Larvae (lozhnoprovolochniki) of a number of species that cause damage to the crop, similar to injuries inflicted by wireworms. Slowpoke sand (OpatrumsabulosumL.). Beetles live 1 - 2 years of winter crop residues and in the upper layer of the soil. Appear on the surface of the soil in mid-April. The female lays eggs at a depth of 2 to 8 see a very extended period of lay. The larvae feed on decaying plant in soil residues for 35 to 40 days. Polyphagous beetles and damage a variety of crops, but the most dangerous to seedlings cultivated and vegetable crops. Slowpoke steppe (BlapshalophilaFiesh.). Beetles overwinter under the shelters and kukolochiyh cradles larvae - in the soil. Beetles come to the surface of the soil in April, eat seedlings of various weed beet plantations prefer to eat wilted plants, serious damage to crops not usually cause. The larvae feed on the seeds sown maize, wheat, sunflower, sugar beet. Develop in the soil for two seasons. Broad- ballad (BlapslethiferaMarsh.). The cycle of development and way of life is the same as the steppe and Slowpoke. Corn ballad (PedinusfemoralisL.). Wintering beetles and larvae of different ages: the beetles in the upper layer of the soil and under the cover, the larvae - at a depth of 20 to 40 cm Beetles have 2 - 3 years, the larva develops 12 to 14 months. Females lay up to 500 eggs during the laying period is very stretched. Beetles are hidden lifestyle, eating mostly weeds. The main stage is harming the larva, which feeds on corn, sunflower, tobacco, potatoes. Control measures. Weed control and crop residues, careful treatment between rows of cultivated crops. In the fight against lozhnoprovolochnikami used the same drugs as against larvae of click beetles. If there are two or three ballads of 1 m2 are sprayed one of the drugs: metaphos, 40 % ec - 0.25 to 0.75 l / ha; Ambush, 25 % ec, vofatoksom, 18% ri -0, 4 to 1 kg / ha; decis, 2.5 % ae, -0.25 to 0.5 L / ha. In the fight against bugs using poison baits. Per 1 ha laid out 50 to 100 piles of green baits treated hexachlorane, heptachlor, vofatoksom, Diloram or other insecticides. One bait spent 2 to 10 g insecticide.
Scoops Butterflies mostly medium-sized, dark - colored. Caterpillars grayish -brown, brown or green in color with longitudinal stripes. By way of life, eating habits and the severity of the scoop distinguish two main groups: gnaws and leaf-eating (aerial). Caterpillars cutworms are hidden life in the surface layer of the soil, feed, podgryzaya plants at the root collar at ground level or in the ground. These include winter, shovels and other exclamatory. Caterpillars live aboveground scoop on plants, feed on leaves, stems and generative organs of plants. These include scoop -gamma, alfalfa scoop. Winter moth (ScotiasegetumSchiff.). Caterpillars overwinter in the soil of the sixth age at a depth of 10 to 25 cm They carry lowering the temperature to -11 °, and the low humidity and sometimes up to -18 ° C. In spring caterpillars climb to the upper layers, where they pupate in the smooth-walled cave. Winter moth produces two generations. Years of the first generation occurs in May - June and usually lasts more than 30 days. For the maturation of butterfly eggs in need of supplementary feeding on nectar. Males are actively involved in the pheromone. Intensive years, mating and egg- laying occurs in the evening. Females lay eggs on the undersides of the leaves, stalks of weeds and soil. Fruit and vitost - 470 to 2200 eggs. Larvae develop 24 to 36 days are crepuscular and nocturnal. Damage crops, sugar beets, potatoes, hemp, sunflower, vegetables and melons. Caterpillars often make a hole in the leaves and gnaw the plants at the soil level. Can damage the seeds and tubers, in sugar beet often eat away at the neck of the root. The second generation of butterflies years usually starts from late July to mid-September. Exclamatory scoop (ScotiaexclamationisL.). By way of life and damage is similar to the winter moth. Measures against cutworms. Cultivation of vapor in the period of mass oviposition, intercropping row hoeing and vegetable crops and weed control. At the beginning and during the mass production of egg-laying in the field of Trichogramma rate of 30 to 40 thousand individuals per 1 ha. To determine the number of observations of the population and should be used pheromone traps. Economic threshold depending on the culture - 0,5 to 5 tracks per 1 m2. If it is exceeded, use one of the insecticides: bazudin, 10% gran. -15 to 20 kg / ha, gamma- HCH, 50 % wp - 0.8 kg / ha, gamma- HCH, 16 % m.m.e. - 2 to 2.5 l / ha, gamma- HCH, 2% gran. -50 kg / ha on phosphamide superphosphate, 1.6 % gran. - 100 to 150 kg / ha; Furadan, 10% grain. - 15 kg / ha. On the plot against young larvae use one of the insecticides: anometrin H, 25 % ae - 10 g benzofosfat, 10 % ec and sp - 60 g; malathion, 10 % ec and sp -60 g; kizlar, 5 % ec and sp - 50 g permethrin 10 % ec and sp - 25 g; Fox, ipsektofoksim, 5 % ec and sp -100 to 150 g per 10 liters of water. Scoop -gamma (AutographagammaL.). Wintering larvae, pupa and butterfly. Moths fly from late April to November, with the years of different generations often overlap. Butterflies need the extra power. Fertility - 500 to 1,500 eggs. Young caterpillars skeletonize leaves, caterpillars older or develop holes devour them from the coasts. Damage of about 100 species of plants. Development of one generation 25 to 45 days. Produces two generations per year. By the number of scoops -gamma affects lowered humidity, disease and infestation by parasites. Economic threshold - 1 to 5 copies per plant at 5% occupancy. Scoop with -black (Amathesc-nigrumL.). In Ukraine, found everywhere. Damages, vegetable, beet, perennial legumes, peas, corn, grains, berries, fruit and other crops. Caterpillars overwinter past ages under plant residues. In the spring of continuing food, eating leaves, shoot tips, beets under " wishbone ". Pupate in May in a loose cocoon in the surface layer of soil or under plant debris. After 15 to 25 days fly butterflies and additionally feed on nectar on the flowers of various plants. Eggs are laid in groups on the ground. Fecundity - 800 to 950 eggs. After 6 - 7 days caterpillars hatch, develop about a month, passing six ages. Initially caterpillars skeletonize leaves, coarsely later devour them, leaving intact only the central vein. They feed at night, hiding during the day under the clumps of soil. The second generation develops in August - September. Control measures. Weed control, inter-row cultivation of tilled crops, deep plowing. For the destruction of one of the tracks used insecticides: Ambush, 25 % ec - 0.4 l / ha; anometrip H, 50 % ec - 0.25 l / ha; metaphos, 40 % ec - 0.5 to 0.75 l / ha methyl parathion, 50 % BC -0, 2 to 0.4 l / ha trichlorfon, 80% of the so-called, sp and g. - 2 kg / ha; tsimbush 25 % ae - 0.16 l / ha dendrobatsillin -.. 1, 1.5 kg / ha; lipidotsid - 0.5 to 1 kg / ha. On private land use mc same drugs as against cutworms. Effective broth topped tomatoes. Moth Meadow moth (PyraustasticticalisL.). Caterpillars overwinter in the soil in a cocoon. Life expectancy of 13 tracks to 32 days, feeding on aboveground parts of the plant, eating the leaves, stems, flowers, and ovaries, entangling the damaged part of the web. Adults fly from May to early September. Develops in two generations. Moths are active during twilight, need supplementary feeding. The female lays on the underside of leaves 120 to 650 yaits.V drought conditions frequently observed infertility butterflies. Feature types - periodic, sometimes through a long period of time outbreak. Control measures. Deep plowing land inhabited by webworm caterpillars, weeding, inter-row cultivation and vegetable crops cultivated in the period of the first generation of caterpillars pupate. In the presence of 10 oviposition per 1 m2 of cultivated crops release of Trichogramma (30 to 40 thousand per 1 ha), repeated after 6 - 7 days. Spraying the crops of the following medications: Ambush, 25 % ec - 0.25 l / ha; anometrinom H, 50 % ec - 0.12 l / ha; ox - tone, 50 % ec - 1.5 l / ha; vofatoksom, 18 % wp - 0.35 to 0.7 kg / ha; metaphos, 40% of BC -0, 5 to 0.75 l / ha; metilnarationom, 50 % ec -0, 4 to 0.8 l / ha; nurellom, 20 % ec - 0,4 l / ha tsimbushom 10 % ae - 0.8 l / ha etafosom 50 % ae - 1 l / ha. On private land are using the same drugs as against cutworms. Against the larvae of the first -and third- ages - effective bitoksi batsillin - 40 to 50 g or Lepidocide - 20 to 30 g per 10 liters of water and broth topped tomatoes. Stem borer (Ostrinianubilalislib.). Caterpillars overwinter in the stems of affected plants. A few days after hatching penetrate the stalks, vagina, inflorescence apex of stems, later introduced into the stalk and cob. Damage the corn, hemp, millet, hops, sunflower, kartofel.Babochki fly in the twilight. Additionally feed and need moisture to drip. Females lay eggs in groups on plants with thick stems and fill them quickly solidifying zhidkostyu.Razvivaetsya in two generations. The number of pests can grow in wet years and the use of treatments including subsurface soil. Control measures. Reproduction Pest restrict agricultural practices: the destruction krupnostebelnyh weeds, deep plowing fields. During the period of lay hold release of Trichogramma (30 to 40 thousand / ha). Treatment with chemicals of: Metaphos 40% AD -0, 6 to 1.25 l / ha metilnarationom 50% AD - 0.48 to 1 l / ha. Spraying is carried out twice: at the beginning of caterpillars and after 12 to 14 days. Biologicals may be used: gomelin (0.8 to 1 kg / ha) dendrobatsillin (0.5 to 1 kg / ha) Lepidocide (1.5 to 2 l / ha). On the plot using the same drugs as against webworm.