Trainees’ rating grade is formed from current and intermediate assessments grades.
First rating is calculated according to the formula: t – current assessment= average grade for practical training (laboratory works, seminars) + average grade for students’ self-tuition work under teacher’s supervision + average grade for students’ self-tuition work r - intermediate assessment (boundary control) Every practical lesson, students’ self-tuition work under teacher’s supervision, students’ self-tuition work, intermediate assessment are calculated from 100 points which corresponds to 100%. Second rating is calculated according to the formula: t – current assessment= average grade for practical training (laboratory works, seminars) + average grade for students’ self-tuition work under teacher’s supervision + average grade for students’ self-tuition work, r - intermediate assessment (boundary control). Allowance rating in the student’s final grade comes to minimum60 %, therefore the trainees’ semester grade on the discipline is defined according to the formula:
A trainee is considered to be admitted to an exam if his/her semester grade is higher or equal to 30%. In case of non-availability of intermediate controls the allowance rating is calculated according to current grades. In case of big number of intermediate assessments there is calculated a corresponding number of ratings, in the end of semester the average rating is calculated.