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Simple Passive


S: Вставьте предлог.

The nerve cells send impulses to each other.


S: Вставьте предлог.

These reactions do not depend on the environment.


S: Вставьте предлог.

The brain consists of three main parts.


S: Вставьте предлог.

I. P. Pavlov died at the age of 86.


S: Вставьте предлог.

I. P. Pavlov was born on September 14, 1849.

S: Укажите правильный предлог.

A constant flow of stimuli comes into the brain … the nerve fibers.

-: by

-: from

-: with

-: through


S: Вставьте предлог.

I. P. Pavlov received the Nobel Prize for his work.


S: Вставьте предлог…

Unconditioned reflexes do not depend on the surrounding conditions.


S: Закончите предложение.

The nervous cells of the cortex are … of all the cells of the human body.

-: the delicatest

-: more delicate

-: most delicate

-: the most delicate


S: Назовите предложение с усилительной конструкцией:

-: It is well known that all parts of the body are connected by nerves.

-: It is very important that any human being has a complete rest.

-: It is the brain that is the centre of a wide system of communication.

-: It is estimated that the weight of the brain is about two kg.


S: Назовите предложение с усилительной конструкцией:

-: It is estimated that there are about 12 billion cells in the brain..

-: It is in the front lobe of the brain that the center controlling memory and though is


-: It is found out that there are no valves between the heart chambers.

-: It is interesting that a human being can live longer without food than without



S: Назовите неопределенно-личное предложение:

-: It is hard work that makes a person a good specialist.

-: It is very important that any human being has a complete rest.

-: It is the brain that is the centre of a wide system of communication.

-: It is estimated that the weight of the brain is about two kg.


S: Назовите неопределенно личное предложение:

-: It is strange that sleep is more important for a person that food.

-: It is estimated that vision is controlled by the back lobe of the brain.

-: It is the brain that is the centre of a wide system of communication.

-: It is necessary that muscles work as a team.


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

Известно, что в головном мозге два полушария.

-: Everybody knows that there are two hemispheres in the brain.

-: They know that there are two hemispheres in the brain.

-: It knows that there are two hemispheres in the brain.

-: One knows that there are two hemispheres in the brain.


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

Считается, что эта операция не опасна.

-: It thinks that this operation is not dangerous.

-: They think that this operation is not dangerous.

-: One thinks that this operation is not dangerous.

-: Everybody thinks that this operation is not dangerous.


S: Назовите прилагательное:

-: skillful

-: influence

-: readiness

-: possibility


S: Назовите прилагательное:

-: particularity

-: dependence

-: sleepless

-: growth


S: Назовите существительное:

-: radiate

-: importance

-: successful

-: predictable


S: Назовите существительное:

-: hospitalize

-: significant

-: creative

-: possibility


S: Найдите соответствия:

1: прилагательное 1. closely

2: существительное 2. speculate

3: глагол 3. kindness

4: наречие 4. himself

5. previous


S: Вставьте предлог.

Taste buds are located on the tongue.


S: Назовите правильно составленный вопрос к предложению:

Some kinds of senses give information about the body needs.

-: What some kinds of senses give information about?

-: What do some kinds of senses give information?

-: What do some kinds of senses give information about?

-: What some kinds of senses do give information about?


S: Назовите правильно составленный вопрос к предложению:

The physiology of the lungs is associated with their structure.

-: What does the physiology of the lungs associated with?

-: What is the physiology of the lungs associated with?

-: What is the physiology of the lungs associated?

-: What the physiology of the lungs is associated with?


S: Назовите правильно составленный вопрос к предложению:

The weight of the human brain is from one to two kg.

-: How is the weight of the human brain?

-: What is the weight of the human brain?

-: How much is the weight of the human brain?

-: How many is the weight of the human brain?


S: Назовите правильно составленный вопрос к предложению:

The human being smells by the nose.

-: What does the human being smell?

-: What is the human being smell?

-: How does the human being smell by?

-: What does the human being smell by?



S: Закончите предложение.

The patient came to the clinic …

-: to examine.

-: to be examined

-: to be examining

-: to have examined


S: Закончите предложение.

We used a dictionary …the text.

-: to be translated

-: to be translating

-: to translate

-: to have translated

S: Закончите предложение.

The doctor … allow the patient to work hard.

-: does not

-: do not

-: not

-: does no

S: Закончите предложение.

The patient … discharged from the hospital.

-: has not

-: did not

-: not

-: was not


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

Существует три основных стадии памяти.

-: They are three basic types of memory.

-: These are three basic types of memory.

-: There is three basic types of memory.

-: There are three basic types of memory.


S: Укажите правильный ответ на вопрос.

Have you achieved any results?

-: Yes, I have.

-: Yes, I did.

-: Yes, you have.

-: Yes, I was.


S: Укажите правильный ответ на вопрос.

Did the patient fall asleep after taking the drug?

-: Yes, he did.

-: Yes, he was.

-: Yes, it is.

-: Yes, it did.


S: Укажите правильный ответ на вопрос.

Have you completed your experiment?

-: No, I have.

-: No, you have not.

+-: No, I have not.

-: No, I not.


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

Врач не обнаружил никакой патологии.

-: The doctor did not reveal no pathology.

-: The doctor revealed no pathology.

-: The doctor did not reveal pathology.

-: The doctor did not revealed any pathology.


S: Укажите правильный перевод предложения.

В журнале не было ни одной медицинской статьи.

-: There was not a medical article in the journal..

-:There was no medical article in the journal.

-: There was not no medical article in the journal.

-: There was no any medical article in the journal.


S: Назовите предложение, где –ing переводится деепричастием.

-: Dreaming in color is more common among calm people.

-: Visiting hospitals is necessary for all medical students.

-: Studying requires much attention.

-: When helping your patients you should be very attentive and tolerant.


S: Назовите предложение, где –ing переводится деепричастием.

-: Dreaming in color is more common among calm people.

-: Visiting hospitals is necessary for all medical students.

-: Studying requires much attention.

-: When helping your patients you should be very attentive and tolerant.


S: Назовите предложение, где –ing переводится деепричастием.

-: Examining the patients doctors should be very attentive.

-: Examining the patient is necessary to make the diagnosis.

-:You may ask the doctor examining the patient..

-: The doctor is examining the patient in his office.


S: Укажите слово, которое является прилагательным.

-: difference

-: conscious

-: completely

-: penetrate


S: Закончите предложение.

Many people … remember their dreams.

-: not

-: are not

-: do not

-: do no


Дата добавления: 2015-08-12; просмотров: 761. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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