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4.1 Research the structural scheme of given EFC and the principle of work in different modes. To draw the structural scheme of EFC. 4.2 Using the technical characteristics of EFC choose time counting that provides the minimal error in frequency measuring mode. The result show in table 4.1. The variants of the tasks given in table 1 (appendix A); here
Table 4.1 – Basic characteristics evaluation in “FREQUENCY MEASURMENT” mode.
4.3 Using the technical specifications of EFC choose the parameters of period measurement mode that provide minimal measurement error of interval. The result is show in table 4.2. It is recommended to provide calculations on same frequencies as in table 1 (appendix A).
Table 4.2 – Basic characteristics evaluation in “PERIOD MEASURMENT” mode.
4.4 Using technical specifications of EFC choose parameters of the frequency ratio mode that will provide minimal measurement error. The results show in table 4.3 (the frequencies are given in appendix A).
Table 4.3 – Basic characteristics evaluation in “FREQUENCIES RATIO” mode.