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EXERCISE 36d, Review — Complete the sentences with these participle adjectives from previous sections. To check their meanings, review the section number given after each one.

burned up, 22 locked in, 30 punched in,30 spaced-out, 30
cleaned out, 32 locked out, 30 punched out, 30 sorted out, 30
emptied out, 32 paid up, 22 put out, 30 torn off, 27
left out, 32 plugged up, 22 shaken up, 24    


1. David's totally ________________ today. He has even forgotten his girlfriend's name.

2. I like this coat, but I don't know what size it is because the tag's________ _______,

3. I don't know why that guy from the collection agency called me — all my bills are ________ ________.

4. Nicole hasn't ________ ________ yet. Either she's late for work or she forgot.

5. Mark borrowed Bob's car and had an accident, and Mark's really ________ ________ about it.

6. The manager wondered why I wasn't working, but after I told her I was ________ ________, she said it was okay.

7. Take this medicine. It's great for ________ ________ noses.

8. Do you have a key? I'm ________ ________ and can't get out.

9. Do you have a key? I'm ________ ________ and can't get in.

10. Jane's really ________ ________. She just found out that her brother was murdered.

11. Jim's socks are mixed with his brother's socks. They're not ________ ________.

12. No one wants to sit with me in the school lunchroom, and it makes me feel ________ ________.

13. My mother was really ________ ________ when Aunt Kathy said our house wasn't very clean.

14. Why isn't the basement ________ ________ yet? I told you I'm tired of looking at this junk!

15. There's nothing in the room. It's all ________ ________.

EXERCISE 36e, Review — Complete the sentences with these phrasal verbs from previous sections. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense. To check their meanings, review the section number given after each one.

blow up, 33 come about, 33 make of, 35 pull off, 33
care for, 31 do without, 31 make out, 29 put off, 31
catch on, 33 go out, 32 narrow down, 35 stick to, 34
clean out, 32 lock out, 30 plan on, 31 wash up, 30


1. Several bodies from the crashed plane ________ ________ the day after the crash.

2. After mother had a stroke, we had to hire nurses to ________ ________ her.

3. My father was seventy-two years old when he got his first computer, but he ________ _______ right away, and now he uses it all the time.

4. The President had a lot of big plans when he took office, but few of them ever ________ ________.

5. Mark wasn't successful as a singer. He should have ________ ________ songwriting — that's what he does best.

6. How did you ________ ________ on your final exam?

7. I had to crawl in through the window after my daughter closed the door and ________ me ________ of the house.

8. This situation is very strange. I don't know what to ________ ________ it.

9.1 have to finish my project tonight, and I haven't even started it. I ________ it _______ until the last minute.

10. No one thought Frank could run a mile in less than four minutes, but he ________ it ________.


11. I really depend on my laptop computer when I travel on business. I don't know how I ever _______ _________it.

12. George and Linda ________ ________ for three years before they got married.

13. Several people were killed when the bomb ________ ________.

14. Bob and Marsha aren't________ ________spending more than $250,000 for their

new house.

15. My divorce settlement cost me a lot of money. It almost _______ me _______.

16. The FBI started with a list of six suspects, but they _______ it ________ to two.

37. FOCUS ON: phrasal verbs used as nouns, 3

When phrasal verbs are used as nouns, the verb is usually in the infinitive form;

however, a small number use a different form of the verb.

For example, left over and grow up use the past participle:

We ate leftovers the day after Thanksgiving.

The grown-ups sat at one table, and the children sat at another.

talk to and go over use the - ing form:

Mr. Young gave his son a good talking-to.

Before I buy this car, I'm going to give it a good going-over.

and grown-up uses the past participle:

Only grown-ups are allowed to drive.

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
brush off brush off & brushes off brushing off brushed off brushed off


1. brush...off p.v. When you brush people off, you ignore them or refuse to listen to them because you are not interested in or do not like what they are saying.

My boss just brushes me off when I try to tell her how to increase our profits.

The reporters tried to ask him some questions, but he brushed them off.

brush-off n. When you give people the brush-off, you ignore them or refuse to listen to them because you are not interested in or do not like what they are saying.

The boss just gave me the brush-off when I tried to give him some advice. 2. brush... off p.v. When you brush off a critical remark or problem, you ignore it

and continue as before without letting it affect you.

I told Dr. Smith that he had made a mistake, but he brushed it off.

My father's cholesterol is very high, but he just brushes it off.

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
come on come on & comes on coming on came on come on


1. come on p.v. When an electrical device or machine comes on, it begins to operate, usually automatically. Go off is the opposite of come on.

It was so cold that the heat came on last night.

When you open the refrigerator door, the light comes on automatically.

2. come on p.v. When a television or radio program comes on, it begins.

Do you know when the news will come on?

The late movie comes on at 1:00 a.m.

3. come on p.v. When you want to encourage people to do something or when you want them to do something quickly, you say "Come on!";

Believe me, you're going to love this garlic ice cream. Come on, try it!

Come on! I can't wait all day.

4. come on p.v. [informal] When you think that people have done or said something improper or unreasonable, you say "Come on.";

Tom didn't study for one minute, and you're telling me he got 100 on the test? Oh, come on.

Hey, come on! I told you not to do that again.

5. come on p.v. [always continuous] When you begin to feel a headache or an illness developing, you feel the headache or illness coming on.

I might be sick tomorrow; I feel something coming on.

I feel a headache coming on. Do you have any aspirin?

6. come on p.v. When you come on a certain way, you speak or deal with people in that way.

Paul needs to learn to be more of a gentleman. He comes on too strong, and women don't like that.

Bob comes on kind of arrogant, but he's actually a nice guy.

7. come on (to) p.v. [informal] When you come on to people, you approach them and try to interest them in romance or sex.

Toad came on to Judy at the party, and she told him to get lost.

I can't stand that guy Ned. He's always coming on to me.

come-on n. [informal] A provocative comment or action intended to interest a person in romance or sex is a come-on.


Todd uses the same come-on with all the girls, and it never works.

come-on n. A discount or special offer designed to get people to buy something is a come-on.

The bank is offering a free VCR as a come-on if you open an account with them.

    present tense -ing form past tense past partic
cover up cover up & covers up covering up covered up covered u


1. cover... up p.v. When you cover something completely, you cover it up.

I covered the cake up so no bugs would land on it.

Cover this stuff up — I don't want anyone to see it.

covered up part.adj. After something has been completely covered, it is covered up. Is the meat covered up? I don't want flies to land on it.

2. cover... up p.v. When you cover up a crime, you do something to try to prevent other people from learning of it.

There's no point in trying to cover up the crime. Too many people already know about it.

The mayor was accused of covering up his ties to organized crime.

cover-up n. Something you do in order to prevent a crime from becoming known is a cover-up.

The mayor denied being part of a cover-up and claimed he was innocent.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 482. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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