Студопедия — Sequence of Tenses
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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

Sequence of Tenses

1. She wrote that she … her holidays in the mountains.

A) have spent B) had spent C) has spent


2. My grandmother said that she … never … to Moscow before.

A) had been B) have been C) were


3. She asked her friend whether she … a book for her.

A) bought B) buys C) had bought


4. We knew you … your exams successfully.

A) shall pass B) will pass C) would pass


5. She said she … from the Institute a few years ago.

A) has graduated B) had graduated C) graduated


6. We thought you … us.

A) will help B) should help C) would help


7.Nelly said that she … her holidays at the seaside.

A) spent B) is spending C) spends


8.I meant to say that I … an opportunity to do the work.

A) shall have B) should have C) shall be

9. I knew that … the work in time.

A) would complete B) should complete C) completed


10.Nelly told Ann that she … to the village during her holidays.

A) have gone B) had gone C) went


11.He told that he … in Kiev.

A) lives B) lived C) has lived


12.I heard that Petrov … Moscow.

A) has left B) had left C) have left


13.They didn’t know where I ….

A) have gone B) had gone C) has gone.


14.Alice said that she … for a walk.

A) shall go B) will go C) would go


15.Kate didn’t know when I … in.

A) shall be B) will be C) should be


16.He thought that she … home.

A) have returned B) returns C) had returned


17.A little girl saw that she … in a long, long corridor.

A) were B) is C) was


18. We told her that she … a control work well.

A) will write B) would write C) should write


19. Nancy said that there … many big stones in the room.

A) were B) are C) was


20.Ann saw that the motor-boat … to sea again.

A) went out B) go out C) have gone out





1. Nobody heard him … the house.

A) leave B) have left C) had left


2. We wanted the letter … immediately.

A) to send B) to be sent C) sending


3. Her mother would like her … Tom.

A) to be married B) to marry C) married


4. They wish the article … next month.

A) to publish B) to be publishing C) to be published


5. Our teacher makes us … to the tapes.

A) listen B) to have listened C) to be listening


6. I expect him … in June.

A) to being back B) to be back C0 to have been back


7. We knew them … soon.

A) to come B) to have come C) to have been coming


8. I heard him … to somebody loudly.

A) talk B) to talk C) to have talking

9. The work … to be interesting.

A) believed B) is believed C) is believing


10.He … to have left for Canada.

A) said B) has said C) is said


12. The delegation … to arrive on Monday.

A) expected B) was expected C) is expecting


13. He … to be an experienced doctor.

A) considered B) is considered C) to consider


14. You … to know it very well.

A) supposed B0 is supposed C) are supposed


15. The film … to be very exciting.

A) prove B) proved C) to have proved


16. The meeting … to have started its work.

A) was announced B) were announced C) to be announcing


17. My boss expects me … much.

A) to have worked B) to work C) to be working


18. Young children often ask … to the zoo.

A) to take B) to be taking C) to be taken


19. This is a list of words ….

A) to learn B) to have learned C) to be learned


20. The task … is quite clear to him.

A) to be fulfilled B) to fulfil C) to be fulfilling


Participle I, II

a. The student … all the lectures showed good results.

A) attended B) attending C) having been


b. The plant … machinery grows bigger.

A) producing B) produced C) has been produced



c. The workers … a new house returned home.

A) built B) was building C) building


4.The young man … the Institute must know much.

A) enter B) entered C) entering


5.… … to leave the city he began packing his things.

A) decided B) having decided C) deciding


6.The film … to the students was interesting.

A) show B) showing C) shown



7.… … all examinations he went to see his parents.

A) having passed B) passing C) passed


8… … home he began to cook dinner.

A) returning B) have returned C) having returned


9. The book … on the table was about animals.

A) leaving B) left C) has left



10. The news … by him was important.

A) told B) telling C) have been telling


11. The theatre … in the last century needed reconstruction.

A) building B) built C) had built


12. The bridge … … across the river is going to be beautiful.

A) be built B) being built C) building


13. … …. the experiment the students left the laboratory

A) having been finished B) finishes C) having finished


14. … the article he consulted the dictionary.

A) translated B) translating C) have translated


15. They have electrical equipment … in France.

A) manufactured B) have manufactured C) manufacture



Дата добавления: 2015-09-18; просмотров: 1323. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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