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Instructor – Taichikova K.T. Tests on History of International Relations-1

Tests on History of International Relations-1

For State Exams

Instructor – Taichikova K.T.

$$$1. What European state first recognized England as a republic?






$$$2. What was the main event for the History of England in XVII c.?

$$Revolution of 1640-1660

$Treaty with Russia

$Conquest of Belgium and Holland

$Ending of Thirty Years’ War


$$$3. It was the greatest sea and trade state in Europe in the XVII c.:






$$$4. System of European blocks and coalitions was formed in:

$$17 c.

$18 c.

$19 c.

$20 c.


$$$5. Dates of the "Thirty Years’ War", "Seven Years’ War", "100 Years’ War"

$$1618-1648, 1756-1763, 1338-1418

$1628-1658, 1766-1773, 1348-1358

$1638-1668, 1750-1757, 1345-1445

$164S-1678, 1758-1765, 1341-1441

$$$6. When did Richelieu rule in France?

$$1624- 1642




$$$7. When was the Westphalia treaty concluded?






$$$8. What states were trade and sea rivalries in the XVII c.?

$$Spain and Holland

$Russia and Turkey

$France and Sweden

$Italy and Austria

$$$9. What was the main aim of the diplomatic activity of the European states in the XVI-XVIII cc?

$$ Naval, political and colonial domination

$Capture of new lands

$Development of industry

$Conclusion of peaceful treaties


$$$10Who was a founder of the contemporary diplomacy?

$$Louis XI

$Nikollo Makievelli




$$$11. What was the main significance of the Westphalia treaty?

$$Establishment of internal arrangement of Germany and confirmation of political disintegration

$Strengthening of the Great Britain

$Non-attack of Germany by England troops

$Weakening of Hapsburg dynasty


$$$12. Who became a warrant of the Westphalia Treaty?

$$France, Sweden



$Turkey, Spain


$$$13. When was the Utrecht Treaty concluded?

$$April,11 1713

$February 14, 1769

$December 19, 1879

$October 25, 1745

$$$14. What states concluded the Utrecht Treaty?

$$France, Spain,England, Holland, Brandenburg and Savoy

$Russia and Turkey

$Spain and Turkey

$Kazakhstan and Russia


$$$15. What two problems of XVII c were inherited by Peter I?

$$Turkish and Sweden wars

$Domination of Wigs party

$England-Holland conflict

$Amsterdam Treaty conclusion

$$$16. Louis XIV successor ruling was a time of...

$$Collapse of French absolutism and foreign policy

$Collapse of French colonies

$Prosperity of France

$Foundation of French empire

$$$17. What became as a result of misfortunes of Louis XV policy?

$$lost of American colonies (Canada and Louisiana)

$Settled of French colonists

$Likhen Treaty conclusion

$England-Holland war


$$$18. What does the Turkish problem mean for Peter I?

$$Entrance to Black sea

$Amsterdam treaty conclusion

$Prosperity of Turkic sultans

$Domination of Turkey


$$$19. War for Spanish succession dated:






$$$20. When was Peter I proclaimed as an Emperor?






$$$21. What state was a naval rivalry of England in the XVII?






$$$22. Against what state was the Declaration of Naval Neutrality

directed? (February 28, 1780)






$$$23. What pushed the war for the Spanish succession?

$$Death of childless king Charles II

$Defeat of France

$Refusal from sign document

$Interference to internal affairs of Spain

$$$24. Name the biggest colonial state in the middle of the XVIIc.





$$$25. When was Nimvegen Treaty concluded?






$$$26. According to what treaty France gained part of Luxemburg, Rusel, Genegau, Artua?

$$1659 Pereney Treaty with Spain

$1648 Westphal Treaty

$1618 Lakhen Treaty

$1679 Nimvegen Treaty


$$$27. What Declaration was offered by Russia on February 27, 1780 during the Anglo-American War?

$$About naval neutrality

$About conclusion peaceful treaties

$About non attack of Turkey

$Russian laws


$$$028. Date of struggle for Independence of the USA?






$$$29. What principle was declared as the main one

while rising for Independence of the USA?.

$$Nation sovereignty

$Follow to laws

$Liberation of Negro

$right for Negro trade


$$$30. What state recognized the USA as a republic and concluded treaty with in 1778?






$$$31. After Seven Years’ war Canada was ceded to






$$$32. What aim of the foreign policy was solved for the USA in the XVIII c?

$$Non-interference to internal affairs of the USA

$Conclusion treaties

$Respect of sovereignty

$Non-attack of the USA


$$$33. The main principle of the foreign policy of France in the ruling of Convention was:

$$Peace and justice principle

$Respect of human rights

$Principle of nation sovereignty

$Victory over military coalitions


$$$34. When was the Decree of refusal adopted, where French as a nation free from wars?

$$December 1791

$January 1792

$February 1792

$December 1795


$$$35. What battle was called "Battle of Nations"?

$$Leipzig battle 1813

$Russian-Turkish war

$Thirty Years’ War 1618-1648

$Seven Years’ War 1756-1763


$$$36. How was called the document, where allies within the anti French coalition obliged not to conclude separate treaties with France?

$$Shamon Tractate

$Conception of Diplomacy

$Aix Chapell Treaty

$Human Rights Declaration


$$$37. When was Tilzit treaty concluded?

$$1807, 8 July

$1805, 5 August

$1803, 8 June

$1801, 15 May


$$$38. Against what states was secret agreement concluded by Austria, England and France on January 3, 1815?

$$Russia, Turkey

$Austria, Belgium


$German, Portugal


$$$39. War against Napoleon for Russia was:

$$Great patriotic war

$Bourgeois revolution

$Cultural revolution

$National war


$$$40. Decree about Continental blockade was directed against






$$$41. When was the Act of Vienna Congress concluded?

$$9 июня 1815г.

$9 July 1813

$4 August 1883

$27 April 1825


$$$42. Who represented France at Vienna Congress 1815?


$Louis XI

$Louis XVI

$Т. Liber


$$$43. According to the Vienna Congress:

$$Germany was divided into 39 independent states

$War with discrimination began

$Germany received Independence

$Spain proclaimed sovereignty


$$$44. How was called document,which unificated different diplomatic representatives?

$$Vienna Regulations

$Vienna Congress

$Aix La Chapel Congress

$Amsterdam treaty


$$$45. On Vienna Congress neutrality forever was declared to






$$$46. What states played leading role in Vienna Congress1815:

$$England, Austria, Prussia, Russia

$England, France, Russia

$England, Austria, Prussia, Spain

$England, France, Austria


$$$47. When was Holy Alliance founded?






$$$48. What states were entered to Holy Alliance?

$$All continental monarchs, excluding Rome Pope and Turkey

$Holland, Portugal

$Turkey, Russia

$Spain, Italy, France


$$$49. The main reason of the collapse of Holy Alliance was:

$$Internal contradictions

$Non following of the Alliance’s laws

$Non respect of human rights

$Trade-economic contradictions


$$$50. How many International Congresses were held by Holy Alliances?






$$$51. What states didn’t join to Holy Alliance?

$$Rome Pope an Turkish Sultan

$Sweden, Italy

$Russia, Turkey

$Turkey, Spain


$$$52. Where was held first Congress of Holy Alliance?

$$Aix la Chapele

$in Russia

$in France

$in Turkey


$$$53. “Eastern Question” is

$$Fate of Ottoman Empire territories

$Non-knowledge of eastern languages

$Anglo-Turkish war

$Turkish domination on international area


$$$54. When was “Eastern question” formed?

$$XVIII c.

$XV c.

$XIX c.



$$$55. Call main rivalries in "Eastern question" in 70-s of the XIX c:

$$Austro-Hungary and Russia

$England and Russia

$Turkey and Russia

$Russia and Germany


$$$56. “Eastern question” was led by national-liberation movement of what nationality?





$$$57. What is the essence of Munich Convention 1833?

$$Military interference of Russia and Austria to internal affairs of Turkey

$Military interference of Turkey to internal affairs of Russia

$Turkey didn’t help to Russia

$Turkey distributed military expenses


$$$58. Why was the Conference of European states was held in London in 1840?

$$Closing of straits in peaceful time

$Opening straits in peaceful time

$Security and protection of England citizens in China

$Opening straits during the war


$$$59. Paris Congress 1856 declared:

$$"Peace, friendship and union will be exist forever";

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