Shortened words, contracted forms of auxiliaries, ellipsis;
2. Intensifiers (awfully, terribly, terrifically) 3. Emotionally colored words; Dear, sweet, old Charlie, duckie. Wasn’t she beautiful! Dear me! Well! Why! There! 4. Time – fillers (as a matter of fact, in fact, well!, to tell you the truth) 5. Words of the most general character (thing, lot …) 6. Occasional words, neologisms. “ To think that I should have lived to be good-morninged by Belladonna Took’s son!” (A.T.) 7. Slang, jargon. ‘Oh, but wasn’t T.D. stewed! Say, he was simply ossified! What did Gladys say to him?’ 8. VULGARISMS: on earth, the devil, the hell, lousy: What the hell do you mean? Phonetically: casual pronunciation: ‘ Watch ma call it? Gimmi cupa tea!’ Morphologically: composite verbs: Retire – go away, arrest – run in, betray – let down. Syntactically: Ellipses, Redundancy, Parenthesis, Tautology, Double negation, Repetition: “You are crazy, you are!” - “I’ll tell you what…’’Don’t you ever say it again! Don’t you mind! “You be careful!” Imperative constructions (voluntative function): You be careful! Don’t you ever say so again! Don’t you mind! Postpositional adverbs : Come on, Nervy! Out with it! Claws in, you cat! Off with you and undress! (B. Shaw) Questions (polite formulae ): Will you please (kindly) …? Would you mind closing the door? Subjunctive clauses: (wish + would + Infinitive): I wish you’d behave properly. I want you to behave properly. COMPRESSION: It’s, isn’t, don’t; ECONOMY: Been traveling all the winter. – Egypt, Italy and that chuckled America! – I gather! (Galswarthy) REDUDANCY: Well! I mean, like as if; Don’t give no riddles! PHATIC and EMOTIVE functions:Intensifiers: do, does, actually, in fact, indeed, really, undoubtedly, seem: You really did go a little too far!