3) Encoded character (symbols, abbreviations): “Agreements concluded by the Member States Article 234 EC rights of non-member States derived from agreement concluded prior to the EEC Treaty are not affected by the EЕС Treaty. The particular status of YATT Article 22 EC...” “National Courts are bound to set aside national legislation found to be incompatible with directly effective provisions of Community law...” (The Community legal Order..., Sept., 1993, Brussels). 4) A general syntactical mode of combining several pronouncements into one sentence: “Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind such as race, colour, sex, language, religious, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status (from Declaration of Human Rights). Formulas of greeting, parting, politeness, gratitude. The structure of the business letter: · The heading; · The reference; · The date; · The inside address; · The opening salutation; · The body; · The complimentary close; · Enclosure. Rd Avenue West Seattle, WA 98199 August 1995 Dear Mrs Nickisher Thank you for your very nice letter. I would be very happy to meet you when you are in England. You are welcome to visit us at LTS in Bath which is 90 minutes by train from London. The early part of October is not possible for me as I am abroad doing a training seminar. Later in the month will be better. At the moment the week of 23-27 October looks good, but this can change.