Read the following extracts. Comment on each conception of intonation.
...Что касается интонации,взятой в целом, то в качестве компонентов, имеющих определенное структурное, смысловое, эмоциональное и стилистическое значение, в нее входят: мелодика, включая тоны, фразовое ударение, ритм, а также вариации в тембральной краске, в темпе произношения и в долготе пауз, разделяющих синтагмы и предложения. Общепринятой точки зрения на состав интонации и ее функции нет. В зарубежных исследованиях и руководствах, в особенности английских фонетистов, под интонацией обычно понимается мелодика. В работах отечественных исследователей термин «интонация» получил различные определения. Наиболее полное и правильное определение находим в Энциклопедическом словаре (главный редактор Б. А. Введенский), «...фразовая интонация — совокупность звуковых средств языка, которые фонетически организуют речь, устанавливают между частями фразы смысловые отношения, сообщают фразе повествовательное, вопросительное или повелительное значение, выражают разные чувства. Фонетические средства интонации: распределение силы динамического ударения между словами, мелодика речи, паузы, темп речи, отчетливость, громкость, эмоциональные оттенки голосового тембра». Торсуев Г. П. Вопросы акцентологии современного английского языка. М.—Л., 1960. С. 23. Intonation may be defined as the variations which take place in the pitch of the voice in connected speech, i.e. the variations in the pitch of the musical note produced by the vibration of the vocal cords. Intonation is thus quite a different thing from stress. There are, however, important relations between stress and intonation in English, as indeed in all «stress languages». The effect of prominence is often produced by certain combinations of the two... In ordinary speech the pitch of the voice is continually changing. When the pitch of the voice rises we have a rising intonation, when it falls we have a falling intonation, when it remains on one note for an appreciable time, we have level intonation. The range of intonation is very extensive. It is a noteworthy fact that most people in speaking reach notes much higher and much lower than they can sing. The extent of the range in any given case depends on circumstances. It is as a general rule greater in the declamatory style of speech than in the conversational style, and in each case it is greater when the speaker is excited than when he is in a serious mood... When it is desired to give emphasis to a particular word in a sentence, that word has to be said with greater prominence than usual... Special prominence may be given (1) by increasing the length of one or more sounds, (2) by increasing the stress of one or more syllables, (3) by using special kinds of intonation, or by combination of these means. It is also to be noted that when a word can be pronounced in more than one way, a fuller or strong form is used in emphasis. Such full or strong forms do not of themselves give prominence, the prominence is effected by means of the sound-attributes (prosodies): length, stress and intonation. Of the above-mentioned methods of effecting prominence intonation is the most important; it is generally, though not necessarily, combined with extra strong stress on the emphatic words. There are two kinds of emphasis, which may be termed emphasis for contrast and emphasis for intensity. The first is emphasis intended to show that a word is contrasted with another word (either implied or previously expressed), or that a word introduces a new and unexpected idea. The second is an extra emphasis to express a particularly high degree of the quality which a word expresses; it is equivalent to the insertion of such words as «very», «extremely», a great deal of contrast-emphasis may be applied to almost any word, but intensity-emphasis can only be applied to certain words expressing qualities which are measurable, e. g. adjectives such as «huge», «enormous», «lovely», «tremendous», «wonderful», «marvellous», «appalling», «awful», «tiny», «absurd», «killing», «brilliant», «deafening», adverbs such as «particularly», «extremely», «hopelessly», plural nouns such as «quantities», «masses», «heaps», «tons», «hundreds», and a certain number of verbs such as «rush», «squeese», «hate». Contrast-emphasis is expressed mainly by intonation. The special intonation may be accompanied by extra stress or length, but these are secondary Jones D. An Outline of English Phonetics. Chapter XXXI, Intonation. Cambr, 1939. P. 275, 297,298.