Key features
2.1 Modern EFC based on micro processing schemes with hard logic are the multifunctional devices. The transition from one function to another is implemented by installed software or by switching keys. Functional scheme is shown on pic. 1 relate to EFC with hard logic. 2.2 “FREQUENCY MEASURMENT” mode perform the direct comparing of researched signal frequency On pic. 2 are shown the diagrams of EFC voltages that reveal the point of digital method – the calculation of pulses quantity N coming on counting block (11) during time From diagram follows that the actual value of researched signal frequency equal to:
Measuring of researched signal frequency value:
The value of absolute error of discreteness:
The maximum value of relative error of discreetness defined by next formula:
where, N – quantity of pulses that comes on the counting block of EFC during counting time. Total error of frequency measuring:
2.3 “PERIOD MEASURMENT” mode perform comparing of researched signal period
where N – marks quantity that comes on counting block; n – period factor. Counting time is defined by:
The measuring period value of researched signal:
The values of relative and absolute error of discreetness are equal to:
where Total relative error of measuring:
2.4 In “FREQUENCIES RATIO” mode the voltage with high frequency
From pic. 4 follows equality:
The actual value of frequency ratio equal to:
The measuring value of frequencies ratio:
Counting time:
The absolute error of discreetness:
The relative error of discreetness:
Total error of measurement: