Bhaktas are chanting in kirtan and walking They are so joyful, they sing and they laugh. This harinama is circling the globe: London and Paris, New York and Stockholm. Vaishnavas distribute prasadam, advices. to leave aside matter. to come near to Spiritual knowledge, the knowledge of Vedas. Read our books! Holy Name is so blissful. victorious Lord!
ЯГЬЯ Жертвовать ради любимого Кришны, Жертвовать всем, бескорыстно служа, -Вот назначение преданной жизни, YAJNA То sacrifice everything to beloved Krishna To sacrifice all, giving Him our service. This is the goal of lives of devotees We'll never feel sorry for efforts we make. We want to give everything to beloved Hari. He although needs nothing whatever we give. When Chaitanya went to the forest After Him beasts chanted names of the Lord. Sankirtana yajna in age of Kali — Distribute all over knowledge of Krishna! We go to the people, cause purest sounds — can save the whole world.