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Fall apart

fall apart & falls apart falling apart fell apart fallen apart

1. fall apart p.v. When the parts of something become completely separated because it is old or in bad condition, it falls apart.

These old shoes are starting to fall apart.

There's no way to fix this thing. It has completely fallen apart.

2. fall apart p.v. When a plan, arrangement, system, or agreement fails, it falls apart.

After five difficult years, their marriage totally fell apart.

The peace agreement is slowly falling apart.

3. fall apart p.v. When people suddenly lose control and start laughing or become very upset or emotional, they fall apart.

Sally fell apart when she heard the tragic news.

Tom was so funny at the party last night that I just fell apart laughing.

get back at            
get back at & gets back at getting back at got back at gotten/got back at


1. get back at p.v. When you get back at people, you do something bad to them because they have done something bad to you.

John won't forget what you did to him. He'll definitely get back at you someday.

She wants to get back at her ex-husband for the way he treated her.

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
go about                
    go about & goes about going about went about gone about


1. go about p.v. When you go about something or go about doing something, you begin or continue to follow all the steps necessary to do it.

/ have no idea how to go about opening a restaurant. Everyday he quietly went about his business and never caused any problems.

grow out of            
grow out of & grows out of growing out of grew out of grown out of


1..grow out of p.v. When people become too tall or too big to wear an item of clothing, they grow out of the item of clothing.

/ bought Susie's shoes one size too big, but she's quickly growing out of them.

Do you want these clothes for your daughter? Mine has grown out of them.

2. grow out of p.v. When people become too mature for a toy, for an interest, or for a form of behavior, they have grown out of it.

Judy had a big crush on a rock star when she was in high school, but after a while she grew out of it.

Jim's son is going through a difficult stage, but he'll grow out of it in a couple of years.

head into head into & heads into heading into headed into headed into

1. head into p.v. When you head into or are headed into a place or area, you begin to enter it.

/ almost had an accident as I was heading into town.

We scared away the bear, and it headed slowly into the woods.

Jim was headed into Ashland when his car broke down.

Rip up

rip up & rips up ripping up ripped up ripped up

1. rip...up p.v. When you tear paper or cloth into many pieces, you rip it up.

Nancy was furious when she read Tom's letter, and she angrily ripped it up. Always rip up a check before you put it in the wastebasket.

ripped up part.adj. After a piece of paper or cloth has been torn into many small piece, it is ripped up.

After the kids opened their Christmas presents, the floor was covered with ripped up paper.

    present tense -ing form past tense past particip
wear down                
wear down & wears down wearing down wore down worn down


1. wear... down p.v. When something wears down or when someone wears something down, the top or surface gradually disappears because of friction.

The feet of thousands of visitors a year have worn down the marble steps.

The mechanic told me that my car's brake pads have worn down badly and need to be replaced.

worn down part.adj. After the top or surface of something has gradually disappeared because of friction, it is worn down.

The marble steps are very old and worn down.

The tread on these tires is dangerously worn down.

2. wear... down p.v. When people wear you down, they gradually persuade you, through persistent pressure, to change your mind about a decision.

He wouldn't tell me the answer, but little by little, I wore him down.

She still will not give us permission, but I think we're wearing her down.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 472. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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