Error of table quantities, count and rules of approximations
1. The error of table quantity is defined as
where, α; is probability; v is half price of category from last significance figure in table quantity. For example: quantity p may be 3.14. In this case v = 0.005 and
If quantity p is 3.141 and v = 0.0005 then and so on. 2. Error of count may occur when we measure quantity by an instrument. Typically, the error of count is half price of minimum value of instruments scale. For example a ruler has error of count vl=0.5 mm. 3. Rules of approximation: quantity x may be approximated only to two significant figures, if the first significant figure is 1 or 2. In other cases, the quantity is approximated only to one significant figure. For example: x = 0.01865, approximated quantity is 0.019; x = 0.896, approximated quantity is 0.9 and so on.