The Lord is sending His avataras. His full expantions are dash avatars. in the form of Nrisingha, Presenting as Varaha, Kurma. three guna avataras: Kshirodakashayi Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva According to what has told Prabhupada: Shaktiaveshaavatars might be gurus. All avataras descend from Shri Krishna To support strong belief in Supreme.
АХИМСА Отказ от насилья — это ахимса: Не убивать, не лишать дживу тела. Как все вайшнавы, мы не боимся, Что тела лишимся. Бхакты смиренны, но бхакты и смелы. Мы защищаем животных, их жизнь, Не поедаем ни рыбу, ни птицу. В ахимсе большой заключается смысл: В благости легче нам к Богу стремиться! AHIMSA Ahimsa — is regreting oprecion. Not killing, not taking from jiva the body. Vaishnavas are fearless, but not afraid Bhaktas are humble yet bhaktas are brave. They are defending the animal's lifes. or chicken. Ahimsa is very essential thing. to go back to God, being pious.