Journal 'The Harmonist' Edited by Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur. We shall conclude this brief account of Thakur Bhaktivinode by presenting the reader with a few short extracts from the Thakur's writings embodying his views
(No. 4, Vol. XXV, September 1927)
We shall conclude this brief account of Thakur Bhaktivinode by presenting the reader with a few short extracts from the Thakur's writings embodying his views regarding nama-bhajan (Adoration of the Holy Name) which constitutes the fundamental doctrine of the shuddha-sanatana-dharma and the solution offered by him of some of the most pressing problems that confront the generation. The Holy Name: — “There are many persons who failing to understand the distinction between ‘the dimly perceived Name’ (namabhasa) and the Holy name Himself (shri-nama), suppose that the Holy Name is only an ordinary word made up of certain letters of the alphabet and that, therefore, the taking of the Holy Name without faith (shraddha) is also effective. They adduce as proofs the history of Ajamila and certain passages of the Scriptures such as “ sankantyam pari hasyam va ” etc. It has already been stated that the Holy Name is the 'Absolute Truth Himself (chaitanya) and 'the embodiment of the elixir of the highest ecstatic emotion (rasa-vigraha); and is not attainable by the organs of sense. This being so, if one dees not seek the help of the Holy Name with a mind free from offence, no good result is possible. The effect of the utterance of the Holy Name by a person devoid of faith (shraddha) is that thereby it becomes possible for such person subsequently to take the Holy Name with faith. Therefore, those who, deliberately misinterpreting for a selfish purpose, explain the Holy Name as being merely the juxtaposition of a number of letters forming only a constituent part of fruitive ceremonials, are utterly impious; and their taking of the Name is an offense against the Holy Name Himself” (Harinama). prithivite achhe yata nagaradi-grama (Shri Chaitanya Bhagavata, Antya-khanda, 4.126) ‘My Name will spread into all the regions and villages of the Earth’. Varnashrama-dharma: — “It is not the purpose of any patriotic Indian to destroy the varnasrama-dharma (the duties of the four varnas and of the four stages). It is our duty to eliminate the impurities that have crept into the system. In order to rejuvenate varnasrama-dharma, it will be necessary to adopt the following principles — (1) No one's varna will be settled by birth alone (2) the varna of every person should be settled in accordance with the nature formed by the association of early years and by the course of acquisition of knowledge and experience” (The Sajjana Toshani, vol. II, page 123). The selection of Sadguru (true Spiritual Guide): — “At the time of accepting a preceptor one must satisfy himself that (1) he must be well acquainted with the true significance of the Scriptures that will enable him to dispel the gloom of ignorance from the mind of the disciple and that (2) he must be above all human frailties and ever devoted to the Transcendental Truth. Such a preceptor is doubtless capable of instructing the disciple in knowledge of every kind. The preceptor who initiates should never be renounced except for the two following reasons (1) the disciple should renounce his preceptor when he discovers that his Guru does not possess the above qualities due to the disciple's mistake in choice; (2) the disciple should repudiate his preceptor in case he (preceptor) becomes a hater of Vishnu and Vaishnaba” (Jaivadharma, ch. XX). Thakur's two predictions: — The author is unknown * Part 1, part 2.1 of this article.