Satva guna is mode of goodness. Raja guna is mode of passion. Tamas is mode of ignorance, evil. What is the guna, which captured us three gunas are mixed. are ruling The matter. And only conciousness of Krishna which helps us to get rid of gunas.
ГУРУ Мой гуру — светоч знаний, Не меркнущий во тьме, GURU Guru is the source of knowledge, Not dissipating in darkness. Not deviating from scriptures. Helping me and the others, Transparent! For Shri Krishna Can be seen nicely through him He is sent by Supreme Lord For our benefit only. And those who can serve guru, follow him truly Those can be successful. And thus they can help themselves also.
ДЖИВА Джива — душа, заключенная в теле. Тела мы меняем — душа остается. JIVA Jiva is a soul, embraced in the body. soul is the same. «me» is jiva, and not at all body. it's given to us Accoding to karma. It's beatiful — weak. Jiva is living in them . dull like birds. Some want back to Godhead. And wisdom is helping — removing the curtain, to the Father Himself to live in illusion.