Laboratory reference
5.1 Familiarize with an equipment in the workplace, collect a measuring chart in obedience to lines. 1 and prepare devices to work. 5.2 In the mode of measuring of frequency define the threshold of sensitiveness (minimum tension which will provide a proof show on a board) and conduct the check of device on the indicated frequencies at tablas. 5.1. 5.3 To expect an absolute error the measured and maximum possible error, it is got results to write down at tablas. 5.1. (δi - choose from passport information of the set generator) Table 5.1 - Verification of the range of measured frequencies
5.4 In the mode of measuring of period to conduct the analogical measurings and calculations. To present results as table. 5.2.
Table 5.2 - Calibration of the measured range of periods
5.5 Using technical descriptions of the set cymometer, to choose time of account which provides the least error in the mode of measuring of frequency.. 5.3. Possible δ in the mode of frequency will expect after a formula 1.
Table 5.3 - Determination of the relative error of frequency measurement (error discrete)
5.6 Using technical descriptions of the set cymometer, to choose the parameters of the mode of measuring of period so that to provide the least error of measuring of period.. 5.4. Possible δ in the mode of period will expect after a formula 2.
Table 5.4 - Determination of the relative error of measurement period (error discrete)
6. Protocol of the laboratory work (№.... name...) 6.1 The purpose of the experiment. 6.2 List of equipment used in the Table. 6.1.
Table 6.1 - List of equipment used
6.3 Scheme of the measurement
Type of calibrated frequency counter____________________________________ Visual inspection_________________________________________________ Testing_________________________________________________________
Calibration settings
Ambient temperature ___________________________________ ° C Relative humidity __________________________________ Pressure mmHg_________________________________________ Time of pre-heating ____________________________________ min. Supply voltage _________________________________________________ V. The frequency of voltage _________________________________________ Hz.
6.4 Based on these results to draw conclusions about the verification carried out by frequency. Verification Measurement frequency range investigated EFC _________ Conclusion: Calibration of the measured range of periods studied EFC _________ Conclusion: Determination of the relative error of measurement of the frequency of the EFC __________ Conclusion: Determination of the relative error of the measurement period studied EFC __________ Conclusion: The overall conclusion is made __________________________ Checking "___" _________ 20 __ y. Name
Protocol tested: (Signature)