1. What substitution reactions are used in the practice of obtaining drugs? 4. What acylating agents are used in the acylation of drugs? Appreciate the nature of the acylating agents. APPENDIX Lab 1 - Preparation of benzoic acid. Toluene, 10 g
Technique. In liter flask. Equipped with a reflux condenser, boil for 4 hours on a sand bath 10 g of toluene and 700 ml of water and 34 g of potassium permanganate. For a uniform reaction mixture in boiling flask throw a few pieces of porous brick. After the reaction is colorless * solution is cooled, the precipitated manganese dioxide was filtered off and washed twice with boiling water (10-15 ml).
1.Альбицкая В.Г., Гинзбург О.Ф., Коляскина З.Н., Купин Б.С., Павлова Л.А., Разумова Н.А., Ралль К.Б., Серкова В.И., Стадничук М.Д. Лабораторные работы по органической химии. Под ред. О.Ф. Гинзбурга, А.А. Петрова. М.: Высш. шк., 1967. – 295 с.
* If the reaction mixture remains colored, bleaching achieved by adding a few drops of alcohol.
Oxidation reaction used to produce oxygen-containing compounds. The oxidation can be carried out by atmospheric oxygen and various oxidants. The most commonly used organic oxidizer is potassium permanganate oxidation power of which depends on the medium. Used for the oxidation of aqueous solutions of different concentrations of potassium permanganate in neutral, acidic or alkaline media.