In recent years the environmental problems have become extremely urgent and received a great publicity. They are the result of scientific and technological progress of the 20-th century. But people also do a lot of harm to nature because they don't understand that the man is the part of the environment. The relationship between man and nature has become one of the most vital problems facing civilization today. The ecological problems are: air, water and noise pollution, cutting down forests, animals are used for scientific researches, hunting rare animals, oil spills, contamination, ultraviolet radiation, carbon dioxide increase, holes in ozone layer, forest fires, sewage, fumes, overfishing, nuclear weapon tests, etc. Now we face the following results: extinction of many species, global warming, shortage of water, acid rains, deforestation, droughts, floods, etc. Cars are one of the most harmful and dangerous polluters of air. In more than a hundred towns and cities the concentration of harmful substances in the air and water is 10 times over the admissible level. Besides, we must remember about ozone holes over our heads. The ozone layer doesn't protect us from dangerous ultraviolet rays any more. They get through the atmosphere causing skin cancer and other diseases. All these facts make us become more sensitive towards the environment. To help the environment we should create special zones for animals, make the logging companies plant trees, use less plastic and paper, reduce carbon dioxide emission, and use less aerosol spray. There should be a strong public reaction to the problems. It’s necessary to keep our environment clean and explore nature in the right way. Various public organizations and unofficial movement make their best to change official and public opinion on the environmental problems. I suppose the solution of the problem requires the cooperation of the people's efforts in nature conservation.