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Living in a big city has many advantages.

Houses in the city are generally provided with modern conveniences such as electricity, running water, telephones and all sorts of labour-saving devices. There are a lot of multi-storey buildings.

There are plenty of means of communication: buses, taxi-cabs, metro, etc

Big cities offer a wide range of entertainment: playgrounds and sports fields, public gardens, museums, movie-theaters, concerts…

There are many places in the city where you can get a bite or a drink: restaurants, coffee-houses, tea-rooms, bars and refreshment rooms, etc

A big city has everything you want. There are a lot of trade centres which you can visit to buy the essential things for life such as: clothes, furniture and food which have high standards and good for health.

Owing to sport palaces, swimming pools, tennis courts, people in the big city have plenty of sporting facilities.

Schools, gymnasiums, universities provide various educational facilities. A man can get the best education in a big city. In our time, the man, who lives in the big city, has many possibilities to realize himself in different spheres of life. In the city he can acquire good opportunities for making a successful career.
People in the big city have more chances to find a job.

In a city you don’t have a problem with communication and with the system of public transport, which is well developed.

There are a lot of hospitals and chemist’s shops in cities. That’s why there is no problem with some drugs or necessary medicine.

And the last, if you live in a city you can go with the time, know all novelty of fashion, all politics news, all discoveries in science.

All cities have their own important disadvantages. Their rhythm of life is so quick, their life is so busy, that every day, particularly in the rush hour, the streets get so packed with traffic that the travel is very slow, or even comes to a standstill. A great number of cars and other traffic make traffic jams in the central streets; it is a problem to find parking meters. But in my opinion the main problem in the big cities is a terrible ecological situation, gas, noises pollution. Also in the overcrowded streets accidents often happen and in big cities there is a high criminal rate. The criminal situation in big cities usually leaves much to be desired. The big city looks like a human zoo, where people are far from nature; they live in the similar houses in little flats, which look like cages.

The way of life in the small towns and villages is opposite to the life in a big city. There are not so many cultural, leisure, educational and sporting facilities. The rhythm of life is slow and life is quiet. In villages and small towns all houses are different. There are gardens in front of them. People are close to each other. They communicate very often.

The ecology in small towns is better. In the country, we can live in the midst of nature. The air is fresh and cool, which is good for a healthy living. A country life is full of charms. The rippling rivers, the grazing cows and the chirping birds give us great pleasures in life. Country life is cheaper than town life. I think it is healthier and more peaceful to live in the countryside than in a city.

The way of life influences people. People in a big city can have a sense of superiority over people who live in the suburbs and villages.

It is hard to decide where to live, because both ways of life have some advantages and disadvantages.

Дата добавления: 2015-06-29; просмотров: 701. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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