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V1: Грамматика


S: Вставьте глагол to be в соответствующей форме.

Her son will be a student next year.


S: Вставьте глагол to be в соответствующей форме.

Her friends will be doctors in two years.


S: Вставьте глагол to be в соответствующей форме.

When he studied at school he was good at maths.


S: Вставьте глагол to be в соответствующей форме.

When I studied at school I was interested in chemistry.


S: Назовите правильный ответ на вопрос.

Are you a first-year student?

-: Yes, is it.

-: Yes, he is.

-: Yes, you are.

-: Yes, I am.


S: Назовите правильный ответ на вопрос.

Will you be a surgeon?

-: Yes, will I.

-: Yes, I am.

-: Yes, you will.

-: Yes, I will.


S: Закончите предложение.

My friend … a dentist.

-: will not be

-: not will be

-: will be not

-: will be no


S: Закончите предложение.

There … some students in the laboratory now.

-: are

-:will be

-: were

-: is


S: Закончите предложение.

There … no coffee left. I’ve drunk it all.

-: has

-: was

-: is

-: are


S: Закончите предложение.

There … no paper on the table. It is on the shelf.

-: are

-: has

-: was

-: is


S: Закончите предложение.

There … table in the room.

-: is no

-: is

-: is not

-: no


S: Закончите предложение.

There is … garden in front of our house.

-: no

-: someone

-: any

-: not


S: Закончите предложение.

There was … shop near our house.

-: any

-: no

-: nothing

-: not


S: Вставьте глагол to be в соответствующей форме.

I will be back in five minutes.


S: Закончите предложение.

If you … busy I’ll come tomorrow.

-: will be

-: are

-: is

-: were


S: Закончите предложение.

We had two lectures …

-: yesterday

-: today

-: tomorrow

-: in a week


S: Закончите предложение.

We will have practice …

-: yesterday

-: today

-: last week

-: in a week


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

У меня завтра не будет свободного времени.

-: Tomorrow I have no free time.

-: I tomorrow will have no free time.

-: I will no have free time tomorrow.

-: I will have no free time tomorrow.


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

У меня вчера не было свободного времени.

-: Yesterday I have no free time.

-: I yesterday had no free time.

-: I no had free time yesterday.

-: I had no free time yesterday.


S: Вставьте предлог.

He is very good at biology.


S: Вставьте предлог.

My sister is very good at languages.


S: Вставьте предлог.

The operation was performed by a new method.


S:Вставьте предлог.

Our classes begin at 9 o’clock.


S: Вставьте предлог.

The picture was on the wall.


S: Вставьте предлог.

We will go to the country in summer.


S: Вставьте предлог.

We will have exams at the end of the term.


S: Вставьте предлог.

I’ll be back in half an hour.


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

В этом институте учатся друзья моей дочери.

-: At this institute study my daughter’s friends.

-: My daughter’s friends study at this institute.

-: At this institute friend of my daughter study.

-: At this institute study friends of my daughter.


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

В этом отделении работают опытные врачи.

-: At this department work experienced doctors.

-: Experienced doctors work at this department.

-: At this department doctors experienced work.

-: Experienced doctors at this department work.


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

Мне семнадцать лет.

-: I am seventeen years.

-: Me seventeen years.

-: I am seventeen.

-: I am seventy.


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

Мой любимый предмет – анатомия.

-: My favorite subject anatomy.

-: My the favorite subject is anatomy.

-: Anatomy my favorite subject.

-: Anatomy is my favorite subject.


S: Вставьте предлог.

I get up at 7 o’clock.


S: Вставьте соответствующую форму личного местоимения.

You made many mistakes in … test.

-: yours

-: their

-: you

-: your


S: Вставьте соответствующую форму личного местоимения.

The lecture was very interesting. I liked …

-: she

-: her

-: it

-: its


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

В нашей группе нет плохих студентов.

-: There are not bad students in our group.

-: No bad students are in our group.

-: Bad students are not in our group.

-: There are no bad students in our group.


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

В его работе не было ошибок.

-: There were not mistakes in his test..

-: No mistakes were in his test.

-: Mistakes were not in his test.

-: There were no mistakes in his work.


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

Существует одна новая теория.

-: It is a new theory.

-: This theory is new.

-: There is a new theory.

-: There is a new theory there.


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

Есть несколько методов.

-: It is some methods.

-: These are some methods.

-: There are some methods.

-: There are some methods there.


S: Закончите предложение.

Our group is … than yours.

-: largest

-: the largest

-: larger

-: the larger


S: Закончите предложение.

She is … student in our group.

-: the better

-: best

-: the best

-: better


S:Закончите предложение..

… people smoke now than before.

-: Little

-: Less

-: Few

-: Fewer


S: Закончите предложение..

… people go in for sports now.

-: More than

-: As many as

-: The most

-: More


S: Закончите предложение..

My hair is short. Her hair is … than mine.

-: long

-: longer

-: longest

-: the longest


S: Закончите предложение..

February is… month in the year.

-: shorter

-: more shorter

-: the shortest

-: the most short


S: Закончите предложение.

Chemistry is as … as biology.

-: more interesting

-: most interesting

-: the most interesting

-: interesting


S: Закончите предложение.

Anatomy is as … as chemistry.

-: more difficult

-: most difficult

-: the most difficult

-: difficult


S: Закончите предложение.

Europe is not … Africa.

-: as large as

-: larger

-: largest

-: large as

S: Превосходная степень прилагательного good…

-: the better

-: the goodest

-: the best
-: the most good

S: Превосходная степень прилагательного bad…

-: the baddest

-: the worse

-: the worst
-: the most bad

S: Закончите предложение.

Anatomy is … than biology.

-: most difficult

-: more difficult

-: as difficult as
-: difficulter


S: Укажите правильный вопрос к предложению.

After work she always goes home.

-: Does she always goes home after work?

-: Does she always go home after work?

-: She always goes home after work?

-: Always does she go home after work?


S: Укажите правильный вопрос к предложению.

The students passed the exam.

-: Have the students passed the exam?

-: Did the students passed the exam?

-: Were the students passed the exam?

-: Did the students pass the exam?


S: Укажите правильный вопрос к предложению.

He had to work very hard yesterday.

-: Did he have to work very hard yesterday?

-: Had he to work very hard yesterday?

-: Had he work very hard yesterday?

-: Did he work very hard yesterday?


S: Укажите правильный вопрос к подчеркнутому слову.

This book was published in London.

-: Where was this book published?

-: When was this book published?

-: Where was this book publish?

-: Where this book was published?


S: Укажите правильный вопрос к подчеркнутому слову.

She got up early today.

-: When did she get up today?

-: When did she got up today?

-: When does she get up today?

-:When she got up today?


S: Укажите правильный вопрос к подчеркнутому слову.

Schools give young people general knowledge.

-: What knowledge give schools young people?

-: What knowledge schools give young people?

-: What knowledge do schools give young people?

-: What do schools give knowledge young people?

S: Назовите правильный вопрос к предложению.

My friend studies at the medical faculty.

-: When does your friend studies?

-: Where your friend studies?

-: What does your friend study?

-: Where does your friend study?

S: Закончите вопрос.

… the surgeon perform this operation successfully?

-: Do

-: Was

-: Did

-: Is

S: Закончите вопрос.

… this nurse work in your department?

-: Do

-: Was

-: Does

-: Is

S: Закончите предложение.

I … the answer to the question.

-: do not know

-: not know

-: does not know

-: is not know

S: Закончите предложение.

I … this article.

-: did not translate

-: not translated

-: did not translated

-: did no translate


S: Вставьте вспомогательный глагол.

Did your friend help you to do the work last week?


S: Закончите вопрос.

He is a surgeon, is not he?


S: Закончите вопрос.

You study at the medical faculty, … you?

-: do

-: don’t

-: did

-: didn’t


S: Закончите вопрос.

You didn’t go to the library yesterday, … you?

-: didn’t

-: weren’t

-: did

-: were


S: Закончите предложение.

… me your textbook.

-: Give, please

-: Give

-: Let’s give

-: Gave


S: Закончите предложение.

… late for classes.

-: Not be

-: Don’t be

-: Let’s to be

-: Don’t to be


S: Закончите предложение.

… him with his work.

-: Let help

-: Let’s help

-: Let I help

-: Let’s to help


S: Закончите предложение.

If Bob … soon, I will go alone.

-: will not come

-: do not come

-: does not come

-: has not come


S: Закончите предложение.

The rain …. The weather is fine.

-: has stopped

-: was stopped

-: stopped

-: has stop


S: Закончите предложение.

I am not hungry. I … dinner.

-: had just

-: just had

-: have had just

-: have just had


S: Закончите предложение.

I … him today.

-: had not seen

-: not have seen

-: have seen not

-: have not seen


S: Закончите предложение.

I was very nervous because I … it before.

-: have not done

-: did not do

-: had not do

-: had not done


S: Закончите предложение.

The doctor said that he … the treatment in a week.

-: will change

-: would change

-: changes

-: changed


S: Закончите предложение.

The children … the exercises now.

-: do

-: doing

-: have done

-: are doing


S: Закончите предложение.

.Sorry, but I … your name.

-: am forgetting

-: have forgotten

-: have forget

-: forgotten


S: Закончите предложение.

I thought I … my telephone in the classroom.

-: left

-: have left

-: had left

-: was left


S: Назовите правильный перевод предложения.

Они еще не закончили работу.

-: They have yet not finished the work.

-: They have not already finished the work.

-: They have not finished the work yet.

-: They not have finished the work yet.


S: Закончите предложение.

In this newspaper you can find … medical articles.

-: any

-: every

-: some

-: something


S: Закончите предложение.

Is there … in the room?

-: somebody

-: nobody

-: anybody

-: something


S: Закончите предложение.

Wait a little. He is here.

-: nowhere

-: somewhere

-: everywhere

-: anywhere


S: Закончите вопрос.

Can … answer my question?

-: anybody

-: somebody

-: anything

-: something


S: Закончите вопрос.

Was there … useful in the article?

-: anybody

-: somebody

-: anything

-: something


S: Закончите предложение.

If … happens I can take care of myself.

-: something

-: anything

-: nothing

-: everything


S: Укажите соответствия:

1: is preventing 1. Future Simple Active

2: prevented 2. Future Continuous Active

3: was prevented 3. Present Continuous Active

4: will prevent 4. Past Simple Active

Дата добавления: 2015-08-12; просмотров: 1144. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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