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Прочтите текст В и раскройтедостоинства и не­ достатки коммерческой организации, о которой идет речь.

The Partnership

Partnerships are voluntary combinations of from 2 to 20 persons formed for the purpose of carrying on business with a view of profit. This type of organisation represents a logi­cal development from the one-person business since the obvious method by which such a firm may acquire further capital is to form a partnership. The motive, however, may not be financial and partnerships are often formed in order to bring new ability and enterprise into the business.

The partners usually share in the task of running the business, but a partner need not play an active role. A per­son who joins a partnership, supplying capital and sharing in the profits, but taking no part in the management is known as a dormant or sleeping partner. Partnerships are a com­mon form of business organisation in such professions as law, accountancy, surveying, and medicine.

The advantages of this type of firm are similar to those of the one-person business. It is a flexible organisation which allows a greater degree of specialisation than the one-person business. Partners usually specialise in one or more aspects of the business; one may be responsible for buying, one for selling, one for production, and so on. Since it has greater access to capital, it can achieve greater size than the sole proprietor.

The great disadvantage, like that of the one-person business, is the fact that the liability of the partners is unlim­ited and they are all fully liable for the acts of the other part­ners. There are, however, some limited partnerships' which have to be registered with the Registrar of Companies. In such firms some partners (e.g. dormant partners) may have their liability limited to some specified sum, but at least one of the partners must have unlimited liability.

The survival of a partnership depends upon the contin­ued harmonious relationship between a number of people in situations which often give much cause for disagreement. Thus, where trading risks are very great, the partnership is not a very stable type of organisation.

15. Прочтите текст С и разбейте его на абзацы.

Text С The Joint Stock Company

The most important form of business organisation in the UK is the joint stock company. Basically, it consists of an association of people who contribute towards a joint stock of capital for the purpose of carrying on business with a view to profit. A company may be defined as a legal person created to engage in business, capable of owning productive assets, of entering into contracts, and of employing labour in the same way as an individual. There are two kinds of joint stock company, the private company and the public company. In 1986 there were some 860 000 joint stock companies in the UK, of which about 6000 were public companies. The public companies are much larger units and account for about two-thirds of all the capital employed by companies. In general, private com­panies are small firms, often consisting of the members of one family. Both public and private companies must have at least 2 members. A public company must have a mini­mum allotted share capital of 50 000 pounds (sterling) of which at least one-quarter has been paid up. A private company must include the word 'limited" in its name while a public company must have the words 'public limit­ed company' at the end of its name although this can be abbreviated to plc. The basic distinction between a private



and a public company is that a public company can offer its shares and debentures for sale to the general public. In the case of a private company it would be a criminal offence to ask the public to subscribe to its shares. All com­panies must file annually, with the Registrar of Companies, details of their turnover, profits, assets, liabilities and other relevant financial information about their structures and activities.

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