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Past Simple Passive


S: Укажите соответствия:

1: were treated 1. Present Continuous Active

2: treated 2. Future Simple Active

3: are treating 3. Past Continuous Active

4: will tr21eat 4. Past Simple Passive

5. Past Simple Active


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

Сейчас они оценивают результаты эксперимента.

-: Now they estimate the results of the experiment.

-: Now they have estimated the results of the experiment.

-: Now they are estimated the results of the experiment.

-: They are estimating the results of the experiment.


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

В данный момент мы работаем в лаборатории.

-: At present we work in the lab.

-: At present we have working in the lab..

-: At present we are worked in the lab.

-: We are working in the lab at present


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

Они все еще пишут тест.

-: They are still written the test.

-: They are still writing the test.

-: They still are writing the test.

-: They still write the test.


S: Закончите предложение.

Students … work hard to be good specialists.

-: must to

-: have to

-: should to

-: must


S: Закончите предложение.

Medical student …know anatomy well.

-: must

-: have to

-: should to

-: must to


S: Закончите предложение.

I was late so I … to take a taxi.

-: must

-: should

-: had

-: had to


S: Закончите предложение.

Not to be late for classes you … get up earlier.

-: must

-: should

-: have

-: should to

S: Укажите предложение, где глагол to have имеет модальное значение…

-: The surgeon has performed many operations.

-: The physician has many patients.

-: The surgeon has to perform the operation.

-: The surgeon has little time to perform the operation.

S: Укажите предложение, где глагол to have имеет модальное значение…

-: The nurse has just taken the patient’s temperature..

-: Nurses have to look after their patients..

-: Nurses usually have much work to do..

-: The nurse has a day off.

S: Укажите предложение, где глагол to have является вспомогательным

-: The patient had to gibe up smoking.

-: The operation has been performed successfully.

-: The students have to answer many questions.

-: The scientist has very interesting results of his experiment..

S: Укажите предложение, где глагол to have является вспомогательным

-: The doctor has a new idea of treating this disease.

-: I have many questions about this new method.

-: This method has been used in practice.

-: The patient will have to visit his doctor twice a year..

S: Укажите предложение, где глагол to have является смысловым иметь

-: The doctor has just changed the administered treatment..

-: The scientist has to carry out many experiments to prove his idea.

-: I have no time to take part in this meeting.

-: A new clinic has been built in our city.

S: Укажите предложение, где глагол to have является смысловым иметь

-: The symptoms of this disorder have been described in details..

-: I will have to agree with his suggestion.

-: The medical students have very little free time.

-: The students have to work hard in the dissecting room.


S: Глаголом является слово …

-: educated

-: founder

-: hospitalize

-: important


S: Глаголом является слово …

-: performing

-: summarize

-: agreement

-: painless


S: Неправильным глаголом является …

-: to treat

-: to know

-: to cause

-: to prevent


S: Неправильным глаголом является …

-: to solve

-: to make

-: to predict

-: to administer


S: Правильным глаголом является …

-: to take

-: to change

-: to do

-: to cut


S: Правильным глаголом является …

-: to get

-: to receive

-: to understand

-: to give


S: Закончите предложение.

.Yesterday it … me an hour to get the university.

-: take

-: takes

-: took

-: taked

S: Закончите предложение.

I did not know that he … English.

-: spoke

-: speaks

-: speak

-: speaked

S: Закончите предложение.

We … that he was a cardiologist..

-: known

-: knowed

-: knew

-: knows


S: Закончите вопрос…

What do you want to do after … school?

-: leave

-: leaves

-: will leave

-: leaving


S: Закончите предложение.

. Some people are fond of … detective stories.

-: to read

-: read

-: reading

-: be reading


S: Укажите предложение, где причастие I является определением.

-: He is operating the patient now.

-: He is afraid of operating patients.

-: Operating patients the doctor must be very careful.

-: The operating doctor is my father.


S: Укажите предложение, где причастие I является определением.

-: The doctor is examining the patient in the ward.

-: Examining the patient the doctor asked him many questions.

-: Do you know the doctor examining the patient?

-: Examining the patient took much time.


S: Укажите предложение, где –ed является определением.

-: The surgeon described a new a method of treatment.

-: The surgeon performed the operation successfully.

-: The operation performed by the surgeon was successful.

-: A new method of treatment was described in the report


S: Укажите предложение, где –ed является определением.

-: Every educated person should speak English.

-: The teacher asked the students and answered their questions.

-: The students were asked many questions.

-: The ancient Chinese developed the practice of acupuncture.

S: Укажите предложение, где –ing форма переводится существительным.

-: He is preparing for the examination.

-: This disease is common in developing countries.

-: Feeling bad he could not go with us.

-: Walking is very useful for our health.

S: Укажите предложение, где –ing форма переводится существительным.

-: Being at the clinic the patient began to feel better.

-: The nurse was giving injections when we came in.

-: The patient’s coughing was very bad.

-: The surgeon performing the operation is very experienced.

S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения..

Его нет ни на работе, ни дома.

-: He is not at work and at home.

-: He is neither at work not at home.

-: He is not neither at work nor at home.

-: He is not both at work and at home.

S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения..

Они не позвонили ни утром ни вечером.

-: They did not call neither in the morning nor in the evening.

-: They not called either in the morning or in the evening.

-: They called neither in the morning nor in the evening.

-: They called neither in the morning or in the evening.

S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения..

Врач не назначил ни лекарства ни диеты.

-: The doctor administered neither drugs or a diet.

-: The doctor administered neither drugs nor a diet.

-: The doctor did not administer neither drugs nor a diet.

-: The doctor did not administer both drugs and a diet.

S: Укажите слово с отрицательным значением…

-: common

-: valid

-: possible

-: irregular

S: Укажите слово с отрицательным значением…

-: childhood

-: readiness

-: useless

+: particular

S: Укажите слово с отрицательным значением…

-: colorful

-: combined

-: kindness

-: untreated

S: Укажите правильный перевод русской части предложения.

This disease is not common in развитых странах.

-: developing countries

-: develop countries

-: countries which were developed

-: developed countries

S: Укажите предложение со сказуемым в пассивном залоге...

-: A new method of treatment was developed not long ago.

-: Scientists have developed many new methods.

-: The new method will help doctors to treat patients.

-: Scientists are developing a new method of treatment.

S: Укажите предложение со сказуемым в пассивном залоге...

-: He has not administered me a strict diet.

-: He is making a report at the scientific conference.

-: This treatment would be successful.

-: The administered treatment was changed a little.

S: Укажите предложение со сказуемым в пассивном залоге...

-: They have already solved their problems.

-: They will be very tired after this work.

-: The blood pressure was decreased after taking the drug.

-: Their behavior was absolutely predictable.

S: Закончите предложение. The patient … for the heart disease.

-: treated

-: was treating

-: has treated

-: was treated

S: Закончите предложение. Pain … in the heart area.

-: was developed

-: develop

-: developed

-: will be developed

S: Существительным является слово …

-: development
-: developed

-: develop

-: developing

S: Существительным является слово …

-: activate
-: active

-: activity

-: activated


S: Назовите сказуемое в пассивном залоге:

-: has discussed

-: was discussing

-: will discuss

-: was discussed


S: Закончите предложение.

Psychology … with many sciences.

-: connected

-: is connected

-: is connecting

-: has connected


S: Найдите соответствия:

1: to be taking 1. Perfect Passive

2: to have taken 2. Simple Passive

3: to be taken 3. Continuous Active

4: to take 4. Perfect Active

5. Simple Active


S: Найдите соответствия:

1: to have predicted 1. Continuous Active

2: to be predicted 2. Perfect Active

Дата добавления: 2015-08-12; просмотров: 843. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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