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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

The course and semester of study: 4 year, VII semester

1.6 Information about the teacher:

Boshkaeva Asyl Kenesovna, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Analyst module pharmacist.
-Research Interests: physico-chemical studies of biologically active compounds, general chemistry (molecular structure, the atomic nucleus), electronic submission in organic chemistry.

1.8 Contact Information: Department of the location (address, building, room), phone, e-mail

1.9 Discipline Policy: General Requirements Department applicable to students in the study of the discipline, punitive measures in case of non-compliance with sections etc..

1. Mandatory, regular attendance of practical lessons, student’s self-learning under teacher’s supervision and SSL;

2. Active participation in the learning process (synopsis of practical work, training of theoretical material, the solution tests, independent of case work).

3. Filing reports of practical work, tests, topics CDS protection at a set time on a thematic plan no later than the week corresponding to this section;

4. The presence of an individual student's diary to record all the activities.


2. Program:

2.1 Introduction:

Each new drug is passed manufacturing process, which begins with obtaining drugs in the laboratory and on the production end model or factor installations.

Getting drugs in the laboratory is the longest stage of the production, including a survey and study of the methods of processing of natural or chemical materials, the study of processes of production of intermediate products and methods of their implementation with the least expenditure of energy and resources.

The study of various methods of processing raw materials into intermediate products is possible by combining processes in a group of similar basic typical reaction processes of fine chemicals. In a series of chemical reactions that accompany the process, the chemical processes are introducing substituents in organic compounds, halogenation, sulfonation and sulfohlorirovanie, nitration and nitrosation. The second group of chemical transformations include conversion processes introduced substituents: recovery, diazotization, acylation, esterification, alkylation, arylation, hydrolysis (hydroxylation), ammonolysis, alkaline melting. The third group includes the processes that change the carbon skeleton of the organic compounds (oxidation, reduction, condensation and rearrangement).

In addition to chemical transformations, the process involves physical treatment methods: filtration, precipitation, evaporation, crystallization, drying, distillation, etc.
Thus, the transformation of the intermediate product in the production of the final product is accompanied by a variety of manufacturing operations. Based on the study of processes at the stage of new drugs are taken of the processes that are the most advanced, cost-effective, associated with the use of available and cheap raw materials and hardware design, easier and less phasic subject to the safe conduct and a minimum loss of production of the final product.

2.2 The purpose of discipline:Bring the theoretical knowledge of students in the practical aspects of obtaining drugs.

2.3 Learning objectives:

• consolidate students' knowledge on the theoretical foundations of chemistry and technology of drugs;
• to teach the basics of chemical transformations of intermediate or final products of laboratory production;
• to educate students on the basics of physical methods of processing of raw materials;
• to practice the methods of obtaining drugs in the laboratory.

2.4 Learning outcomes:

The student should know:

• the main types of chemical reactions used for the synthesis of drugs;
• technology of inorganic chemical and pharmaceutical products;
• mass spectrometry;
• GC-MS methods.

The student should be able to:

• carry out structural studies of drug with physico-chemical methods;

• to interpret the results of physico-chemical analysis of drugs;

• evaluate the effectiveness of the obtained spectral investigations.

2.5 Prerequisites: analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, general methods of research and analysis of drugs, physical and chemical methods of research in pharmacy.

2.6 postrequisites: pharmaceutical chemistry, toxicological chemistry, pharmacognosy.

2.7 Summary of the discipline:

Sources for drugs is the different materials. mineral materials are the sources of inorganic drugs. For the production of organic drugs use dry distillation of wood, oil shale, coal, and various petroleum fractions.

from plant materials releases essential and fatty oils, resins, proteins, and carbohydrates. plant materials are natural source of biologically active substances, alkaloids, terpenes, glycosides, and vitamins.

From raw materials of animal origin (organs, tissues, glands beef cattle), get individual substances - hormones.

From marine organisms (algae, cod liver oil), get some drugs.

Technology of producing medicinal preparation covers all stages of the of intermediates and final products. Study of technological processes of production of intermediates and drug substances and methods of their implementation with the least expenditure of raw materials, research and study of methods for the processing of natural and chemical raw materials in drugs and choose the most cost-effective and improved methods of obtaining an integral part of the content of the discipline.

2.8 Thematic plan: themes, form and duration of each session (practical lessons, student’s self-learning under teacher’s supervision, student’s self-learning).

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 374. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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