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Click beetles

The fauna of beetles steppe of Ukraine, there are about 82 species, of which the most common arable land not more than 10 species. Females lay their eggs in an amount of from 30 to 500 (depending on species). In the initial period of development of the eggs they absorb water, so the lack of moisture die. Larvae (wireworms) are developed for four years. Eat only liquid food factions, due to their having oral filters that are no larger than 3 microns. This explains the great voracity beetles, as they have to crush and squeeze in a few more times the mass of food than they need for normal life. Feature of the distribution of wireworms is focal, characterized by a relative territorial consistency. Tangible damage to the cause in the years preceding the flight, when the population is dominated by older larvae, intensive feeding before pupation. In general, the population of beetles number of different stable within a certain habitat. Chuck, sowing (AgriotessputatorL.). The most popular type of field agricultural lands whose density increases dramatically during irrigation. Overwinter in the soil seed chuck, in the pupal cells at a depth of 10 cm, and its larvae of all ages - to a depth of 50 to 80 cm of beetles starts at period I- III of April and lasts 60 to 70 days. Females appear on the 10 to 14 days later. Adults are active in the morning (7 to 9 hours) and evening (17 to 20h). To attract males, females actively secrete a pheromone. Beetles in the inactive period of hiding under the cover. They feed on pollen in dry years biting leaves cereals. Females lay eggs in the soil near the roots of the grass plants. Despite the fact that the larvae can damage many crops (vegetable, corn, Root crops), for their normal development is required power grass vegetation. Chuck, steppe (AgriotesgurgistanusFald.). After planting the most numerous species of wireworms in field crop rotations. Wintering larvae of different ages to a depth of 1 m, pupate in early June. Year starts in July and lasts II decades 30 to 40 days. The beetles fly well and fly to the light. Males attracted to the smell of sex pheromone. Especially larvae cause severe damage to corn, vegetable seedlings and seeds of melons. From most types of beetles, they differ in that the hot dry period are found in the upper layers of the soil. There are usually big pockets. Schelkunburonogy (Melanotus brunnipes Germ.). Beetles in the pupal cells and larvae of different ages spend the winter at a depth of 50 to 80 cm beetles fly from mid-May to mid-June. Feed on pollen, but often prey in the colonies of aphids. The larvae are omnivorous, prefer necrophages predation and, in the absence of food of animal feed on seeds and underground organs of plants. They live mainly in the soil of heavy texture. Wide chuck, (SelatosomuslatusF.) occurs on cropland and virgin lands. Overwinters in the pupal cells at a depth of 10 to 12 cm, and its larvae of different ages - at a depth of 25 to 35 sm. Beetles begin in the second half of April and continues until the first decade of June. Feed on pollen and flowers. Eggs are laid in driven. Fecundity - 200 to 500 eggs. The larvae prefer soils of heavy texture, loamy and clayey, sandy loam to a lesser extent, but always with high connectivity. Measures against wireworms. Combine complex agricultural practices with chemical remedies. Of farming practices are most effective inter-row treatments, confined to vulnerable stages of development (molting, pupation, egg). Loosening the soil in the period issushivaet its upper layer, leading to the death of pests. Planning of protective measures should begin with the establishment of population density of wireworms. Determine the number of plants for the larvae of click beetles steppe by using pheromone traps with drugs PLC -5 and PAC- 6. The traps are placed on Iole staggered basis of one trap on K) to 15 hectares. Calculation of the number of wireworms carried by the formula: C = V • M, where N - the number of larvae of click beetles, spec./m2; V- number of males caught in the first 20 days of sustained summer, M - constant coefficient (0.03 - for seed and 0,006 - for the steppe beetles). Another way of determining the number of click beetles are early-spring soil excavation, carried out by the standard method described in the second chapter. If the number of beetles on crops sowing solid 5 to 8, Row 3 to 5 spec./m2 is necessary to conduct combat chemical method, one way of which is to pre-sowing seed treatment of the following medications: gammageksanom, 50 % wp - 2, bazudin, 50 % wp - 2; tigamom, 70 % wp - 2 kg / t; fentiuramom, 65 % wp -2 to 6 kg / ha. The biological efficacy of this method is low and when the pest population above the threshold of economic damage are making granular preparations: bazudii, 10% grain. - 15 to 20 kg / ha for potatoes, 40 to 50 kg / ha of maize, beet, barley; bazudin 5% Hex. - 50 kg / ha; volaton 15% gran. -50 kg / hectare, Dursban, 10 and 5 % gran. -50 kg / ha on phosphamide superphosphate 1.6% grai. - 100 to 150 kg / ha 25% of the phosphate mixture hexachlorane flour - 6 to 8 kg / ha. When applying drugs HCH for four years can not grow root crops and potatoes. High efficacy against wireworms Furadan, 10% grain. (15 to 20 kg / ha). However, the drug is very highly toxic, so make the soil only with the help of applicators and forbidden to perform manual work within 45 days after application. On the plot against wireworms when planting to the soil diazinon (bazudin), 5% grain, the rate of 30 g per 10 m2. Deters beetles Welsh onion, planted among the strawberry plants. The positive results in the fight against click beetle mass trapping methods give males (elimination), and disorientation. Accommodation 4 - 5 feromonpyh traps per hectare with the drug PAC- 6 reduces the number of hatched larvae by 75 to 85 %. The high level of disorientation male steppe beetles (about 90 %) is achieved when you make 25 g / ha of pheromone deposited on the rubber crumb.


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