Bhakti yoga affection or love for the Supreme. Bhaktas are happy, lovinq Shri Krishna. You also can feel this affection as well. Through it — esssense of life will be opened to You. Try to serve Krishna with all of Your deeds. Don't think: What to recive back from Him? Interested not in results of the efforts. Science of bhakti is best part of Vedas.
ВАРНЫ Четыре сословья даны для людей: Какого бы ни был ты племени, роду. VARNAS Humans were given just four divisions: Brahmanas, kshatriyas, vaishyas and shudras. Brahmana's wise, highly learned in the shastras. Kshatriya's knight, who defends the ideals. Vaishya is merchant either landowner. Sudra is worker and all them together Form social body, where all are so useful. In one of these vamas each one lives his life. But souls, despite what is your karma, Are equal before Lord, having equally freedom. Vidura's bom shudra according to vama.
ВЕДЫ Веды — древнейшее знанье на свете, Духовное знанье на этой планете. VEDAS Vedas are ancient science on earth for this universe. In ancient times everybody knew Vedas. acceding to them Shri Vyasadeva had written Them down, Inspired by the Creator Himself.