USA is…

a) forestland

b) grassland

c) cropland


29) What animals can be met on the Cordillera slopes?

a) badgers and gophers

b) sheep and grizzly bear

c) rodents and reptiles


30) The agency of the federal government of the USA which is charged with protecting the environment is called:

a) the environmental Protection agency

b) Health and Human services

c) National Security council


Welcome to the USA!


1) Америка. Какая она? / What it is Like in the USA. Учебник по страноведению США. В. Пеппард, Н.Д.Токарева. – М.: Высшая школа, 2005. – 334 с.

2) Знакомьтесь: Америка! Бурлак А.И. - М., 2005. – 112с.

3) Лингво-страноведение США. Михайлов Н.Н. – М., 2008. – 288с.

4) О Соединенных Штатах Америки. Сборник текстов для чтения на английском языке для старшеклассников и студентов. Костина Е.А. – М.: Московский лицей, 2001. – 184 с.

5) Соединенные Штаты Америки: Пособие по страноведению. – Спб.: КАРО, 2008. – 448с. Голицынский Ю.Б.

6) Страноведение: Соединенные Штаты Америки: Учебное пособие/В.А. Радовель. – Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2006.- 320с.

7) Страноведение: США. Бурова И. И., Силинский С. В. - СПб., 2002. – 180 с.

8) All About the USA. Издательство Pearson, 2008. – 133 с.

9) The everything American history book/ by Loriann Hoff Oberlin. 2001. – 305 с.

10) www.wikipedia.com

11) http://www.alleng.ru/engl-top/071.htm





Welcome to the USA!

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