Goof around
goof around & goofs around goofing around goofed around goofed around 1. goof around p.v. [informal] When you waste time playing or doing silly or unimportant things, you goof around. Fool around is the same as goof around. My brother drives his teachers crazy. He constantly goofs around and creates problems. Stop goofing around and get to work.
1. help... out (with) p.v. When you help out or help people out, you assist them in doing some work or you lend or give them money or something else that they need. Can you help me out? I need a hundred bucks until payday. We had a lot of work to do, so Maria helped out. Know about know about & knows about knowing about knew about known about 1. know about p.v. When you know about a situation, plan, or other information, you are aware of it. Jim isn't here. Maybe he doesn't know about the schedule change. Thanks for telling me, but I already know all about it. 2. know about p.v. When you have studied something and learned it, you know about it. I don't know much about history. I was a business major. Knowing about art and being an artist are two different things.