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(How to be ecofriendly tourist in the Alps).

by Gurney Williams III.

Guests at the Waldhaus Am See in St.Moritz bring more than baggage to the 36-room hotel. With manager Claudio Brnasconi's encouragment, each week in summer they cart in box loads of trash they've found in the Swiss mountains. The visitor who brings in the most litter gets room and board for a week on the house. The record is 19 kilograms, mostly cans, collected by two Swiss women on vacation last August. "They said they worked so hard they were going to need another holiday," Bernasconi laughs.

The hotel's two-year-ols campaign is meant to encourage visitors to protect the the Alpine environment. But Bernasconi and tourist officials throughout the Alps know that responsible, or "soft" tourism requires more than picking up litter. Successful ecotourists they say, must start with careful planning - finding leisure activities and transportation that go easy on the preservation of the Alps. Once the traveler has arrived, moreover, he or she must strive to conserve energy, avoid andangered species and purchase local products, generally produced by mountain farmers who sustain the fragile landscape of the Alps.

One approach to soft tourism is scheduling a trip between seasons. Staggering of holiday schedules, helps reduce the choking, noisy traffic that tops the list of environmental concerns in most Alpine regions. Alpine resorts generally boom during the height of winter, when hotels are filled to 100 per cent of capacity. Another important way to mitigate the environmental assault from autos is to take public transportation whenever possible.

In some areas, like Zermatt, Switzerland, local transport is an attraction in itself. In Zermatt, a mountain community 1.620 meter high, cars are forbidden. In their place. a fleet of five electric buses carries skiers to lifts (the fare is $ 1.40). Hotels ferry luggage on some 380 smaller electric vehicles. The payoff for the environment is low pollution and energy demand, and blissful quiet.

The environmental ethic should continue inside the hotel. Responsible tourists should reduce their own demand for energy whenever possible by turning off unnecessary lights; by turning down heat; and by finding out how often the hotel changes sheets and towels and letting the concierge know if they can get by with the same laundry for a longer period of time.

Tourists who visit local shops can try to buy items with minimal wrapping that will add less trash to overloaded waste systems. They can also purchase locally made products when possible. Goods made nearby require less energy to transport, and their sale supports the Alpine economy.

Finally, eco-tourists should take their environmental ethic onto the ski slopes and hiking trails of the Alps. It is important to avoid straying from marked paths or ski runs unless a local guide is present. Snow protects plants and animals through the winter and skis can slash the blanket that enables them to survive.

The future of the Alpine ecosystem depends on the behaviour of the millions of tourists each year who enjoy the beauty and grandeur of the Alps. Damage done by the unthinking tourist can be irresistible, and in some parts of the Alps, trash thrown to the side of the trail will be preserved for decades in a deep freeze. But if everyone cooperates, the payoff will be rewarding vacations in the lush alpine environment for generations to come.



environment - окружающая среда

environmental - экологический

encouragement - поощрение

cart - привозить

loads - мн.ч. множество

trash - мусор

litter - сор, мусор

board - здесь: питание

throughout - по всей

responsible - ответственность

soft - мягкий

require - требовать(ся)

leisure - досуг, свободное время

search - искать

resort - курорт

promote - способствовать

preservation - сохранение

strive - стремиться

conserve - сохранять, беречь

avoid - избегать

endangered - подвергаемый опасности

cpecies - мн.ч. виды (растений, животных)

purchase - приобретать, покупать

sustain - поддерживать

fragile - хрупкий

approach - подход

schedule - планировать

stagger - приезжать в различные периоды

choke - разг. загрязнять

concern - проблема, забота, беспокойство

height - здесь: разгар

capacity - вместимость

mitigate - ослаблять, уменьшать

assault - здесь: вред

attraction - привлекательность

forbidden - запрещено

fleet - здесь: группа

fare - плата за билет, проезд

ferry - доставлятьяяяб перевозить

vehicle - любой вид транспорта

payoff - награда, выгода

blissful - блаженный, замечательный

sheet - простыня

towel - полотенце

laundry - белье

item - здесь: предмет, покупка

wrap - заворачивать

overloaded - перегруженный

waste - отходы

nearby - поблизости

slope - склон

hiking trails - пешеходные дорожки

path - тропинка

protect - защищать

slash - разрушить

blanket - здесь: покрытие, покров (снега)

enable - позволять

survive - выживать

depend (on) - зависеть (от)

grandeur - фр.: великолепие

decade - десятилетие

freeze - мерзлота

rewarding - стоящтй, достойный

lush - сочный, буйный (о растительности)

generation - поколение


Comprehension Check.

Answer the following questions.

1. What is the name of the hotel in St.Moritz?

2. Where is it located?

3. How many visitors can it accommodate?

4. Who can get a free room and board in the hotel?

5. What was the record like among the tourists?

6. Who is the manager in the hotel?

7. What campaign is promoted by the hotel administration?

8. What are the demands to the ecotourist (they are quite many)?

9. What is the way to mitigate the environmental assault from autos?

10. What is meant by the expression "environmental ethic inside the hotel"?

11. What should tourists try to avoid in local shops?

12. What does the future of the Alpine ecosystem depend on?


Topics to Discuss.

1. Environmental campaign in St.Moritz.

2. Demands to the visitors.

3. Ways of being a good "ecotourist".

Text 2

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