2 - Determination of the theoretical and practical output of barium sulfate for X-ray
The output of the drug should be about 90% of the theoretically calculated.
Quantity of finished product, g η = ______________________________ х 100 % Quantity of starting material, g
losses, g έ (spending) = _______________________________ х 100 % Quantity of starting material, g Quantity of starting material, g К expense = __________________________ Quantity of finished product, g
Тopic 3 – Technology for obtaining inorganic drugs (6 hours) Objective: To master the technology for receiving and manufacturing of inorganic drugs. Learning objectives: 1. Apply some of the techniques for the synthesis in the laboratory. 2. Practice basis physical methods for processing drugs (filtration, crystallisation, distillation, redistillation, preparation of saturated solutions, etc.).
The main issue in this topic: 1. Common methods of work in chemical synthesis. Methods of learning and teaching: analysis of theoretical issues and practical tasks on the synthesis of inorganic medicinal substances. . References: 1 Альбицкая В.Г., Гинзбург О.Ф., Коляскина З.Н., Купин Б.С., Павлова Л.А., Разумова Н.А., Ралль К.Б., Серкова В.И., Стадничук М.Д. Лабораторные работы по органической химии. Под ред. О.Ф. Гинзбурга, А.А. Петрова. М.: Высш. шк., 1967. – 295 с. 2 Майофис Л.С. Химия и технология химико-фармацевтических препаратов. 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Медицина, 1964. – 625 с.