1. Прочтите следующие слова: society, civilisation, adequately, frustrating, surplus, cumbersome, coincidence, merely, disposal, similar, triangular, major, acceptable, medium, amazing, valuation, immediately, wealth, deteriorate, purchase, spread, pattern, instalment 2. Прочтите и переведите следующие группы слов: an essential tool of civilisation, the direct exchange of goods and services, the great disadvantage of barter, a laborious system of exchange, an amazing variety of goods and services, a piece of furniture, the value of one commodity, a means of making deferred payments, in the case of hire purchase contacts 3. Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:
4. Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова: greatest, invention, indicate, extent, cumbersome, coincidence, merely, laborious, triangular, furniture, adoption, valuation, equal, immediately, convenience, addition
5. Образуйте существительные от следующих глаголов: invent, indicate, exchange, serve, require, direct, specialise, increase, vary, satisfy, want, produce, arrange, adopt, measure, solve, act, store, consider, accumulate, distribute, add, explain