Key Provisions
2.1 Individual task consists of four tasks. In the first and the second problem should be using the NMC EFC, the best way to select the operating mode parameters and calculate the error. Record the measurement result on the scoreboard showing the dimension. A third challenge is the result of measurement error estimate of the frequency ratio. It is also necessary to record the measurement result on the scoreboard. This task is necessary to pay attention to the correct choice of frequencies, which should be in the range of measurement EFC. Fourth task will assess the result of measurement error of the frequency (period, frequency ratio), submitted to the board. This inverse problem is solved. 2.2 Normalized metrological characteristics (NMC) EFC - a metrological characteristics (MC), the regulatory and technical documentation (TD). To NMC EFC are: - in the mode frequency measurements: a) measuring range b) the calculation time T count
where n = 10,ν,ν = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4...., c) the number of digits, d) threshold, e) the relative error δqg crystal oscillator
- in the mode of measurement periods: a) measuring range b) label the period;
where m – frequency multiplier crystal oscillator m = 10ε; ε = 0; 1; 2; 3; 4…., c) the period of the factor n; d) the number of digits e) threshold e) the relative error δqg crystal oscillator - in the mode of measuring the ratio of frequencies: a) the range of measurement frequencies b) the range of measurement and period. c) the period of the factor(n); d) the number of digits e) the threshold of sensitivity,
2.3 The basic error in the measurement mode frequency is given by:
δqg – standard error of the value of the crystal oscillator; δ N – error of discreteness
Basic error in the measurement period is determined by the
m – factor frequencyoscillator;
In the measurement of the frequency
Options for individual tasks are presented in Appendix B and are selected for: - full-time students under the ordinal name of academic papers; - for students of correspondence courses according to the third letter in the name. Rules for assignment: 1. Rewrite assignment as a table (Appendix B); 2. Rewrite NMC of given EFC (Appendix D); 3. Perform necessary computation of the parameters selected (specified) mode measurement 4. Result of solutions write in a table (instead of written answers questions).