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1. Прочтите следующие слова:

enterprise, responsible, alternatively, numerous, efficien­cy, ownership, incentive, disadvantage, liability, posses­sion, involvement,since, entrepreneur, resources, secu­rity, prevalent, retailing, debts

2. Прочтите и переведите следующие группы слов:

sole proprietor, joint stock company, cooperative soci­ety, public corporation,one-person business, deci­sion-taker, extremely flexible, easy adjustment, mar­ket conditions, repair and maintenance work, person­al services

3. Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

ability (n.) acquire (v.) adjustment (n.) borrow (v.) bear(v.) capable (adj.) debt (n.) decision (n.) entrepreneur (n.) enterprise (n.) event (n.) failure (n.) flexible (adj.)











—случай, событие



Joint Stock Company liability (п.) • loss (n.) maintenance (л.) ownership (л.) partnership (n.) possess (v.) profit (л.) refer to (v.) repair (л.) responsible (adj.) restrict (v.) retail (adj.) seize (v.) sole proprietor since (prep.) strength (n.) — success (n.) — therefore — value (n.) —

— акционерная компания ответственность убыток, потеря эксплуатация собственность товарищество обладать доход

относиться; ссылаться ремонт

ответственный ограничивать розничный захватывать

единоличный собственник поскольку; с сильная сторона; сила успех поэтому способность


4. Определите к какой части речи относятся следую­
щие слова

simplest, solely, employment, responsibility, alterna­tively, unimportant, condition, disadvantage, liable, possession, insolvent, strict, prevalent

5. Образуйте существительные от следующих глаголов:

organize, classify, decide, assume, lose, employ, com­pare, direct, control, consult, change, require, expect, adjust, possess, expand, restrict, provide

Text A

The different types of business organisation to be found in the UK and most other capitalist countries may be classi­fied under five headings: the sole proprietor, the partner­ship, the joint stock company, the cooperative society, and the public corporation.

The sole proprietor

This is the simplest and the oldest form of business enterprise and often referred to as the one-person business. A single person provides the capital, takes the decisions, and assumes the risks. He or she is solely responsible for the suc­cess or failure of the business and has, therefore, the sole rights to such profits as may be made, or, alternatively, bears the sole responsibility for such losses as may accrue. The one-person business is still far more numerous than any other types of business organisation, but in terms of total output employment, value of capital employed, or value of total output, it is relatively unimportant compared with the joint stock company.

The strength of this type of firm lies in the direct per­sonal interest of the proprietor in the efficiency of his enterprise. Ownership and control are vested in one person who enjoys all the fruits of success and hence has a great incentive to run the firm efficiently. Since the proprietor is the sole decision — taker and has no need to consult col­leagues when changes of policy are required we should expect this type of organisation to be extremely flexible and capable of quick and easy adjustment to changes in market conditions.

The great disadvantage of the sole proprietor from an enterprise lies in the fact that the owner is personally liable for the debts incurred by his firm and his liability is unlimit­ed. All his personal possessions are at risk and may be seized

to meet creditors demands in the event of the business becoming insolvent. Another disadvantage of this type of firm is the strict limitation of its ability to acquire capital for expansion. Finance is restricted to the amounts which the entrepreneur is able to provide from his own resources and whatever sums he can borrow on his own security.

We find the one-person business prevalent in farming, retailing, building, repair and maintenance work, and per­sonal services such as hairdressing.

1. Прочтите и переведите текст А.

2. Заполните пропуски,используя следующие слова:

possessions, adjustment, proprietor, failure, headings, enterprise, efficiency, ownership, conditions, flexible, fail­ure, liability, debts, decisions, responsible

1. The different types of business organisation may be
classified under five....

2. This is the simplest and the oldest form of business....

3. A single person is solely... for the success or... of the

4. His... is unlimited.

5.... and control are vested in one person.

6. This type of organisation is extremely... and capable
of quick... to changes in market....

7. The owner is personally liable for the... incurred by
his firm.

8. All his... are at risk.

9. A single person provides the capital, takes the..., and
assumes the risks.

3. Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов:

enterprise, decision, acquire, business, obtain, need, event, proprietor, case, owner, responsible, solution, liable, require

4. Найдите антонимы среди следующих слов:

strength, profit, success, security, weakness, amount, failure, quantity, danger, toss

5. Образуйте антонимы от следующих слов, исполь­
зуя нужные префиксы

advantage, limited, able, employment, important, compared, personal, capable

6. Переведите следующие сочетания слов с русского
языка на английский

эффективно руководить фирмой, единственный человек, принимающий решение, консультиро­ваться с коллегами, необычайно гибкий, измене­ние рыночных условий, огромный недостаток, лично ответственный за, неограниченная ответст­венность, удовлетворить требования кредиторов

7. Образуйте 3 формы от следующих глаголов:

to find, to classify, to refer, to take, to make, to bear, to lie, to enjoy, to run, to require, to meet, to borrow

8. Составьте предложения, используя следующие

1. are, control, and, in, ownership, person, one, vested.

2. organisation, of, is, this, flexible, type, extremely.

3. risk, all, at, possessions, his, personal, are.

4. as, the, often, referred, is, business, it, to, one-

5. relatively, joint stock company, is, compared, unim­
portant, it, the, with.

9. Заполните пропуски предлогами:

I. The different types... business organisation to be found... the UK may be classified... five headings.

2. This is the simplest form... business enterprise and is
often referred... as the one-person business.

3. He is solely responsible... the success... the business.

4. The strength... this type... firm lies... the direct per­
sonal interest... the proprietor in the efficiency... his

5. The owner is personally liable... the debts incurred...
his firm.

6. All his personal possessions are... risk.

7. Another disadvantage... the type of firm is the
strict limitation... its ability to acquire capital...

8. Finance is restricted... the amounts which the entre­
preneur is able to provide... his own resources and
whatever sums he can borrow... his,own security.

10. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. The different types of business organisation may be
classified under five headings.

2. The owner is personally liable for the debts incurred by

3. The one-person business is prevalent in farming,
retailing, repair and maintenance work

4. A single person provides the capital, takes the deci­
sions, and assumes the risks

5. The oldest form of business enterprise is often
referred to as the one-person business.

11. Заполните пропуски, используя в нужной форме
глаголы, данные в скобках:

1. The different types of business organisation... (to find) in the UK may... (to classify) under five headings.

2. He... (to have) the sole rights to such profits as may... (to accrue) or, alternatively,... (to bear) the sole responsibility for such losses,


3. The one-person business... (to be) still far more
numerous than any other type of business organisa­

4. Ownership and control... (to vest) in one person who
... (to enjoy) all the fruits of success.

5. He... (to have) no need... (to consult) collegues
when changes of policy... (to require).

6. We should... (to expect) this type of organisation...
(to be) extremely flexible.

7. All his personal possessions may... (to seize)... (to
meet) creditors' demand.

8. Finance... (to restrict) to the amounts which the
entrepreneur is able... (to provide) from his own
resources and whatever sums he can... (to borrow)
on his own security.

12. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

!. What are the types of business organisation to be found in the UK?

2. What is the simplest and oldest form of business

3. What is the strength of the one-person business?

4. What are the disadvantages of this form of business

5. Why is the one-person business less important com­
pared with the joint stock company?

6. Where is the one-person business prevalent?


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