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How to Write a Conclusion to a Science Research Paper


A science research paper conclusion should link the research to other pertinent studies in the field.

Conclusions serve a central function in any reputable science research paper. They give closure to the scientific study and open up the discussion for future scientific research. While shorter lab reports based on a restricted amount of scientific material usually do not require a conclusion, a longer research paper should include this section. The conclusion can serve as a moment to review how the experiment evolved and if there were any unexpected results or outcomes from the information obtained.


Recap the study and the original goal the scientific research set out to achieve. Remind the reader of the initial hypothesis and how that hypothesis was upheld or challenged. Discuss how the initial study may have changed focus because of surprising results.

Write about any unexpected or abnormal results you received in the scientific research. Use the earlier discussion section of your research paper to outline the research that was successfully achieved. Conversely, the conclusion is an ideal time to discuss issues or results that were not resolved in the official research.

Connect the research, including the results you were unable to attain, to other literature on the topic. An example would be, "Associates at the University of Arizona have pursued studies on the affect of humidity in plant life by studying leaf formations." Then connect the studies done by others to your own work. Either list the studies that you were unable to cover in your research or tie in studies on which you are building your new work.

Summarize the main argument of your paper without repeating too much. Point out why the argument is significant to the research and issue at hand to bring them to a concluding point.

Explain the strengths and limitations of your research and arguments to suggest what future work is required.

Explain the importance of your work and the significance it has to the real world. Answer the question: "How are my arguments and research useful?"

Demonstrate how all the ideas and research you put forth in the paper work together without having to present new information.

Echo the introduction without repeating it word for word to tie the paper together neatly. Explain how the insights and information found in the body of the paper reinforce the ideas suggested by the thesis in the introduction.

End the conclusion with something you want your readers to think about by issuing a challenge to your readers pertaining to how the information presented in the paper can influence their lives. Don't write more than one concluding paragraph.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 585. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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