o 8 Summarize your data analysis strategy. Although a data analysis summary is not always a part of all forms of scientific papers, they can be very helpful in orienting your readers to what they are about to encounter in the remainder of the results section. Explain the various data analysis techniques used, and be sure to provide additional detail about any type of analysis with which readers may have less familiarity. o 9 Present the results of your data analysis (or the results of your study) as concisely and clearly as possible. It is important to make this section as easy to follow as possible, as it is likely to contain the most complicated information. If you set out a series of hypotheses in your introduction, it may be helpful to remind your reader about these hypotheses and use each one as a subheading for the results that relate to each hypothesis. o 10 Use tables and graphs to help elaborate on your important results. Often, a picture truly can be worth a thousand words, and when word counts are limited, as they often are for journal articles, it can be very helpful to provide a table or graph that illuminates an important finding. Refer to the table or graph in the text of your paper so that the reader has the proper context to understand what your table or graph is presenting.