Студопедия — Leave over left over
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Leave over left over

1. leave over p.v. [always passive] When something is left over, it remains after people have used or taken as much of it as they need or want.

I guess I made too much food; look how much is left over.

I paid all my bills and had only $ 17 left over.

leftover part.adj. Something that is left over remains after people have used or taken as much of it as they need or want.

You can have this leftover pasta for lunch tomorrow.

leftovers n. [always plural] Food items that remain uneaten after people have finished eating are leftovers.

Leftovers again? When are we going to have something different for dinner?

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
Let down let down & lets down letting down let down let down


1. let...down p.v. When you promise people you will do something and then fail to do it, you let them down.

My son promised to stop using drugs, but he let me down.

I really need you to help me move tomorrow. Please don't let me down.

let down part.adj. When people promise you they will do something and then fail to do it, you feel let down. When you are disappointed because you cannot have something you want to have, because you cannot do something you want to do, or because something is less exciting than you expected it to be, you feel let down.

You broke your promise to me that you would quit smoking. I feel very let down.

letdown n. When you say that something is a letdown, you are disappointed because you cannot have or cannot do something you want to or because something is less exciting than you expected it to be.

I had tickets for the fifth game of the World Series, but my team lost in four games. What a letdown.

After the way everyone talked about how great the movie was, I thought it was something of a letdown.

payoff pay off & pays off paying off paid off paid off

1. pay... off p.v. When you pay off money that you owe or pay off the person you owe the money to, you pay all the money that you owe.

I wasn't happy with the people we hired to paint our house. I paid them off and told them not to return.

It took ten years, but I finally paid off my school loan.

paid off part.adj. After you pay all the money that you owe to someone or to a lending institution, the debt or loan is paid off.

I made my last payment yesterday, and now my car loan is paid off.

2. pay... off p.v. When you pay people money so that they will do something illegal or allow you to do something illegal, you pay them off.

The politician tried to cover up the crime by paying off the witnesses.

Don't expect the police in this city to do anything about gambling — they're being paid off.

payoff n. A payoff is money paid to someone to do something illegal or to allow you to do something illegal.

The chief of police was videotaped accepting a payoff.

3. pay off p.v. When something you do pays off, it is successful and is worth the effort you made.

Medical school is a lot of hard work, but it'll pay off someday.

The restaurant changed its menu, and it really paid off. Business increased by 30 percent.

payoff n. A benefit you gain because of an effort you make is a payoff.

Linda doesn't get paid for the volunteer work she does.

The payoff isknowing that she has helped other people.

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
talk to talk to & talks to talking to talked to talked to


1. talk to p.v. When you talk to people, you have a conversation with them.

Are you talking to me?

I don't like Bob. He talks to me like I'm some kind of idiot.

talking-to n. A talking-to is a serious discussion in which you scold or lecture someone.

Dan's behavior is outrageous. Someone should give him a good talking-to.

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